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This article presents the main outputs and conclusions from the evaluation of the Block Grant "Swiss Researchers' Activities in Latvia" and the Scholarship Fund. It discusses the management, impact, synergy, collaboration, and future prospects of these programs, along with recommendations for improvement and future cooperation.
Block grant "Swiss researchers’ activities in Latvia" Special form of support "Swiss Scholarship Fund" Conclusions and recommendations of external evaluation April 2016, Riga
Content Main outputs of the two programmes Main conclusions from the evaluation of the existing activities on the management, impact, synergy, collaboration and future prospects Possibilities of bilateral collaboration between Latvia and Switzerland in the field of vocational education and training Use of evaluation results
Block Grant «Swiss Researchers’ Activities in Latvia» Planned: • 45 fellowships allocated to Swiss researchers • 2000 academic staff members, students, researchers participated in the lectures and research activities • Up to 30 partnerships established • Improvement of 10 study programmes facilitated Reached: • 92 fellowships allocated to Swiss researchers • 6500 academic staff members, students, researchers participated in the lectures and research activities • 33 partnerships established • Improvement of study programmes facilitated • 6 international scientific publications • 12 synergy cases (with Scholarship Fund)
Scholarship Fund • 62 applications received • 27 fellowships allocated (incl. 14 men and 13 female researchers): • 15 PhDs • 12 young researchers • 50 international scientific publications, incl. >30 joint publications with Swiss researchers • 1-3 mentor visits per project • 12 synergy cases (with the BG «Swiss researchers’ activities in Latvia»)
Evaluation of the existing activities on the management, impact, synergy, collaboration and future prospects Block Grant (BG) «Swiss Resarchers’ activities in Latvia» and the Scholarship Fund Evaluation period July - September 2015
Management - excellent • Initiative from the Swiss side to present the research topics of interest, fund partnership visits to address new institutions, support mentor finding activities • Improve information on the Programme in Latvia and Switzerland • Fasten sub-project review (BG) • Improve the financial support (BG): provide new funding lines (salaries for admin.staff, salaries to professors), improve pre-financing procedures • Expand the options for possible actions (BG): min. sub-project length could be reduced to 3 days, give opportunity to lecturers and doctoral students to participate • Improve information to fellows (Scholarships): on health insurance, accommodation, develop a set of practical advice for life in Switzerland (diff. between cantons) • Improve the financial support (Scholarships): take into account family status in determining the amount of the sch., provide budget for laboratory materials Recommendations
Impact of the Programme – very positive Recommendations • Promote scientific and institutional cooperation with smart specialization partners • Actively develop public awareness on the impact of science on quality of life and working environments • Ensure adequate practices and research opportunities to former fellows • Ensure that fellows’ home scientific institutions are more involved in the Programme, planning long-term collaboration • Expand the circle of recipients of the scholarship (e.g., Master students)
Synergy between the BG and the Scholarship fund - High Recommendations • Improve the participants’ access to information about the existence and conditions of the other Programme activity • Increase students’ interest and HEI management’s motivation for creating synergies • Facilitate the development of contacts between potential partners, foreseeing visit on both sides
Enhancing future cooperation • Cooperation at the level of HEI rather than individually • Improve effectiveness of the visits and exchanges: provide visits for the preparation of sub-project (BG) applications (3-5days), provide option of shorter visits of 2 days (BG), allow students to accompany their teachers on visits, provide possibility for fellows for short-term visits after the end of the project to foster continued cooperation • Promote more active cooperation between mentors (Scholarships) • Evaluate possibility for extensions to sub-projects • Encourage Swiss teaching staff to participate in conferences organised in Latvia • The receiving institution lecturers, researchers and students should also do visits to Switzerland (BG) • Enable Latvian HEIs to provide a joint doctorate in conjunction with the Swiss HEIs • Economic sector as potential partners Recommendations
Possibilities of bilateral collaboration between Latvia and Switzerland in the field of vocational education and training Initial VET (1-3 professional qualification levels) Evaluation Period July - December 2015
Rationale • Increasing the attractiveness of vocational education • Improvement of VET programmes • Development of competences acquired in lifelong learning programmes • Improvement of work-based learning and cooperation with employers • Improvement of vocational education methodology • Improvement of management for vocational education
Increasing the attractiveness of vocational education and Development of VET programmes • Swiss expert involvement in supervision of school activities and quality • Elaboration of joint education quality management handbook for quality assurance • Inter-school cooperation in research projects • Joint development of inner enterprises within school • Financial and consulting support for modern material and technical provision and expertise • Joint development approbation and implementation of educational programmes • Development of «bridge» course (1 year preparatory course) for students who dropped out of school • Joint vocational education programme development and implementation for adults • Joint implementation of programmes for informal education Recommendations
Vocational education methodology and Lifelong learning competence development • Cooperation on teaching methods and innovation in the development of methodogical materials • Mobility projects to become acquainted with Swiss experience in the implementation of VET for young people with special needs • Joint development of free time and adventure-based pedagogical approaches to increase motivation to learn • Development of separate training module for improving lifelong learning competences, which could be integrated into existing curriculum • Implementation of international cultural education activities • Mobility projects for supporting foreign language learning improvement (incl. teachers) • implementation of projects that promote exchange of experience and knowledge between educational institutions and businesses • Transnational activities and training programmes, involving students, teachers, employers Recommendations
Work-based learning and Cooperation with employers Recommendations • Joint labour market research activities in collaboration with scientific research institutions to identify future training needs • Development of joint models for cooperation with employers, work-environment based learning implementation • Practical cooperation for development of study practices system • Development of joint proposals for policy-makers to motivate companies to engage in work-based learning implementation • Creation of support network between competence centers in Latvia and Switzerland • Development and implementation of joint mentoring system for improving the professional competence of directors of VET institutions • Cooperation with employers on organising skills mastery competitions
Findings resulting from evaluations:bilateral collaborationpossibilities under EU Structural Funds 2014–2020
Findings resulting from evaluations:bilateral collaborationpossibilitiesunder EU Structural Funds 2014–2020 Bilateral collaboration in the EU programmes