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Comparison between Automatic Level and Digital level. Prepared by :Azad Arshad Abdulwahab 3 / 4 / 2019. Automatic Level Digital level
Comparison between Automatic Level and Digital level Prepared by :Azad Arshad Abdulwahab 3 / 4 / 2019
Automatic Level Digital level 1=Working as automatic level only 1- Working as digital level 2-without power supply (electronic level) with power supply 2- And automatic level without power supply
Telescope Digital Level EDM system ( laser bundle rays ) Automatic Level Optical telescope
Circular Bubble Direct Circular bubble Internal circular bubble Duct and Illumination Automatic Level Digital Level
Staff Type Digital Level Barcode plastic or invar staff Automatic Level Wood or Aluminum staff Standard staff l invar staff
Data collection Automatic Level Digital Level Manually recording Programable Leveling table Keyboard Calculation Recording data Checking the misclosure Date and Time Instrument Serial No. Internal memory Memory card
Sample of Data Collection Automatic Level
Sample of Data Collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leica Geosystem AG ---Digital Level Measurement Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job name : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overeater : DNA 10 : Instr.Nr. Remarks : Date /Time : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Leveling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line : Method : ================================================= Point ID : Type : Staff : Distance : Pt Height : Remarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1 Back : 1.2582 : 19.23 : : ------------- 1 Fore : 1.6727 : 17.52 : 399.5855 : ------------- 2 Back : 1.3436 : 16.93 : : ------------- 3 Fore : 1.5245 : 18.34 : 399.4046 : ------------- Internal storage approx. 6000 measurements or about 1650 stations (BF) Digital Level
Distance measuring Automatic Level Digital Level Stadia D= S . K S= upper - lower laser Distance measuring range for electronic measurements Staff lengths ≥ 3m 1.8m - 110m Recommendation for 3m invar staffs 1.8m - 60m Staff lengths = 2.7m 1.8m - 100m Staff lengths = 1.82m/ 2m 1.8m - 60m
Accuracy Automatic Level Depending on observer eye Telescope specification , Focusing knobs Digital Level Depending on instrument 0.001 m
Curvature and Refraction Corrections Automatic Level Combined correction = 0.0673L² meters Digital Level Auto calculation or manually
Field of Application Automatic Level Approximately construction works Earth works Foundation Digital Level Preparing the Control points Checking and lay out of precise leveling
Digital theodolite removed optical theodolite Because the procedure of angles reading is more easily Optical Theodolite Digital Theodolite
Conclusion The digital level using for the accurate and precise leveling procedure , fixing the required benchmarks and monuments , up to %50 time saving ,while the automatic level is useful for controlling the earthwork easy to set up and move and supervising excavation and filling of engineering projects , that means the automatic level is continually applied for approximately practical works opposite the optical theodolite which not use after the production and use of digital theodolite.
147 Technical data Height measurements Standard deviation per km double run (ISO 17123-2): Electronic measurement DNA03 DNA10 with invar staff 0.3mm 0.9mm with standard staff 1.0mm 1.5mm Optical measurement 2.0mm 2.0mm Distance measurement Standard deviation 5mm/10m Distance measuring range for electronic measurements Staff lengths ≥ 3m 1.8m - 110m Recommendation for 3m invar staffs 1.8m - 60m Staff lengths = 2.7m 1.8m - 100m Staff lengths = 1.82m/ 2m 1.8m - 60m Measuring time single measure typically 3 sec. Telescope Magnification 24x Free objective diameter 36mm Opening angle 2° Field of view 3.5m at 100m Min. target distance 0.6m Multiplication constant 100 Addition constant 0 Level sensitivity Circular level 8'/2mm Compensator Magnet damped pendulum compensator with electronic range control. Slope angle ~± 10' Centering accuracy DNA03 DNA10 Standard deviation 0.3" 0.8" Display LC display 8 lines of 24 characters, 144 x 64 pixels Lighting economic/ permanent/ circular level only
109 GSI-format Data via interface and data export in GSI-format. • GSI-8 8-data characters output format (83..00+12345678). These data words can hold alpha as well as numeric data. • GSI-16 16-data characters output format (*83..00+1234567890123456 ). These data words can hold alpha as well as numeric data. Earth curvature correction For electronically measured or manually entered staff heights. • Yes With correction. • No Without correction. Communication Communication parameters of the RS232 interface for data transfer between computer and instrument. Leica standard settings 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, CR/LF, 1 stop bit. Baudrate Data transfer rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 (bits/second). Data bits • 7 7 data bits are set automatically for data transfer when parity is set to "Even" or "Odd". • 8 8 data bits are automatically set when for parity "No" is set. Parity • Even Even parity. • Odd Odd parity. • No No parity (when data bits = 8).
Data export The data export function backs up the data in internal memory to the storage card or sends it to the serial interface. Data transfer via the serial interface is done without protocol. As standard output format the GSI-format is available in both options, GSI-8 and GSI-16. The description is on the CD-ROM as a PDF-file in the directory GSI_Online. To collect data in your own format the instrument can load four additional user formats. Create and load the user formats with the Leica Survey Office program. Target directory on card: GSI-Formats: \GSI User-Formats: \DATA DNA-Dde 66 Target Select memory target (card or serial interface). Job Select job. Data Select data type (measurements or fix points). Format Select output format <EXPORT> Start data export. If the device receiving the data is too slow, data loss may occur as transfer is done without protocol. Further information on data flow can be found in the section "Computer software package Leica Geo Office (LGO)".