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Pirsq.com is an online B2B platform for manufacturer to sell their disposable and packaging material online in bulk. We aim to launch our cross branding platform by the beginning of next year which will allow companies to market themselves over disposables and packaging material
Custom Disposable Packaging Material ForaBetterEnvironment CustomPackagingmaterialsaretrendingthesedays. Theyareaverygoodpackingoption . Notonlyarethey easytocarryaroundbuttheyarealsogoodforthe environment. Pirsq.comoffersanarrayofcustom madedisposablepackagingitemsandmaterials. Few examplesofCustomPackagingMaterialAvailableat Pirsq.comaregivenbelow. PAPER MATERIAL ARECANUT ITEMS Papercanbeusedforalotof purposeslikemakingpaper bags, paperplates, tissues, paperpouches, pizzaboxes etc. Arecanutitemslikeplates, spoonsetc. areofgreat demandthesedays. DISPOSABLE CUTLERY KULLAD CUPS Disposablecutleryisgood touseatgatheringsand otheroccasions. Itiseasily disposableand biodegradable. Kulladcupsarebasically modernversionofearthen pots. Thesearecommonly usedtoserveteaandcoffee. Theyarenothingbutcups withatouchoftradition. C U S T O MP A C K A G I N G M A T E R I A LS U P P L I E R S I NB A N G A L O R E InfographicBy https://www.pirsq.com