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Structures, Specialties, & Pathology

Explore the intricate structures of the urinary system, specialties like nephrology, and common pathologies such as renal failure and nephritis. Learn about symptoms, treatments, and conditions affecting the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra.

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Structures, Specialties, & Pathology

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  1. Structures, Specialties, & Pathology Urinary system Ch 9

  2. Structures • Kidneys • 2 layers that surround the renal pelvis • Renal cortex • the outer layer • Contains over one million nephrons • Renal medulla • Inner layer • Contains most of the urine-collecting tubules

  3. Structures • Nephrons • Glomerulus • Renal pelvis • Ureters • Carry urine from kidneys to bladder • 10 to 12 inches long • Bladder • Hollow muscular organ • Located in the anterior portion of the pelvic cavity • Holds about one pint of urine

  4. Structures • Urethra • Two urinary sphincters, one at each end • Urethral meatus or urinary meatus is the external opening of the urethra • Female urethra is about 1.5 inches long • Male urethra is about 8 inches

  5. Specialties • Nephrologist • Specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the kidneys • Urologist • Specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and the genitourinary system of males

  6. Pathology • Renal failure • Acute renal failure • Chronic renal failure • Anuria • End-stage renal disease • Uremia • Uremic poisoning • A toxic condition caused by excessive amount of urea and other waste products in the bloodstream

  7. Pathology • Nephrotic syndrome • Edema • Hyperlipidemia • Hypoproteinuria • Hyperproteinuria • Abnormally high concentration of protein in the urine

  8. Pathology • Kidneys • Glomerulonephritis • Hydronephrosis • Dilation of the renal pelvis of one or both kidneys. • The result of an obstruction of the flow of urine • Nephrectasis • Distention of a kidney

  9. Pathology • Nephritis • Nephroptosis • Nephropyosis • Pyelitis • Pyelonephritis • Inflammation of the renal pelvis and of the kidney • Renal colic

  10. Pathology • Stones • Calculus • Nephrolithiasis • Kidney stone • Cystolith • Stone found in the bladder

  11. Pathology • Ureters • Hydroureter • Ureterectasis • The distention of a ureter • Ureterorrhagia • Ureteralgia • Pain in the ureter • Ureterostenosis

  12. Pathology • Urinary bladder • Cystalgia • Bladder pain • Cystitis • Interstitial cystitis • Cystocele • Cystorrhagia • Bleeding from the bladder • UTI • Vesicovaginal fissure

  13. Pathology • Urethra • Reflux • Urethralgia • Urethritis • Urethrorrhagia • Urethrorrhea • urethrostenosis

  14. Pathology • Urethra continued • Abnormal openings • Epispadias • Hypospadias • Paraspadias • A congenital abnormality in males in which the urethral opening is on one side of the penis

  15. Pathology • Urination • Diuresis • The increased excretion of urine • Dysuria • Difficult or painful urination • Enuresis • Involuntary discharge of urine • Nocturnal enuresis also known as bed-wetting • Nocturia • Excessive urination during the night

  16. Oliguria • Polyuria • Excessive urination • Urinary retention • Incontinence • Stress incontinence • Urge incontinence

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