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Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks. Sudarshan Vasudevan (Bell Labs), Micah Adler (FluentMobile), Dennis Goeckel and Don Towsley (UMass Amherst). Problem definition. Wireless nodes dropped over a region
Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks Sudarshan Vasudevan (Bell Labs), Micah Adler (FluentMobile), Dennis Goeckel and Don Towsley (UMass Amherst)
Problem definition • Wireless nodes dropped over a region • Nodes have very little or no information about the network characteristics • Nodes beginning to power up • Problem: How does each node “discover” the IDs of its neighbors (e.g., nodes in communication range)? • A node i “discovers” node j upon receiving a message from node j
One-and-only-one transmit: That ID is discovered (by all) Idle: No discovery Collision: No discovery System model • Each node has a unique ID • Omni-directional transceiver • Node can either transmit or receive at any time • Collision channel model • Bi-directional links between neighboring nodes
Motivation • Fundamental problem in large, self-organizing wireless networks • First step in initializing wireless networks • Medium access, routing, topology control depend on knowledge of neighbor IDs • Faster neighbor discovery implies reduced energy consumption
Prior work • Aloha-based ND:[MMcGlynn’01, SBorbash’07] • Assume a time-slotted system with nodes synchronized • At each slot: node transmits with probability p • What is the optimal p to maximize discovery rate? • p = 1/n where n is number of neighbors • n known to all nodes
Number of questions unresolved… • What is the running time of Aloha-based ND? • Not studied even for single-hop networks! • What happens when nodes do not know n (number of neighbors)? • How to initiate and terminate ND? • Is Aloha-based ND optimal? • Outline: • Single-hop networks • Multi-hop networks
Aloha-based ND • What is the time to discover all n neighbors? • Assumptions: • Clique of size n • n known to all nodes • Slotted, synchronous system • Prob. node i is discovered in a time slot: • Prob. of “unsuccessful” slot: • Probability that the slot is idle or collision occurs = 1 – n ps = 1/e
Aloha-based ND and Coupon Collection • Given an urn with n coupon types (each corresponding to unique neighbor) • draw a coupon (i.e. discover a neighbor) with probability 1/ne • draw a “blank” coupon (i.e. a collision or an idle slot occurs) with probability 1/e • W: time to discover all n neighbors • Same as waiting time to complete coupon collection • E[W] = ne(log N + Θ(1)) = O(n log n) • Concentration result: W = Θ(n log n) w.h.p
Unknown number of neighbors • Algorithm divided into “phases” • Phase k: • Duration slots • Each node transmits with prob p = At most a factor 2 slowdown from when n is known!
Receive ~ Exponential(Λ) σ Time Asynchronous Aloha-based ND • Each node alternates between “transmit” and “receive” modes • Analogous to synchronous case, where p = 1/n • factor of two in the denominator due to doubling of collision window in asynchronous operation
Asynchronous Aloha-based ND • Exponential “receive” durations implies transmission events are Poisson • Prob. a given transmission is successful is 1/e • Asynchronous algorithm can again be viewed as a coupon collection problem • Prob. of drawing a coupon • Time to discover all neighbors (W) • E[W] = 2σne(log n + Θ(1)) • Two times slower than synchronous version • W = Θ(n log n) w.h.p
Initiating ND • Assumption: maximum clock offset of δ • Each node starts ND when its local clock reaches T • Add δ times units to each phase • All nodes in log n-th phase for 2σne(log n + c) time units • In practice: • Mica2 motes 32.768 kHz quartz crystal oscillator • real-time clock accuracy ±10 ppm • δ = 1.7 seconds/day • Temperature-compensated oscillators • accuracy ±1 ppm, δ=160 ms/day
Terminate after phase 5, since D4 ≥ 8 and D5 < 16 Terminating ND • Let Dj denote the number of neighbors discovered by node i in the j-th phase • Termination Rule: Stop at the end of j-th phase if Dj-1 ≥ 2j-2 and Dj < 2j-1 • Example: Simulation of clique of size n = 16 • Phase 1: D1 = 0 • Phase 2: D2 = 2 • Phase 3: D3 = 14 • Phase 4: D4 = 15 • Phase 5: D5 = 15
Summary of Aloha-based ND • Θ(n log n) Aloha-based ND • A priori knowledge of n not required • At most factor of two slowdown • Asynchronous operation at most two times slower compared to synchronous operation • Allows nodes to start execution at different time instants • Provably correct termination condition • Can we achieve an O(n) ND algorithm?
A C A A C C B B B D E D E D E One-and-only-one transmit: That ID discovered (by all) Idle: No discovery Collision: No discovery Collision: No feedback from A,B,C in the 2nd mini-slot D and E know their xmissions failed Success: Only C transmits => all nodes transmit feedback in 2nd mini-slot C no longer transmits and channel contention keeps decreasing! Order-optimal ND in single-hop networks Idea: Divide each slot into two mini-slots to provide feedback to senders Assume nodes detect collisions
Order-optimal ND in single-hop networks • Time to discover all neighbors, W = Θ(n) w.h.p • Factor log n improvement over Aloha-based ND • Similar to Aloha-based ND: • No knowledge of n => at most factor 2 slowdown • Asynchronous operation => factor 2 slowdown • Starting ND same as for Aloha-like algorithm • Termination trivial: each node yet to be discovered broadcasts at the end of each phase
Order-optimal ND without collision detection • Algorithm divided into “rounds” • Round k lasts ~ O(n/2k) time slots • In Round k, where k < log log n: • Each node transmits with prob. 2k-1/n and includes ID of most recently discovered node • At the end of the round, nodes that hear their IDs back “drop out” • After log log n rounds, run Aloha-based ND
Order-optimal ND without collision detection • Insight: • Given n coupons, first n/2 coupons can be collected in linear time, while remaining n/2 coupons require O(n log n) time • n/2k nodes “drop out” in round k • Key result: At most n/log n nodes remain in contention after log log n rounds w.h.p • Remaining n/log n nodes discovered using Aloha-based ND in O(n) time w.h.p • Total running time Θ(n) w.h.p.
Multi-hop network analysis • Given a graph G=(V,E) where |V| = n, Δ=max node degree • Aloha-based ND: each node transmits with prob. 1/Δ • Time W until all edges in E are discovered?
Lower bound analysis • Given an arbitrary graph G=(V,E) such that |V| = n, max. degree = Δ, and |E| -> ∞ as n -> ∞ • Main result: Any randomized algorithm requires Ω(Δ + ln |E|) time w.h.p • Ω(Δ) lower bound applies trivially • Result follows by proving a lower bound of Ω(ln |E|) when Δ=o(ln |E|) • Assume collision detection at nodes • Does not affect lower bound
Lower bound analysis • First establish lower bound for class of uniform randomized algorithms • All nodes run the same algorithm i.e.,
g d b a i j h f e c Lower bound analysis • Result: Any graph G=(V,E) with max node degree Δ admits a matching of size at least |E|/2Δ • Proof:At each step, pick arbitrary edge in G; add to matching and remove all adjacent edges from G • At most 2Δ edges removed per step g h a c d i f b e j
Lower bound analysis • Why look at matching? • Different edges operate independently • Lower bound for matching yields lower bound for graph G • Histories of neighboring nodes identical until the time T that discovery happens • Assume both nodes discover each other in same slot • log(|E|/2Δ) time to discover all links of matching w.h.p. • When Δ=o(log |E|), this implies a lower bound of Ω(log |E|) and main result follows
Lower bound analysis • Non-uniform algorithms • Each node may run a different algorithm • Assume nodes 1..n run A1,..,An respectively • Idea: reduce a non-uniform algorithm to a uniform one • Node i simulates an Ak uniformly at random, independent of any other node • Result: Joint probability of schedules chosen by nodes same under both non-uniform and uniform algorithms • Lower bound of Ω(Δ + log |E|) applies
Summary of multi-hop analysis • Aloha-based ND has running time O(Δ log n) w.h.p • Any randomized algorithm requires Ω(Δ+log |E|) w.h.p. • When |E| = Ω(n) (e.g. a connected graph) • Aloha-based ND at most min(Δ, log n) from optimal
Other extensions • Analysis extends to randomized directional neighbor discovery • ND algorithms can be adapted for RFID tag identification and counting applications • Unidirectional links can be identified • E.g. nodes broadcast ids of discovered neighbors on termination • Neighbor discovery when nodes have multipacket reception [MobiHoc 2011]
Open problems • Order-optimality in multi-hop setting • Can the feedback-based algorithms be extended to a multi-hop network? • Lower bound on deterministic complexity • Exponential gap between randomization and determinism? • More detailed PHY layer models? • Mobility and topology maintenance
Comparison with beacon-based ND • Each node transmits beacon once every k time units • Routing protocols: AODV, DSR, GPSR, … • Bluetooth networks, Zigbee, .. • Bluetooth standard recommends k = 14 • When n ~ 100, Beacon-based ND 65 times slower than Aloha-based ND and 300 times slower than feedback-based ND! • GPSR recommends k = 1600 (corresponds to interval of 1s with a slot size of 0.625 ms) • When n ~ 10, Beacon-based ND 60 times slower than Aloha-based ND! • No obvious way to terminate Beacon-based ND
Thanks! ?^|/**/
References • S. Vasudevan, M. Adler, D. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, “Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks”, In submission to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. • S. Vasudevan, D. Towsley, D. Goeckel, and R. Khalili, “Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks and the Coupon Collector’s Problem”, Proceedings of ACM MOBICOM, 2009. • W. Zeng, X. Chen, A. Russell, S. Vasudevan, B. Wang, W. Wei, “Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception”, To appear in Proceedings of ACM MOBIHOC, 2011.