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CANADA – cities Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu.

CANADA – cities Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: 20. 07. 2013 Klíčová slova : CANADA – cities – Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg

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CANADA – cities Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu.

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  1. CANADA – cities Autor:Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření:20.07.2013 Klíčová slova: CANADA – cities– Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg Anotace:prezentace je určena na získání základních znalostí o významných velkoměstech Kanady. Ve zpracovaném materiálu jsou také cvičení k procvičení.

  2. Způsob využití:určeno pro výklad a procvičení základních znalostí o významných velkoměstech Kanady.Tyto znalosti je možno využít u maturity z anglického jazyka na středních školách. Číslo šablony: VY_32_INOVACE_ANJ_16

  3. CANADA – cities CITIES • The capitals of a majority of provinces are known as competitors of the National Hockey League (NHL) - Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto and Calgary. • Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. Toronto(Ontario) • The biggest city in Canada is Toronto. Toronto is a city of many nationalities. The largest group are the Italians, who create 8% of Toronto’s population. Toronto lies on the coast of Lake Ontario, so it can easily transport anything from and to industrial centres in USA such as Detroit.

  4. CANADA – cities CITIES Toronto(Ontario) • There are many interesting buildings, not onlythe Canadian Tower. The new Toronto City Hall is a very interesting building, which is using modern architectonic technologies. Montreal(Quebec) • Montreal is the second biggest city in Canada. Montreal is situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River. It is one of the oldest cities in Canada, because its history started in 1667.

  5. CANADA – cities CITIES Montreal(Quebec) • TodayMontreal is one of the largest ports in the world. It is a centre of international events in Canada (1976 Summer Olympic Games). In Montreal there are the most important French-speaking universities in Canada. Vancouver • The third biggest city in Canada is Vancouver. Vancouver is the largest city on the west coastof the Pacific Ocean. It is a modern city.

  6. CANADA – cities CITIES Vancouver • Almost all buildings are younger than 100 years, because old wooden Vancouver was burned down in 1886. It is an important transport crossing. There is a harbour and many highways and railroads. Ottawa • Canada’s capital is Ottawa located in the province of Ontario. Ottawa is “only” the capital of Canada, but it is not the capital of Ontario.

  7. CANADA – cities CITIES Ottawa • That role is played by Toronto, where one of the world’s tallest structure, Canadian Tower, was built. Calgary • Calgary is a city in the province of Alberta. It is situated on the Bow River in the south of the province. Calgary has about 1,100,000 inhabitants. • Economic activity in Calgary is mostly centred on the oil industry and agriculture.Calgary is famous as the organiser of the winter Olympic Games in 1988.

  8. CANADA – cities CITIES Edmonton • Edmonton is the capital city of the province Alberta. Edmonton is located on the North Saskatchewan River. • Population is not so big as in Calgary, it is “only” about 800,000 inhabitants.Edmonton is a culturaland educational centre. • It is home of America's largest mall, West Edmonton Mall (the world's largest mall(nákupnístředisko) from 1981 until 2004) and Fort Edmonton Park, Canada's largest living history museum.

  9. CANADA – cities CITIES Winnipeg • Winnipeg is the capital and largest city of Manitoba. • Population is about 750,000 inhabitants. • It is located at the confluence(soutok) of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The city is found on the eastern edge of the Canadian Prairies. • The Winnipeg area was a trading centre for Aboriginal peoples before the arrival of Europeans. • The economy of Winnipeg includes finance, manufacturing, food and beverage production, culture, retail and tourism sectors.

  10. CANADA – cities CVIČENÍ Choose the correct answer(s): 1. The capital of Canada is ……… . • Calgary • Montreal • Ottawa • Toronto 2. Toronto lies on the coast of Lake…….. . • Ontario • Michigan • Superior • Huron

  11. CANADA – cities CVIČENÍ Fill in the gaps with information from the ellipse below the text to get correct statements. You will not use all information there. • Montreal is situated on an island in the ……… river. • Summer Olympic Games were in ………. in 1976. • Winter Olympic Games were in ……… in 1988. • The capital city of the province Alberta is ……… . Calgary Edmonton Winnipeg Vancouver St. Lawrence Hudson Calgary Montreal Toronto

  12. Zpracoval: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Bibliografie: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto • http://www.bridge-online.cz/aitom/upload/maturita/temata/21_canada_basic_facts.pdf

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