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EU Nature Directives and the establishment of Natura 2000 network in Serbia. Dr. Andreas Ranner Office: Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Europaplatz 1, A-7000 Eisenstadt Andreas.Ranner@univie.ac.at. Nature conservation in the European Union. Two directives of main importance:
EU Nature Directives and the establishment of Natura 2000 network in Serbia Dr. Andreas Ranner Office: Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Europaplatz 1, A-7000 Eisenstadt Andreas.Ranner@univie.ac.at
Nature conservation in the European Union Two directives of main importance: • Birds Directive (1979) • Habitats Directive (1992) What is an „EU-Directive“?Legal prescription that has to be transposed into national law(s), not word for word but aims of the Directive have to be met.Conservation legislation, hunting legislation, fishery legislation etc. Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Birds Directive(formerly Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979) Governs conservation, human use and control of wild birds within the EU Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
General scheme of protection • Protection of all naturally occurring bird species in the wild. • This includes their eggs and nests. • Prohibition of: • Deliberate killing or capture by any method • Destruction, damage to eggs, nests; taking of eggs • Deliberate disturbance with significant effects • Keeping of birds that must not be hunted or captured. Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Some main provisions • The protection of migratory birds is a fundamental principle of the Birds Directive • Preservation, maintenance and re-establishment of a sufficient diversity and area of habitats for all species • Hunting of bird species only listed in Annex II • Regulation of trade in wild birds (Annex III) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Site Protection • Designation of the most suitable territories in number and size as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for species / subspecies of Annex I of the directive Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Annex I • Includes 192 taxa • 174 species as a whole • 18 distinct subspecies of other species • Strong representation of: Ciconiiformes, Falconiformes, Sternidae, Strigidae, Piciformes Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Annex I • Includes also several widespread or dispersed species - difficulties in a site-based approach • Grouse, forest owls, woodpeckers et al. • Several species regionally common resp. not threatened eg. Pernis apivorus, Dryocopus martius, Lanius collurio • EU-wide instrument, limited comparability with list of nationally threatened species Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Migratory species Article 4 (2) requires designation of SPAs for migratory bird species, that are not on Annex I • Especially wetlands of international importance • Waterbirds • Other species occuring in concentrations • Species for which site-based conservation makes sense Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Selection and protection of SPAs • Directive offers little help for the selection process • No thresholds for „most suitable territories in number and size“ • Some clarification by important ECJ caselaw • Targeted legal act • Obligation to designate SPAs cannot be replaced by other special protection measures or by „just“ national protection status! Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
SPA vs IBA • Important Bird Areas – IBAs regarded as valid reference basis by EC and ECJ • IBA-criteria as valid approximation to missing clear (numerical) SPA-criteria • 3 categories of criteriaA – globalB – EuropeanC – European Union • C6 –up to 5 sites for Annex I species per NUTS region • Any SPA should meet at least one C-criterion Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Habitats Directive Safeguard of biodiversity through the conservation of natural habitat types, animal and plant species Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Main aims • Restore or maintain a favourable conservation status of habitats and species of community interest (= from all annexes) • Creation of a coherent network of protected sites – Natura 2000 • Monitoring of conservation status • Complete protection of certain threatened species (Annex IV) • Possibility of regulation of human use of some species (Annex V) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Favourable conservation status • Important concept introduced by Habitats Directive • Not explicitly mentioned in the Birds Directive • Target features have to be able to maintain themselves viable on a long-term basis: Range, numbers, structure & functions stable or increasing Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Site protection – Natura 2000 • Creation of a coherent European ecological network of Special Areas for Conservation (SACs) • Habitat types of Annex I • Species of Annex II • Also includes SPAs designated under the Birds Directive Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Natura 2000 • Peculiarities and innovative elements: • Selective conservtion: for certain target habitat types and species • Systematic approach to site selection • Coherence of the whole network • Formulation of conservation objectives and management measures for each site • Rules for the assessment of projects and plans • Monitoring of results Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Annex I • declining, small-scale or otherwise outstanding habitat types • 231 habitat types from coastal habitats to forests and high mountain habitats Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Annex II • threatened, rare or endemic species • 304 animal species, strong representation of bats, fish, beetles, butterflies • 585 plant species including 30 species of moss Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Selection of SACs Basic requirements • 9 biogeographic regions in the EU • 3 in Serbia (pannonian, continental,alpine) • Reference lists of habitats and species for the biogeographic regions within each MS • Reference manual for habitat types • Good data on distribution (maps) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Selection principles • Sites shall host a sufficiently large and representative sample of each habitat type and each species present in a biogeographic region • There should be a proportionate response: higher proportion of rare habitats or species shall be included into sites than for more abundant ones. Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Selection criteria • Geographic distribution must be covered • Ecolgoical/genetic Variation must be reflected • „Uniqueness“: the only significant occurrence • „High national value“: Most representative samples shall be included • „High diversity“: sites with a high number of habitats/species • Network coherence: sites with a relevant role to ensure the coherence (migration rutes, relic location, ecological corridor…) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Delimitation of sites • Definition of site-boundaries only according to scientific criteria • No taking account of socio-economic requirements or interests (not even of „overriding“ public interest) when choosing and defining site-boundaries Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Designation of sites • Submission of completed Standard Data Form (SDB) • Creation and submission of site map Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
SAC selection process • MS produces a list of site proposals: pSCIs • Biogeographic seminars: Selection of SCIs in a joint consultation of MS, European Commission, external experts (NGOs, ...) • > 60 % representation: sufficient • < 20 % representation: insufficient • between 20 and 60 %: case by case • MS provides protection within 6 years: SACs Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Birds Directive Hab.-Directive Annex 1 Migr. species MS Annex. I Habitat types Annex II Species SACs SPAs Process between EC and MS pSCIs / SCIs Natura 2000 Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Size-reduction or deletion of sites • Only possible when those areas are not the most suitable for the relevant species (anymore) because • They have been designated erroneously • They have lost their importance due to non-anthropogenic reasons (eg changes of range), including climate-change Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
What are the consequences for a site of becoming a Natura 2000 area ? (SPA, SAC or both) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Management • Management plan or at least some kind of appropriate conservation measures • Appropriate statutory, administrative or contractual measures • Not obligatory for SPAs, but equally useful • Protected area managementExample Austria: PA caretakers, local steering groups (only in some areas) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Necessity for good data • Definition of clear conservation objectives • Good overview on land-use, impacts, threats • Definition of necessary management measures • Financing • Monitoring • Involvement of relevant stakeholders Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Non-deterioration • No deterioration of natural habitats or habitat for species (target habitats and species) • No significant disturbance to (target) species • = Conservation status of target features must not deteriorate • Target features have to be able to maintain themselves on a long-term basis (range, numbers, structure & functions) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Projects and Plans • Appropriate assessment • Procedure laid down in Art. 6(2)-(4) of the Habitats Directive • Also applicable to SPAs Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Impacts of plans or projects must not adversely affect the integrity of the site • Agreement to projects or plans only after ascertion that they will have no adverse effects – no prove of adverse effects necessary! • If assessment of effects is negative, agreement to plan or project only for imperative reasons of overriding public interest (IROPI) • Compensation measures necessary • For priority targets opinion of the Commission necessary (except public health or safetey) • Assessment also for ongoing activities with regular permits Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Ongoing land-use: Agriculture • „regular“ agriculture (current/traditional practices) mostly not affected • Opportunities through additional funding for extensive use or set-asides • Involvement of farmers important • Mostly voluntary involvement/measures • Intensification, change of methods can cause problems (eg. afforestation for energy-wood) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Financing Some main sources: • LIFE+ as a main instrument for targeted conservation activities • Natura 2000 designation as prerequisite • Agri-environment funds, rural development funds • Depending on national implementation good possibilities for financing of management measures • Importance of shaping of national programs • Agri-environment funds: concentration on Natura 2000 sites • RDF also for forestry measures (eg nest protection) • Necessary incentives for voluntary measures • Structural funds Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Opportunities • Win-win scenarios through clever use of agri-environment or other funds for Natura 2000 • Local involvement through local steering bodies including relevant stakeholders • Impetus for promoting regional/local products, tourism (eco-tourism), publicity (branding) • Natura 2000 is within the EU the main instrument for the conservation of biodiversity (eg obligations under Bern, Ramsar, Biodiv Convention) Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Non-designation of SPAs • „factual SPA“: site that has not been designated, although it fulfills the criteria (eg IBA) • Art. 6 Habitats Directive is not applicable • Instead: Art. 4 (4) – „avoid ... deterioration of habitats or any disturbances... as these would be significant“ • In theory stronger protection (no reference to overriding public interests - IROPI)! Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Situation in EU27 Network still not complete Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Sufficiency still not reached Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000
Thank you for your attention Workshop „Building Capacity“, Zrenjanin, 27-28October 2010 Andreas Ranner: EU Nature Directives, Natura 2000