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ShortTalk: Lightweight XMPP Messaging Package for Peer-to-Peer Systems

Develop a Python package for peer-to-peer messaging using XMPP protocol, distributing server functionality across nodes. Experience the world of distributed systems and open-source development tools in a small, easily manageable system. Utilize p2p architecture for scalable and fault-tolerant messaging. Embrace the XMPP protocol's efficiency and reliability. Ensure OS independence and open-source module usage. Incorporate a lightweight XMPP server and DHT handler for seamless messaging experience.

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ShortTalk: Lightweight XMPP Messaging Package for Peer-to-Peer Systems

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  1. XMPP messaging in a peer to peer manner ShortTalk - http://shorttalk.sourceforge.net/ Instructed by: Edward Bortnikov Supervisor: Dr. Ilana David Developed by: Michael Gartsbein

  2. Create a package that uses the XMPP protocol as the transport but distributes the server functionality among the participating nodes • Create a lightweight XMPP server than can be embedded to each node in system • Develop a demo messaging application Project goal

  3. Motivation To have fun Explore the filed of distributed systems Experience with the newest open source development tools Experience … Experience is what one gets when he doesn’t get what he wanted

  4. Constraints OS independence Use only open source modules The whole system should be small and understandable by a single person The whole system should be delivered as a homogenous python package

  5. Client server: There are client nodes and one or (a much smaller) set of servers There are limitations on scalability New users consume resources from servers Easier to monitor/control access • Distributed p2p: • Many same or almost same nodes • New participating nodes can contribute resources • Harder to make secure • Can be very scalable • Can be very fault tolerant Why distribute?

  6. Example of distributed system File sharing (torrents)‏ Distributed hash tables Distributed file system Messaging (skype)‏ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_distributed_computing_projects

  7. Peer to peer • Natural to use p2p in distributed systems • Bandwidth and other resources sharing • Symmetric design • Scalable • Many DS are p2p

  8. Xml based messaging protocol also known as jabber • Open protocol and internet standard • Used by google in google-talk and in many other messaging systems What is XMPP? *

  9. XMPP uses a servers based scheme to deliver messages. • Sender’s server delivers the message to the recipient’s server, and the last to the recipient XMPP (cont. 1)

  10. Why python? Developing with python is fun! A free and 100% open source platform OS independent and extra flexible language linux+unix/mac/win32/winCE+mobile Millions of packages If its good for google, NASA and nokia– it should be good enough for me

  11. Why python? (cont.)‏ Experiencing with new programming paradigm Learning new language and new set of tools

  12. Architecture Use an open dht system (bamboo open-dht) for the signaling Use the xmpp protocol at the transport between nodes The dht application will use a small dht-handler, xmpp client and server to communicate

  13. ShortTalk application instance ShortTalk application instance DHT node User agent User agent DHT handler DHT handler XMPP client XMPP client GUI GUI XMPP server XMPP server Block scheme P2p session

  14. The technology The project is built as a composition of python packages XMPP – client and server according to the XMPP standard RFC 3920 DHT – free publicly open DHT service – based on the bamboo project Tkinter – a “standard” python GUI

  15. Main technical milestones Creating a smart and reliable DHT handler Assembling a lightweight XMPP sever engine that will run on both linux and windows Most of the existing available XMPP servers are pretty heavy and complicated, and contain features I don't need.

  16. Main technical milestones (cont 1) • Embedding XMPP client to the project • Assembling the whole system together in a demo messaging application • Must do GUI 

  17. Entities

  18. Typical workflow sequence

  19. User agent DHT handler XMPP client Step by step workflow • Start the application • Creating the DHT handler and choosing a closet DHT node to work with • When a the connection breaks, a new one is transparently established

  20. ShortTalk application instance Step by step workflow (cont 1) • Starting the XMPP server • Starting the XMPP client and logging to the server • Callbacks to GUI are set User agent DHT handler XMPP client XMPP server GUI

  21. Step by step workflow (cont 2) • Subscribing • User can subscribe to DHT handler for event -> other users go online

  22. ShortTalk application instance Step by step workflow (cont 3) • Logging to the DHT • This will create an entry in the DHT with name-ip and will refresh it • The user agent will get notifications on when users will get online User agent DHT handler XMPP client XMPP server GUI

  23. User agent DHT handler XMPP client 1 2 User agent XMPP server DHT handler GUI XMPP client XMPP server GUI Step by step workflow (cont 4) • Chatting • User can send a message to another online user • The message will go from user’s XMPP client directly to remote user XMPP server 3

  24. Look and feel

  25. Special thanks • To Eddie Bortnikov for the whole project concept and support • To the lab for the infrastructure • XMPP community and specially Alexey "Snake" Nezhdanov for python’s XMPP support • Open bamboo team for the free DHT • To sourceforge for hosting and technological support • To Guido van Rossum for the language

  26. Future development Embedding the DHT with the application Adding authentication Changing the polling of the DHT to a event driven pub/sub Using DHT to implement “offline messaging” and saving user list in the grid Through NAT support ???

  27. Future Development (cont.) • Contact information • srvrules@t2.technion.ac.il • Project developer’s page • http://sourceforge.net/projects/shorttalk/

  28. News from the world XEP-0174: Serverless Messaging A new standard from October 2008http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.html Python 3.0 A new significant release in December 2008

  29. This slide wasleft blank on purpose

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