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Chandelles. Objective. Exhibit knowledge of the elements related to the performance factors associated with chandelles Obtain the maximum performance of the airplane:. Objective. the airplane should gain the most altitude possible for the degree of bank and power setting without stalling

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  1. Chandelles

  2. Objective • Exhibit knowledge of the elements related to the performance factors associated with chandelles • Obtain the maximum performance of the airplane:

  3. Objective • the airplane should gain the most altitude possible for the degree of bank and power setting without stalling • Atmospheric variables affect the altitude gained so altitude is not a criterion

  4. Altitude • FAA requires the maneuver be performed no lower than 1,500 ft AGL • Pick an altitude that is easy to identify on your altimeter

  5. Configuration • Perform clearing turns check for traffic above and behind you • Flaps and gear should be up • Power should be adjusted to the manufacturers recommended speed , not to exceed VA

  6. Configuration • Remember that VA changes with weight

  7. Configuration • Select a reference line parallel to the wind • As you cross the reference line enter the chandelle

  8. Configuration • At the 90o point you will be nose-high and banked. It will be fairly easy to look down to the reference line • Turning into the wind at the start will make it easy to stay near your starting point

  9. Bank • Establish but do not exceed 30o angle of bank • Enter using a smooth coordinated level turn

  10. Apply Power and Pitch • After establishing a level 30o banked turn start a climbing turn by applying back elevator pressure to attain the highest pitch attitude at the 90o point

  11. Apply Power and Pitch • As the climb is initiated with a fixed pitch propeller aircraft apply full power • With a constant speed propeller leave at cruise power or set RPM for climb or takeoff RPM and increase the MP to climb or takeoff setting

  12. Apply Power and Pitch • Angle of bank should remain constant to the 90o point • As the airspeed decreases, the rate of turn will increase, which can cause an overbanking tendency

  13. Apply Power and Pitch • Some pilots use the airspeed to help determine the pitch attitude

  14. Apply Power and Pitch • At the 90o point the airspeed should be approximately midway between entry and the power on stall speed. Bonanza should be 120 and 60 or 90 knots

  15. Apply Power and Pitch • Power on stall speed varies with weight • If you have a small skinny instructor, watch out when Bill gets in

  16. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • When parallel to your reference line begin rolling out of your bank at a constant rate while maintaining your pitch attitude • Your rollout should be approximately 10o for each 30o of heading change

  17. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • During rollout, vertical lift increases which tends to increase airspeed given a constant pitch attitude

  18. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • Maintain your pitch attitude using small back elevator changes • Use out side references and the attitude indicator to maintain your pitch attitude

  19. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • Since this is a high power setting maneuver you must account for torque • After you pitch up, you decrease speed requiring a change in right rudder pressure

  20. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • Depending on the direction of turn aileron drag from the down aileron may act in concert with torque or against it • To roll out of a left chandelle the left wing must be raised.

  21. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • The left aileron is lowered and created more drag making the plane yaw to the left in concert with the left torque tendency requiring more right rudder

  22. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • To roll out of a right chandelle the right wing must be raised. The right aileron is lowered and creates more drag and tends to make the plane yaw to the right. Less right rudder correction is needed

  23. Begin Rollout at 90o Point • When the wings are level, aileron drag is neutralized and torque is acting alone • At the 180o point airspeed should be +5 of Power-on stall speed. Stall warning indicator should be on

  24. Return to Straight & Level • After the wings are level continue to correct for torque • Gradually lower the nose to level flight while maintaining altitude

  25. Return to Straight & Level • Maintain trim with right rudder pressure • As airspeed increase adjust pitch, power and trim for cruise flight

  26. Common Errors • Improper pitch, bank, and power coordination during entry or completion • Pitch up too fast will cause a stall • Pitch too slow or allow the pitch to decrease will cause you to reach 180o point at too high an airspeed

  27. Common Errors • Adjust power prior to the maneuver to establish cruise flight and increase after bank is established and as pitch is being increased • No other power changes are made

  28. Common Errors • Uncoordinated use of flight controls • Maintain coordinated flight • Compensate for torque and aileron drag • Check the ball in the inclinometer

  29. Common Errors • Improper planning and timing of pitch and bank attitude changes • During the first 90o of turn the bank is constant • At the 90o point you should have reached the maximum pitch

  30. Common Errors • During the second 90o, pitch attitude remains constant and the bank is slowly reduced • At the 180o point, the pitch attitude is constant and the roll out to wings level is completed

  31. Common Errors • Plan and time the pitch and bank changes while dividing you attention • Factors related to failure to achieve maximum performance • Improper pitch • Improper bank

  32. Lack of coordination, orientation or planning • Stalling • Do not stall • Speed at 180o point should be +5 or stall speed

  33. Common Errors • Excessive deviation from desired heading during completion

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