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Designing Training That Works The 8-Fold Path

Designing Training That Works The 8-Fold Path. Three – phase, 8-step process to designing training programs. Step 1 - Needs Analysis. Where are the gaps between performance and expectation? Individual? Job? Department? Organization? What solutions, including training, are available?.

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Designing Training That Works The 8-Fold Path

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  1. Designing Training That WorksThe 8-Fold Path Three – phase, 8-step process to designing training programs

  2. Step 1 - Needs Analysis • Where are the gaps between performance and expectation? Individual? Job? Department? Organization? • What solutions, including training, are available?

  3. Step 2 - Derive Objectives Derive Criteria • What is to be learned? (objective) • How do we know if it was learned? (criteria)

  4. Step 3 - Select Methods • What different instructional method(s) will succeed? • Which are cost-effective?

  5. Step 4 – Pre-test Trainees • How proficient in skills are trainees prior to training? • Will measures of proficiency "contaminate" subsequent actions?

  6. Step 5 – Train! Is the training …. • clear in purpose, • consistent with learning principles, • focused on task, • appropriately arranged, • individualized to differing levels of trainee preparation?

  7. Step 6- Post-test • Were the learning objectives achieved?

  8. Step 7 – Transfer of Training • Did the new knowledge/beliefs/behavior/performance transfer positively to performance on the job?

  9. Step 8 – Modify/Solidify • What, if any, changes are needed to improve the training for next time? • Keep what works • Fix what doesn’t

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