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Convoy Battle Book ~ Section 1: Combat Logistics Patrols
1-1 CONVOY OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES: • c. Equipment. Night vision equipment, radios, weapon’s sights, and other mission essential equipment will be cared for in accordance with appropriate TM’s. Deficiencies, missing parts, required services, and needed repairs will be reported through the company executive officer. Battery wells must be kept free of corrosion, and all equipment maintained in operating order. • 4. Vehicle Passenger and Load Restrictions. The followingspread sheets depict the load, passenger, and speed limit restrictions for each vehicle. Under combat conditions, Commanders may publish different speed limits and maximum passenger seating constraints to meet the tactical environment. The maximum gross weight for vehicles and safe operating conditions must be factored into these tactical decisions. • 5. Pre Combat Checks (PCCs) and Pre Combat Inspections (PCIs) are critical to the success of any combat patrol. These checks and inspections are leader tasks and cannot be delegated below team leader level. They ensure that the soldier is prepared to execute the required individual and collective tasks that support the mission. Checks and Inspections are part of the troop leading procedures that protect against shortfalls that could endanger soldiers’ lives and jeopardize the successful execution of a mission. • - PCCs and PCIs must be tailored to the specific unit and the mission requirements. Each mission and each patrol may require a separate set of checklists. • - One of the best ways to ensure PCCs and PCIs are complete and thorough is with full-dress rehearsals. These rehearsals, run at combat speed with commo and full battle-rattle, allow the leader to envision the minute details as they will occur on the battlefield. If the operation is to be conducted at night, soldiers should conduct full-dress rehearsals at night as well. REHEARSE !!!! REHEARSE!!! REHEARSE!!! • - PCCs and PCIs should include back briefs on the mission, the task and purpose of the operation, and how the soldiers’ roles fit into the scheme of maneuver. The soldiers should know the latest intelligence updates and the rules of engagement (ROE), and be versed in MEDEVAC procedures and combat service support (CSS) requirements. 1. General. In accordance with FM 55-30, a convoy is defined as five or more vehicles and must be commanded by an E-6 or above. On Fort Bragg, vehicle formations of three or more tactical vehicles constitute a convoy. Convoys with four or less vehicles may be commanded by a Sergeant (E-5) or higher. Convoys of more than four vehicles will be commanded by a Staff Sergeant (E-6) or above. The senior individual in every vehicle will occupy the TC seat without exception. He/she will be held accountable for the vehicle’s safe operation at all times. 2. Vehicle Safety Standards. Soldiers will ensure that all safety measures are taken to prevent vehicle accidents and damage to equipment. Vehicles will be inspected daily in accordance with appropriate TMs and PMCS checklists. Load plans will be adhered to and soldier-seating arrangements will be approved by platoon sergeants or above for safety. At no time may the vehicle be loaded beyond the maximum load capacity for equipment or personnel. Speed limits will be obeyed in cantonment areas, and movements outside of built up areas must not exceed the published safe operating speed for the vehicle or the load carried. Soldiers will wear helmets any time the vehicle is moving in a tactical environment. Seat belts will be worn whenever they are operating or riding in a vehicle, except in combat imminent situations when the convoy leadership may direct other requirements. Troop straps will be used in all situations. 3. Maintenance Standards. a. Vehicles. Operators will conduct daily PMCS checks of their assigned vehicles and annotate deficiencies on a DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988E. Before, during, and after checks are required in accordance with the appropriate –10 manual for the vehicle. Platoon Sergeants will report deficiencies to the company Executive Officer and seek maintenance help from the battalion’s motor pool. Fuels will be maintained and vehicles topped off at all times. b. Weapons. Weapons will be cleaned to published standards before the operation, free of rust, dust, and excessive carbon, and lubricated to –10 standards IAW the appropriate TM. Magazines will be maintained and ammunition will be kept clean and free of corrosion or foreign debris. Weapons must be locked and cleared prior to conducting maintenance and a functions check performed after each cleaning. Always ensure that the selector lever is returned to the safe mode prior to inserting the magazine into the magazine well and that rounds are not chambered when the weapon is within the confines of the cantonment area.
1. Initial Receipt of Mission (Higher WARNO / Tasker) a. Do you understand all aspects of your mission? b. See yourself / show stoppers c. Issue WARNO 1 Lead time for Subordinate Unit Preparation Provide Information from Higher Task to Subordinate Leaders Initial Timeline Initial PCC guidance Initiate Subordinate Unit Rehearsals 2. Higher OPORD Issued 3. Receive the Mission a. Provide higher with current unit capabilities / Issues (Feedback from initial PCCs / PCIs) b. Develop Time Line (1/3 – 2/3 Rule) c. Backward Planning Process d. Tasks to be accomplished e. Delegate responsibilities to subordinates f. Issue Warning Order # 2 Provide refined information from higher Redefine tasks to subordinate leaders Detailed timeline Additional tasks / responsibilities to subordinates g. Coordinate for Support Internal Coordination Recovery Maintenance Supply (replenish combat loads) Medical External Coordination Gun Trucks / MPs Other Units / Vehicles 4. Analyze the Mission / Conduct Reconnaissance a. See Yourself / Unit b. Map Reconnaissance c. METT-TC Analysis Mission Enemy Terrain (route) and Weather (effects) UPDATE Troops (convoy / serial organization / Initial Risk Assessment) Time Available Civilians on the Battlefield / Rules of Engagement 5. Develop a Tentative Plan (War-gameExecution) a. Support Available b. Task Organization c. Formation / March Guidance d. Review / Develop SOPs e. Rules of Engagement f. Risk Management 6. Complete the Plan a. Prepare Convoy Brief b. Develop / Refine strip maps for all Vehicles c. Develop Visual Aids d. Prepare Rehearsal Area e. Develop Execution Matrix (FRAGO for phases of convoy routes) f. Develop Manifest g. Update Risk Assessment 7. Issue the Convoy Brief / Conduct Brief-Backs 8. Conduct Rehearsals (SOPs) 9. Conduct Leader Inspections (PCIs) 10. Supervise 1-3 CONVOY TROOP LEADING PROCEDURES:
MOVEMENT ORDER/ OPORD NUMBER: REFERENCES: (Maps, tables and relevant documents) TASK ORGANIZATION: (Internal organization for convoy – Manifest) 1. SITUATION: a. Enemy Forces: (1) Weather. General forecast. (2) Light Data (EENT, % Illumination, MR, MS, BMNT) (3) Discuss Enemy. Identification of enemy (If known). Composition / capabilities / strength / equipment Location (Hot Spots highlighted on map) b. Friendly Forces: (Operational support provided by higher headquarters.) (1) Helicopter / Aircraft Support (Location / Freq / Call Sign) (2) Quick Reaction Forces (QRFs) (Location / Freq / Call Sign) (3) MP Escorts (Location / Freq / Call Sign) (4) Fire Support elements (Location / Freq / Call Sign) c. Attachments: (From outside the organization) 2. MISSION: (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, & WHY) 3. EXECUTION: a. Concept of Movement: This paragraph describes, in general terms, the big picture from start to finish. b. Tasks to subordinate units: Includes attached or OPCON elements. c. Coordinating Instructions: (1) Order of March (Spacing of serials / location of support elements). (2) Routes. (Strip map displayed separately, includes SP, load points, checkpoints, rally points, refuel points, mandatory halts, RONs, traffic control points, etc.) (3) Additional movement issues. (Speed, intervals, lane, parking, accidents) (4) Uniform (5) SOPs/ Battle Drills to be Rehearsed (6) Rules of Engagement 4. SERVICE SUPPORT: This paragraph provides the critical logistical information required to sustain the convoy during the operation. Also included are combat service support instructions and arrangements that support the operation. a. Ration / Water Plan: b. Ammunition (Individual / Combat Loads / Tracer Mix) c. Medical (Internal treatment / evacuation procedures other than SOP and external procedures / support) d. Petrol, Oil and Lubricants (Internal and external) e. Internal Recovery Assets: e. Remain Over Night (RON) Facilities 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL: This paragraph states where command and control nodes and key leader will be located during the operation. a. Commander's) / Positioning: b. Communications: P A C E c. Signals: (Primary / Alternate other than SOP) d. Reports: 6. SAFETY / RISK MANAGEMENT(Emphasize key risks / control measures) 7. REVIEW TIMELINE(Displayed separately) 8. GIVE TIME HACK 9. ASK FOR QUESTIONS 1-5 CONVOY BRIEF (MODIFIED FROM FM 55-30):
1. Dismount a Vehicle Under Fire 2. Actions on Contact React to Close Ambush React to Far Ambush React to Direct Fire React to Indirect Fire React to an IED 3. Actions at the halt Actions for a short halt (3 MIN OR LESS) Formation Dismount criteria Weapon Orientation Actions for a long halt (4 MIN OR MORE) Formation/Assembly plan Dismount criteria/hasty fighting positions Weapon Orientation/sector of fire 5m, 25m and 200m Drill 360 deg Security Means 360 deg Security Repositioning of Gun Trucks/ Platforms 4. Actions on Breakdown Radio/Signal Maintenance problem Pull off side of road Maintenance team/NCOIC hasty assessment Recover/Repair/Abandon Vehicle Vehicle cross load of personnel and equipment 5. Movement Formations Open Terrain Built-up/Congested areas Two-lane traffic vs. Four-lane traffic Multiple lane highways 6. Breaks in Contact Civilian Vehicle Interdiction Missed turns/Lost visibility 7. Rollover Drills 8. CASEVAC Plan Template HLZ Non-Standard CASEVAC Loading M1114/ M1151/ MRAP) Civilian Injuries – Life, Limb, Eyesight 9. Adjacent Unit Link-Up Plan 10. Escalation of Force Available Non-Lethal Systems Shout, Show, Shoot to Warn, Shoot to Disable, Shoot to Kill Identify Trigger Lines for Escalation 11. Consolidation and Reorganization Static Moving 12. Combat Logistics Patrol Debrief AAR Unit Movement Consolidate Intel from Mission 1-6 CONVOY REHEARSALS: NOTE: Rehearsals are the most important aspect of a convoy’s prep for combat and must be conducted: 1. With all Members of the Convoy Present 2. With all CommoSystems Present 3. Mounted and Dismounted
1-7 REHEARSAL NOTES: 8. ECW Systems MUST BE Staggered Across a Convoy IOT Ensure Maximum Coverage and must be verified/ tested PRIOR to SP 9 During IED Attacks: - Immediately Complete the 5, 25 and 200 Drill; watch for trigger men, camera men, and additional IEDs - Clear your “25” BEFORE you attempt to provide assistance to another vehicle 10. While Dismounted During Convoy Operation: - Immediately Complete the 5, 25 and 200 Drill - Locate and Seek Covered Positions - 360 Degree Security Means 360 Degree Security; Even During Contact - Watch For the Rapid Repositioning of Gun Trucks 11. Direct Fire Control Measures - Engage the Enemy Based on the ROE You always have the right to self defense - Engage the Enemy in Your Prescribed Sector of Fire and be prepared to fire in alternate sectors of fire. - Lead and Trail Vehicles will be Marked with a VS-17 Panel (Day) & IR Chem(Night) 1. Always Maintain a Flexible Formation; Open / Closed / Bypass Traffic and Obstacles - Avoid the Shoulders of the Road - Be Cautious of Overpasses - Do not Allow Civilian Traffic to Enter the Convoy (Use Non-Lethal Means) - Remember that the Vehicle is a Weapon in Itself 2. Everyone is a Collection Resource During Convoy Operations; Keep your eyes open and pass information - Observe and key into the behavior of locals. - Investigate locals performing roadside work or vehicle maintenance. 3. Look, and act aggressive. Insurgents may target soft/complacent looking convoys first. 4. Leaders Manage Violence / Paratroopers Execute Violence (Drivers Drive – TCs and Passengers Suppress and Guide) 5. When in Doubt, Leaders Execute Route Recons 6. Convoy Speeds Provide Security; However, Convoy Speeds are METT-T and Risk Dependent 7. Gun Trucks Will Always: - Have FM Comms - Remain Offset in the Formation to Provide Additional Lateral Coverage - Consist of a Gunner, Assistant Gunner, TC, and Driver - 5 Tons or Larger with Mounted Weapon are not Gun Trucks; They are Support-By-Fire Platforms Pre-Combat Inspections (PCIs) are key to ensuring leaders, trainers and soldiers are adequately prepared to execute operations and training to Army standards. They are detailed final checks that all units conduct before and during execution of training and combat operations. - FM 7-22.7
1-8 RENEGADE TRIP TICKET: • Mission #:________ Mission Description (Destination):__________________________ Convoy Commander:_____________________________________ Assistant Convoy Commander:____________________________ Unit Call Sign/ Primary Radio Frequency:____________________ Convoy Commander BFT Role Name:_______________________ Total Vehicles:_________ Total Gun Trucks:_______ Total Personnel:________ DTG of Departure:_________ DTG of Return:____________ • Convoy Conditions Checks (Convoy Commander Completes 1-5 PRIOR to Requesting Mission Number): • 1. Convoy Issues Convoy Brief/ Convoy OPORD _______ INITIALS • 2. Rehearsals Conducted _______ INITIALS • 3. Commo/Frequencies Confirmed via Radio Checks _______ INITIALS • 4. Convoy Graphics/Route Overlay Submitted to Battle Captain _______ INITIALS • 5. O&I Brief Receivedfrom Intel analyst _______ INITIALS • 6. Mission Number assigned to convoy/patrol _______ INITIALS • 7. Battle CPT Notified QRF of Element’s departure _______ INITIALS • 8. Front gate confirms # vehicles in convoy _______ INITIALS
Convoy Planning Convoy Manifest Completed Conduct Convoy Battle Drills Conduct Before Operations PMCS Fuel Tanks Topped Off Initial Commo / FBCB2 Check Initial CREW Systems Check Heavy Weapon Systems Uploaded Load Plans Competed Review of Pre-Combat Checklist 1-9 REDCON LEVELS: REDCON 1 • Personnel in Vehicles, Engines Running, Ready to Move • Awaiting Final SP Clearance • CREW Systems On MISSION ASSUMPTION REDCON 2 • Personnel on a 15min recall • Vehicles moved to final staging/ ORF positions • Final Ops / Intel Update Disseminated to Convoy • Pre-Combat Inspections Complete REDCON 3 • Personnel on a 30min recall • External Unit Link-up Complete • Vehicles moved to Convoy Staging Area • Convoy Brief Complete • Rehearsals Complete • CREW Systems Validated • Load Plans Secured and Verified • Final Commo/ FBCB2 Check Mission Assumption 3 2 1 Execution
1-10 CONVOY PLANNING TOOL: Task Organization/ Key Personnel/ Key Equipment Breakout : Identify Order of March and Breakout By Serial Highlight Vehicle Capabilities Highlight Commo Systems Highlight CREW Systems Highlight Medical Support Systems Identify Leader Locations VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______ VEH #____ BMPR #____ ______ ______ ______
Convoy Battle Book ~ Section 2: Convoy Battle Drills
2-4 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 4 - React to Ground Ambush (Road Not Blocked)
2-5a CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 5 - React to Ground Ambush (Road Blocked)
2-5b CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 5 - React to Ground Ambush (Road Blocked)
1. Initial procedures to enter building/clear room. a. The squad leader designates the assault team and identifies the location of the entry point for them.b. The squad leader positions the follow-on assault team w/ crew serve weapon to provide over watch and supporting/suppressing fires for the initial assault team.c. Assault team members move as close to the entry point as possible, using available cover and concealment. 2. Attack a. The number 2 man may throw a grenade of some type (fragmentation, stun) into the room before entry (in accordance w/ ROE). b. The first man (rifleman), enters the room and eliminates the immediate threat. He has the option of going left or right, normally moving along the path of least resistance to one of two corners. When using a doorway as the point of entry, the path of least resistance is determined initially based on the way the door opens; if the door opens inward he plans to move away from the hinges. If the door opens outward, he plans to move toward the hinged side. Upon entering, the size of the room, enemy situation, and furniture or other obstacles that hinder or channel movement become factors that influence the number1 man's direction of movement.c. The direction each man moves in should not be preplanned unless the exact room layout is known. Each man should go in a direction opposite the man in front of him. Every team member must know the sectors and duties of each position.d. As the first man goes through the entry point, he can usually see into the far corner of the room. He eliminates any immediate threat and continues to move along the wall if possible and to the first corner, where he assumes a position of domination facing into the room.e. The second man (team leader), entering almost simultaneously with the first, moves in the opposite direction, following the wall and staying out of the center. The second man must clear the entry point, clear the immediate threat area, clear his corner, and move to a dominating position on his side of the room.f. The third man (grenadier) simply goes opposite of the second man inside the room at least one meter from the entry point and moves to a position that dominates his sector.g. The fourth man (SAW gunner) moves opposite of the third man and moves to a position that dominates his sector.h. The squad leader calls clear. 3. Consolidate and Reorganizea. The squad leader marks the room (IAW unit SOP). The squad leader determines whether or not his squad can continue to clear through the building.b. The squad reorganizes as necessary, treats casualties, redistribute ammunition.c. The squad leader reports to the platoon leader when the room is clear. 2-6 BATTLE DRILL 6: ENTER BUILDING/CLEAR ROOM
TTP FOR HOSTILE CROWDS Reinforce friendly unit to show strength; position non-lethal munitions; and snipers positioned on roofs to provide overwatch. Use Combat Camera to gather video and photos of the demonstration. May be useful later for trial of suspects. Meet with the crowd enroute to their destination. Snatch & Grab Teams identified and positioned to secure demonstration agitators. Position local police around the exterior perimeter Use Tactical PSYOP Teams (TPT) loudspeakers to disrupt demonstration C2 and communicate with the crowd Identify the demonstration ringleaders; separate them from the crowd Discuss the issues with the leaders away from the crowd; directleaders to move the crowd away from the barriers as a precondition for discussions. Never show the crowd that you are afraid or intimidated by them. By staying on a constant vigilance and conducting 360 degree security, you set the tone for the crowd. A soldier that is ready for action is less likely to be surprised or attacked. 2-9 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 9 - React to Civilians
2-10 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 10 - Conduct Convoy Rally Point 2-11 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 11 – Consolidation and Reorganization
Combat door locks on the M1114/ M1151 Uparmored HMMWV are designed to keepthe enemy out. When they are locked, it is extremely difficult for rescuers to enter the vehicle! This problem may be compounded if damage occurs to the door as a result of an accident. Commanders should determine when combat locks should be used while conducting operations near bodies of water. PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Always wear your seat belt to survive water entry and maintain orientation during a rollover. When in the vicinity of water and tactical conditions permit: 1) Reduce speed and bring vehicle to a halt. 2) Inform vehicle crew that you are operating around water hazards. 3) Assess terrain and route for hazards and discuss risk mitigating measures with crew before proceeding. 4) Unlock combat door locks. When water entry is imminent: A. Driver-- 1) Releases the accelerator and controls the entry by steering into the body of water. 2) Yells "WATER!" 3) Keeps hands on the steering wheel with extended but not locked arms, tucks head and chin into chest and braces for impact. B. Gunner-- 1) Yells "WATER!" 2) Pushes / pulls self down into vehicle. 3) Tucks head and chin into chest and holding onto a stationary object, braces for impact. C. All other crew-- 1) Yells "WATER!" 2) Pulls the gunner into the cab. 3) Tucks head and chin into chest and braces for impact. 4) Plants feet firmly on the floor while holding onto a stationary object. When the vehicle is stabilized: All crew-- 1) Disconnects headset. 2) Releases seatbelt; uses caution if upside down. 3) Exits the vehicle. 4) Assesses injuries. 5) Assists crew to exit and secure weapons. 6) Decides to remove personal equipment. 7) Gets to safest shore. 8) Establishes security. 9) Accounts for crew members. 10) Provides first aid. 11) Recovers weapons, ammunition and sensitive items. 12) Assists in vehicle recovery. 2-12 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 12 – Water Egress Drill
2-13 CONVOY BATTLE DRILL 13 - HASTY VEHCILE RECOVERY Conduct NMC Recovery in Conjunction with a Direct Fire Attack / IED Attack Conduct Initial react to contact based on type of attack; direct fire, indirect fire, IED. Set security, accelerate other Vehicles out of kill zone Action gun trucks as required into support by fire positions Like vehicle snatches with tow strap, tow bar No definitive casualty treatment in kill zone, major bleeding and breathing only Evaccasualties out of kill zone Deliberate recovery hook-up when out of kill zone Consolidation & Reorganization NOTE: First GT behind down vehicle will pull up beside the down truck on the contact side to provide cover while the recovery truck pulls up on the non-contact and hooks up. NOTE: All vehicles are pre-rigged with tow straps, tow bars prior to mission execution
Convoy Battle Book ~ Section 3: Reports and Convoy Debriefs
SIZE:The number of personnel and equipment ACTIVITY: What the enemy is doing LOCATION: Grid coordinates or orientation to local buildings UNIT: Uniforms / patches / clothing TIME: When the activity was observed EQUIPMENT: Describe or identify all equipment SIZE: Number of personnel / Equipment POSITION: Observer’s position, call sign, and location OBSERVER’S ACTIONS: What actions did you observe / take. TIME: The time the action/observation took place OBSERVER’S ACTIONS: Outlines his/her activities, actions or recommendations 3-1 SPOT REPORTS: Reports from elements of the convoy to higher will be provided using the key word SALUTE. This will ensure complete information and assist in higher headquarters understanding the situation on the ground. Accurate reporting will also facilitate the activation of supporting agencies; QRF/ indirect fire/ ISR platforms/ CCA or CAS. - OR -
3-3 9-LINE UXO / IED REPORT: LINE 1. DATE-TIME-GROUP: When the item was discovered. LINE 2. REPORT ACTIVITY AND LOCATION: Unit and grid location of the IED/UXO. LINE 3. CONTACT METHOD: Radio frequency, call sign, POC, and telephone number. LINE 4. TYPE OF ORDNANCE: Dropped, projected, placed, or thrown. Give the number of items, if more than one. LINE 5. NBC CONTAMINATION: Be as specific as possible. LINE 6. RESOURCES THREATENED: Equipment, facilities, or other assets that are threatened. LINE 7. IMPACT ON MISSION: Short description of current tactical situation and how the IED/UXO affects the status of the mission. LINE 8. PROTECTIVE MEASURES: Any measures taken to protect personnel and equipment. LINE 9. RECOMMENDED PRIORITY: Immediate, Indirect, Minor, No Threat
3-4 9-LINE MEDEVAC PROCEDURES: Line 1: Location of Pick-up Site (Grid and quickly recognizable terrain features) Line 2: Radio Frequency and Call Sign of Requesting Unit Line 3: Precedence by type: • A - Urgent: within 2 hours to save life • B -Urgent Surgical: must receive far forward surgical intervention within 2 hours • C - Priority: casualty condition will deteriorate and become Urgent within 4 hours • D - Routine: requires evacuation within 24 hours • E - Convince: medical convenience rather than necessity Line 4: Special Equipment Needed • A - None • B – Hoist • C – Extraction Equipment • D - Ventilator Line 5: Number of Patience (By Type / Precedence) • L - Litter • A - Ambulatory Line 6: Security of Pick-up Site • N – No enemy Troops in the Area • P – Possible Enemy in the Area • E – Enemy Troops in the Area • X – Enemy Troops & Armed Escort Required Line 7: Method of marking Pick-up Site • A – Panels • B – Pyrotechnic Signal • C – Smoke • D – None • E - Other Line 8: Patients Nationality and Status • A – US Military • B – US Civilian • C – Non-US Military • D – Non-US Civilian • E - EPW Line 9: NBC Contamination AIRCRAFT CHECK-IN BRIEF 1. Number aircraft/call sign 2. Weapon Configuration 3. Direction of approach 4. Station time 5. Minutes out from target 6. Request SITREP AIRCRAFT UPDATE 1. Enemy Location (number/description/direction of movement/actions) 2. Friendly (Location unit in contact) 3. Call sign and Frequency 4. Mission (Task/Purpose) 5. Commander’s Intent 6. Clearance of Fires
3-5CONVOY STATUS REPORTS: NOTES: Signals and reporting requirements must be validated in conjunction with convoy rehearsals. Weapon status will change based on threat levels and the environment
3-6a Convoy Debrief Smart Card: Intel collected from these debriefs feed the overarching Intel picture created for the entire Brigade. Use this smart card to focus your collection and expedite the S2 debriefing process. Use the notes section for all information you run out of room elsewhere for. Convoy Commander:___________________ Convoy NCOIC: _______________________ Call Sign: ____________________________ Route/ Mission: _______________________ Route Activity: Were there increased dirt piles along the route? Where? Were there new pot holes, collapsed culverts, or damaged bridges? Where? Civilian Activity: Was there any abnormal civilian activity? What were the children doing: Where people taking pictures? If so, of what? Did people seem scared? Any criminal activity (like theft)? ISF Activity: Did you see any ISF during your patrol? If so what were they doing? Did ISF appear friendly? Rock throwing? Where?________________ Tips cards distro’ed? Where?____________ PIRs answered? Which? Annotate in Notes BOLO vehicles seen: Y/ N ____________________________________ Pictures taken: Y / N Grids:________________________________ Purpose of picture: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3-6b Site Exploitation Smart Card: Purpose: Drivers are one of the best sources of intelligence about the battlefield. By ensuring that all drivers are debriefed after each convoy, the S-2 can ensure the next convoy traveling that route has all the proper and current intelligence. Site Description: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What to photograph Photograph anything that could be used at trial (crime scene, weapons, shell casings, footprints, tire tracks, walls and fences, distance between weapons cache and detainee’s home). Make sure you photograph the detainee with the weapons, contraband, etc and AT the crime scene. What to draw or sketch Draw the place of apprehension. On the diagram note where key pieces of evidence where found and where events occurred. Number the rooms. Estimate distances in meters between key points of interest. (e.g., a weapons cache and the detainee’s home.) Reference landmarks, cities, and villages. What to seize on the objective Seize all weapons, computers, cell phones, money and documents. Remember to take all forms of identification, for example ID cards, passports, etc. If electronics are on, keep on, or keep it off if found off. Secure the materials in a sealed container (e.g., a plastic bag) marked with the date, time, name, rank, and unit of the person who seized it. Remember to conduct explosive testing of personnel on site (XSpray Test) and photograph the test being given. Sketch: Convoy Commander: __________________ Convoy NCOIC: _______________________ Call Sign: ____________________________ Route/ Mission: _______________________ Enemy Activity: S____________________________________ A____________________________________ L____________________________________ U____________________________________ T____________________________________ E:___________________________________ BOLO vehicles seen: Y/ N _______________ Pictures taken: Y / N Grids:________________________________ Purpose of picture: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Convoy Battle Book ~ Section 4: IED and Counter-IED
5’s, 25’s and 200m Checks 4-1 COUNTER IED ACTIONS: 200 meter check: Once 5 and 25 meter checks have been completed, gunners must continue to scan for potential threats in their sectors out to 200m. Use of weapon optics or binos should be employed to look for anything out of the ordinary
1. Establish initial staging area for EOD 2. Patrol leader explains: Where the IED is exactly (distance from identifiable terrain, etc.) As much detail regarding the type, composition, construction, and orientation Security issues that may impact EOD Recent activity in the area Areas that have been swept Equipment available such as medical, optics, ECM, etc. 3. The patrol leader will retain command of security. 4. Patrol leader reinforces security and establishes roving security. 5. EOD decides on all safe distances and is the commander for all operations dealing with the IED. 6. Maintain a roving security patrol at a safe distance from IED, monitor the area, stay alert for changes in the area, inspect vehicles, inspect people, inspect buildings as needed. 7. People with cell phones, radios, and key fobs for car alarms in the area should be considered suspect. Detain and question as necessary. When in doubt, detain personnel. 4-4 ASSISTING EOD: Assume the enemy is watching. Look for him and avoid patterns!
Convoy Battle Book ~ Section 5: Escalation of Force
What every Leader and Trooper must Understand: TLPs (link process with application) Convoy & combat patrol procedures Communications (A/L frequency for country) Checkpoint procedures Actions at incident site ROE / EOF Procedures MEDEVAC of civilians ( A/C for urgent, life, limb, eyesight) Reporting procedures Investigation of all incidents Compensation and Claims process Public awareness projects Convoy discipline and TTPs Road usage (convoys block road) Speed (convoys move slow) Wave traffic across median and into oncoming traffic Unclear procedures for overtaking / passing convoys Gunners not using (do not have) high power spotlights for signaling I. Scope of the EOF Problem: Sequential actions that begin with non-lethal force measures and continue to lethal measures in order to defeat a threat and protect the force. II. Definition for serious injury: any event in which a civilian is injured in an EOF event where they require evacuation to, and medical treatment at a medical facility III. Contributing Factors: Incomplete guidance, training, and preparation Inadequate dissemination of information and training (TOA) Lack of Iraqi public awareness on requirements at ECPs/CPs, mounted or dismounted patrols and basically any CF operation where the Soldier or Marine interacts with the Iraqi population 5-1 ESCALATION OF FORCE (EOF):
55 MPH/89 KPH 55 MPH/89 KPH • EOF INTENT: resource convoy IOT provide alternatives to lethal force for our Soldiers or Marines. • At 300 m, begin assessing possible threat • At 200 m, use visual aids (lights, laser pointers, signs) • Show weapon and demonstrate intent to use it • At 100 m, attempt non-lethal means (laser dazzler, visual/audio signal, signs) • At 50 m, fire warning shots (in vic of threat) • Utilize disabling fire (tires, engine block, windows) • At 25m, utilize deadly force (proportional) 55 MPH/89 KPH 35 MPH/56 KPH 45 MPH/75 KPH 3 SEC 5.3 SEC 14.6 SEC 7.2 SEC 10.9 SEC 50M 100M 200M WARNING SHOTS AND SIGNALS FLARES AND SIGNALS HAND AND LIGHT SIGNALS EVALUATION 5-2 ESCALATION OF FORCE (EOF) FLOW: 35 MPH/56 KPH 0 SEC KILLSHOTS AND DEBILITATING SHOTS Lethal Threat Reduction Kill Shot Debilitating Shot Warning Shot Debilitating Shot Pen Flares Star Clusters Flags Spot-Light Gunner Wave-Off EOF Sequence Threat Evaluation Nonlethal Evaluation • EQUIPMENT • Laser pointers (individual) • Laser dazzler (crew served) • Lights (spot light; flashing) • Vehicle mounted signs • Speaker system; siren • Weapons Potential Threat Direction of Movement NOTE: ESCALATION OF FORCE FLOW IS ILLUSTRATIVE AND ASSUMES THAT THE CONVOY COMMANDER AND TC OF THE VEHICLE INVOLVED FEEL THAT THE APPROACHING VEHICLE IS CONTINUING TO PRESENT A THREAT. IF A VEHICLE DEMONSTRATES COMPLIANCE, OR IS EVALUATED AS NON-THREATENING THEN THE ESCALATION OF FORCE FLOW WOULD CEASE.