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Welcome to Pink Shark Marketing! Our instagram advertising company in Los Angeles consider an integral feature to attract more users into a business. To know more call us at (323) 498-2367.
T h e Im p a ct O f In s ta g ra m A d v e rtisin g O n S o cia l M e d ia Ever since of inception of communication, businesses are constantly pursuing various methods to advertise their products or services, everyone is striving for the next innovation that will propel their brand to a global entity. But, as time progressed people gained access to more information with minimal efforts through the internet. It eliminated some boundaries faced in marketing as through the right message, anyone can achieve global exposure. All they need is an enticing platform, and a concise mode to communicate. Probably, the only social media channel offering all these facilities is Instagram. C O N U N D R U M C O N T E X T In simple terms, it is the leading social media platform, but the elucidation is much more complicated. As of March 2017, this channel had more than one million active users, and in just three months, these numbers skyrocketed to two million. That? s an enormous growth in such a relatively small time. As an understatement, it has evolved into a diverse online community, yet to reach its full marketing potential.
C L A IM S T O S U P P O R T The upgrades and enhancements in recent months can be concluded as the fuel behind the success. Instagram offers a better engagement rate than its counterparts, as people are more likely to click on these ads than any other media channels. This may sound trivial on statements, but for small businesses seeking to entice relevant target users, it could be a critical factor for a successful promotion. C R U C IA L B E N E F IT S If the aforementioned advantages aren? t appealing enough, Instagram is a growing community that perpetually expands its horizons to play an essential role in marketing campaigns. Most of the people use their smartphones to engage online, and most of them have this social app installed. So, by producing high-quality media content, these leads could be transformed into prospects. Out of all available media channels, it has multi-platform integration, which means consumers of various platforms could be integrated to discover a brand and perform some kind of activity. Many instagram advertising companies in Los Angeles consider these as an integral feature to attract more users into a business. C O N C L U D IN G A B S T R A C T Presumably, the biggest benefit of this social channel is that irrespective of the advantages it offers, they all will expand. More updates in the future will bring better opportunities for brands, and this future now seems evident as a growing number of ventures have unlocked their share of rewards from Instagram advertising. E X P L O R E O U R S O C IA L M E D IA P A G E S