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The IRS adopts a plethora of collection activities for recouping debts that taxpayers owe to it. Tax levies are the most difficult ones to cope with. In the case of a levied bank account, the financial ownership of the asset is assumed until the tax debt is paid in full. Here are some methods that can help you remove an IRS levy.
Some PracticalWays toRemovean IRSLevy
Introduction TheIRSadoptsaplethoraofcollectionactivitiesfor recoupingdebtsthattaxpayersowetoit.Taxlevies arethemostdifficultonestocopewith.Inthecaseof aleviedbankaccount,thefinancialownershipofthe assetisassumeduntilthetaxdebtispaidinfull.Here aresomemethodsthatcanhelpyouremoveanIRS levy.
Appealthe Levy The IRS gives you sufficient time of around 30 days to make a formal appeal after they notify you of the intent to levy an asset. The role of the appeal is to temporarily stop the levy from being enacted until a decision is made on your tax situation.
PaytheTax Debtinfull For bank levy releases, the most effective way is to pay what you owe to the IRS in full. It can be pretty easy when you have the financial means. Make surethat your account has a zero balance after you pay the obligation in full. Instead of risking a levy on any of your assets such as vehicle, house, or bank account, it is recommended you use other methods to get the levy released quickly.
Request an Instalment Agreement After the IRS levies your assets, it will not be able to relinquish its claim until the tax debt is satisfied. You can have the levy released quickly by requesting an installment agreement. This is a better option than to wait for months or years.
Prove your Assets have no Equity The release of the levied bank account comes easily when you can prove to the IRS that your assets are not worth selling. The primary reason that the IRS uses levies is to liquidate the property if necessary. This can help to recoup all or some of the money people owe to it.
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