Video Art Part 1
This is the First Television Set in the World: The “Baird Televisor”, 1928 . An early experimental and demonstration “Baird-type” television receiver with 30 lines, and Nipkow disc which turned with a speed of 750 rpm producing 12 1/2 pictures per second. The motor still runs on a standard 18-volt battery. A spectacular demonstration model of the birth of television!.
Wolf Vostell was the first artist in art history to integrate a television set into a work of art. This installation was created in 1958 under the title Cycle Black Room/Deutscher Ausblick ("German view") is now part of the collection of the art museum Berlinische Galerie in Berlin. Early works with television sets are Transmigracion I-III from 1958 and Elektronischer De-coll/age Happening Raum[3], (E.D.H.R), ("Electronic De-coll/age Happening Room"), an Installation, from 1968. Wolf Vostell Dé-coll/ages From 1958 on… Sculpture with TV
Vostell's large-scale happening 9 Nein Décollagen (9 No – Dé-coll/ages) took place on 14 September 1963 in nine different locations in Wuppertal, and was organized by the Galerie Parnass. The audience was ferried by bus from location to location, including a cinema that screened Sun in Your Head while people lay on the floor. The film transfers to the moving image Vostell’s principle of ‘Décollage’. While up to then Vostell had altered TV pictures as they were being broadcast, he was now able to compose the temporal sequence. Since no video equipment was available in 1963, Vostell instructed camera-man Edo Jansen to film distorted TV images off the TV screen. The film was re-edited and copied to video in 1967. Wolf Vostell 9 No – Dé-coll/ages 1963 - 67 Film/video performance
Nam June Paik Magnet TV 1965 Magnet with TV and broadcast program
Nam June Paik TV Buddha 1974 closed circuit video installation with bronze sculpture
Nam June Paik Video Flag 1984-96 video installation
Nam June Paik Electronic Superhighway 1995 video installation
Nam June Paik video still from Global Groove 1973 color videotape, sound30 minutes
EVL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qh6jRzjmcY&feature=related (1973) http://www.youtube.com/evltube (2011) Moog Synthesizer (Demo): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLQy4jQmrek&feature=topics Moog History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usl_TvIFtG0 Dan Sandin Sandin Analogue Image Processor 1971-1973 Analog computer video synthesizer
"In a startling collusion of form and content, Jonas constructs a theater of female identity by deconstructing representations of the female body and the technology of video. Using an interrupted electronic signal -- or "vertical roll" -- as a dynamic formal device, she dislocates space, re-framing and fracturing the image." Joan Jonas Vertical Roll 1972 video
Chris Burden Late Night Advertisements (Through the Night Softly) Early 70s Video on Broadcast Television
Bruce Nauman Live-Taped Video Corridor 1970 video installation
The time-lag of eight seconds is the outer limit of the neurophysiological short-term memory that forms an immediate part of our present perception and affects this «from within». If you see your behavior eight seconds ago presented on a video monitor «from outside» you will probably therefore not recognize the distance in time but tend to identify your current perception and current behavior with the state eight seconds earlier. Since this leads to inconsistent impressions which you then respond to, you get caught up in a feedback loop. You feel trapped in a state of observation, in which your self-observation is subject to some outside visible control. In this manner, you as the viewer experience yourself as part of a social group of observed observers [instead of, as in the traditional view of art, standing arrested in individual contemplation before an auratic object]. Dan Graham Time Delay Room 1974video camera, video taper, video monitors, mirror