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Are you an intercultural person?. Mariza Riva de Almeida marizalmeida@ufpr.br marizalmeida56@gmail.com. What do these pictures. have in common?. Heavy metal, piercing, potato chips, tatoos, cell phones and the way of life of different Indian tribes are all CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS.
Are you an intercultural person? Mariza Riva de Almeida marizalmeida@ufpr.br marizalmeida56@gmail.com
What do these pictures have in common?
Heavy metal, piercing, potato chips, tatoos, cell phones and the way of life of different Indian tribes are all CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS
After all, what’s culture? “Culture means human culture, the whole complex of traditional behaviour which has been developed by the human race and is successively learned by each generation... A culture is less precise. It can mean the forms of traditional behaviour which are characteristic of a certain society, or of a certain area, or of a certain period of time” (Margaret Mead, 1973)
Other definitions • “Os homens possuem modelos de pensar, agir e sentir que são aprendidos no decorrer da vida, sendo o primeiro local de aprendizagem a família. Estes modelos formam a especificidade de um grupo ou uma categoria.” (Hofstede, 1993) • “A cultura é inerente ao ser humano, que possui natureza social. Através da interação com os outros há o desenvolvimento e a transformação social, cultural e cognitiva, tornando o saber e a cultura algo coletivo.” (Vygotsky, 2000) • “Cultura é a busca de conhecimento sobre a natureza humana, sendo esta natureza humana vista de um modo dialético.” (Padilha, 2004)
The elements of culture, according to Gail Robinson • literature • arts • beliefs • customs • habits • values • music folklore institutions dress food artefacts leisure
The elements of culture, according to Gail Robinson literature arts music folklore artefacts clothing beliefs habits values customs food Institutions leisure
Culture and language • CHOMSKY: É inata, há um dispositivo de aquisição da linguagem presente em todo falante, podendo ser analisada independente do falante. Não analisa a cultura. • KRAMSCH: A linguagem simboliza a realidade cultural, sendo que a sua forma escrita torna a socialização e a propagação cultural possível e duradoura. • BAKHTIN: A linguagem é repleta de conteúdo e é ideologicamente marcada, sendo impossível separá-la do contexto.
Intercultural Competence “A habilidade de nos vermos como os outros nos vêem, de responder a eles e interagir com eles diante desta perspectiva. See yourself as others see you. E se todas as pessoas numa interação fizerem isto, então teremos uma troca mais política.” Michael Byram, 2003
Some people believe that a foreign language carries within it the power to impose cultural values. Therefore, studying a foreign language would mean submitting to a foreign language. Others see the teaching of a foreign language as a way to reflect upon their own language and identity, thus creating intercultural awareness.
But within differences! “What are British, Brazilian, Polish people like?” CLASS Region REGIÃO ÉPOCA Ethnicity CITY SEX “Well, it depends on.... ETNIAS SOCIAL GROUP AND STATUS NATION AGE EDUCATION CONTEXT TIME Cultures as “cakes” Zoom In: Hungarian textbook for secondary schools, 2001
Possible activities • Posters – contrasts and similarities • Postcards – observation/judgement What’s a stereotype? “A tendency to look for the typical and average, usually placed at the national level”
Possible activities Whichkindofstereotype is beingportrayed? Which cultural aspect is beinghighlighted?
MAROON 5 - THIS LOVE I was so high, I did not recognize The fire burning in her eyes The chaos that controlled my mind Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane Never to return again But always in my heart [Chorus] This love has taken it's toll on me She said goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice 'cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I tried my best to feed her appetite Keep her coming every night So hard to keep her satisfied Kept playing love like it was just a game Pretending to feel the same Then turn around and leave again [Chorus] I'll fix these broken things Repair your broken wings And make sure everything is alright My pressure on your hips Sinking my fingertips Into every inch of you 'Cause I know that's what you want me to do
The aim of Cultural Studies is to sharpen observation, encourage critical thinking about cultural stereotypes, and develop a tolerance of diversity while leading to a greater understanding of one’s own culture. In the end, it is not the cultural differences that matter, but the fact that people share a common humanity. Jack Scholes
Bibliography ANDRE, M.E.D.A. A Etnografia da Prática Escolar. Campinas: Papirus, 2003. BORTONI-RICARDO, S.M. O professor pesquisador. São Paulo: Parábola, 2008. CORBETT, J. An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching. Clevedon: Multicultural Matters, 2003. ______. Intercultural Language Activities. Cambridge: CUP, 2010. EAGLETON, T. A idéia de cultura. tradução Sandra Castello Branco. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2005.
FARACO, C.A. Linguagem & Diálogo: as idéias lingüísticas do círculo de Bakhtin. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2009.FERGUSON, J. W. Teaching Culture in English: Why not?ADFL Bulletin 10, n4 (May 1979): 25-28. HALL, S. A Identidade Cultural na Pós-Modernidade. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 2000. KRAMSCH, C.Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. LARAIA, R.B.Cultura: um conceito antropológico. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1986.
MATTELART, A; NEVEU, E. Introdução aos estudos culturais. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2004. MOITA LOPES, L. P. (org) Por Uma Linguística Aplicada Indisciplinar. São Paulo: Parabola Editorial, 2006. SOUZA, L.M.T.M. de. Hibridismos e Tradução Cultural. Trabalhos em Linguistica Aplicada, v. 46, nr. 1. Campinas, 2007. PENNYCOOK, A. The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. London: Longman, 1984. _____.The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. London: Longman, 1984.
Sites: http://people.ufpr.br/~marizalmeida/http://www.educadores.diaadia.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/outubro2011/ingles_artigos/tesemariza.pdf
Mariza Riva de Almeida marizalmeida@ufpr.br marizalmeida56@gmail.com