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Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing (HPRP) Grantee Training. Presented By: Office of Economic Opportunity MN Department of Human Services Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Territory Golf Club St. Cloud, MN. Agenda for the Day. 10:00 Welcome, Introductions & Overview
Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing (HPRP) Grantee Training Presented By: Office of Economic Opportunity MN Department of Human Services Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Territory Golf Club St. Cloud, MN
Agenda for the Day 10:00 Welcome, Introductions & Overview 10:15 Monitoring and Compliance 11:30 Best Practices for Serving Youth 12:00 Lunch Buffet 12:45 Small Groups: Challenges & Strategies 1:15 Reporting Back from Small Groups 1:45 HUD & ARRA Quarterly Performance Report 2:30 Remaining Questions & Future Guidance 3:00 Adjourn
Monitoring & Compliance HPRP File Review Worksheet & Instructions Used by OEO for monitoring; Grantees can use too What you need to get an “A” in HPRP monitoring Includes references (and hyperlinks) to important HUD guidance/updates Will be posted (with other materials) week of Dec 7 at: http://www.minncap.org/OEO.html
Prevention Documentation See HUD Document Housing Status: Eligibility Determination and Documentation Requirements Some judgment still required Eviction notices, landlord/host letters, shut-off notices, etc. strongly preferred Not clear how to document a sudden loss of income (with no arrears/notice) to demonstrate “would be homeless but for this assistance” Checking with HUD for further guidance
Rapid Re-HousingDocumentation Still must be HUD Homeless Shelter program must be listed in CoC Housing Inventory Chart (unless new) Transitional Housing program must be listed in CoC Housing Inventory Chart (unless new). Persons leaving Transitional Housing: must have been HUD Homeless (w/ proof) upon THP entry. Hospital/Institutional Stay: must have been HUD Homeless upon entry to institution
Other Eligibility Requirements No appropriate subsequent housing options Lack financial resources and support networks needed to obtain or maintain own housing HUD has not set an “Asset Policy” requiring a spend down level before HPRP eligible. DHS delegating decision to grantees; any asset-limit policy must be uniform across each CoC.
Income Eligibility & Verification See HUD Document “Income: Eligibility Determination and Documentation Requirements OEO – HPRP Income Worksheet Updated Level of Documentation is based on: Grantee Capacity (how quickly can you obtain it?) Type of assistance (shouldn’t significantly delay housing) Written Third-Party Oral Third-Party Applicant Self-Declaration
HPRP Documentation (cont.) • Data Privacy & ROI • Initial Assessment & Case Mgmt. Meeting • 3 Month Recertification of Eligibility • Case Notes • Type(s) and Dates of Financial Assistance provided • Client Proof of Responsibility
HPRP Documentation (cont.) No other assistance provided by other federal, state or local housing subsidy prog. Reasonable effort to verify (FHPAP, Section 8?) Difficult to document “no assistance” Will be seeking further guidance from HUD Habitability Checklist (HUD Version avail) Assisted Property Not Owned by Grantee Staff Affidavit
Rent Reasonableness Question/Clarification Pending at HUD For now, let HPRP Notice guide you (e.g. this is not FMR) RR Checklist is guide for level of detail expected by HUD Make your best effort at comparability Consider landlord verification (other units).
Lead Paint Updates Not going to post Lead-Paint TA Webinar Use HPRP Lead Guidance (from HUD) to ensure compliance OEO wonders: How many HPRP units must be assessed? How many don’t pass? Waiting for “Winter Weather Waiver” details from HUD (proceed w/ common sense) 24CFR Part B: Performance of an evaluation or lead-based paint hazard reduction … on an exterior painted surface … may be delayed for a reasonable time . . . when weather conditions are unsuitable for conventional construction activities. Mpls HUD Office (michele.k.smith@hud.gov) wants to know impact of regulations on HPRP program and the homeless
HPRP reimbursements must be supported by source documentation (for specific amts). Standard OMB Circulars apply, including time tracking or reporting. Cost allocate staff at your own risk. Understand OMB requirements and HUD. HUD developing policy on shared or joint costs (space, etc.) - OEO question submitted Fiscal Documentation
Internal Compliance Monitoring OEO recommends: File checklists based on OEO Review tool Regular file reviews by other staff Additional staff review client eligibility & initial Reporting Calendar (and cross-training) with scheduled data checking
Internal Compliance Monitoring OEO Recommends (cont.): • Program and fiscal staff work together to set-up, regularly review accounts, time charging • Staff who code bills must have detailed understanding of HPRP regulations • All program and fiscal staff have copies of work plan, budget, definitions and regulations
Serving Youth within your HPRP Program Beth Holger-Ambrose DHS Office of Economic Opportunity
Why should our HPRP program serve youth? • Both federal and state language state that HPRP funds should be used to provide homeless prevention and rapid re-housing services to families, adults and unaccompanied youth. • There are youth who are at-risk of becoming homeless and youth who are homeless in every community. • The earlier the intervention with youth the better the prevention of becoming a homeless adult.
What is a “youth”? • In Minnesota we use the definition of “youth” from the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, MN. Statutes, 256K.45. • An “unaccompanied youth” is anyone age 21 or younger that is not with their parents or legal guardian. • An “unaccompanied youth” can also include a mother and/or father with children (the mother or father being 21 or younger).
What is different about a youth who is homeless v. an adult? • Their age & brain development. • Often times don’t identify themselves as “homeless”. • Largest reason for youth being homeless is severe family conflict-this can be an issue across all races and income levels. • Youth are coming out as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender at earlier ages which in some cases causes them to get dis-owned and/or kicked out of their home. • Experience with child abuse and/or sexual exploitation are sometimes more recent and/or higher rates.
Outreach to Youth • Designate which staff will be working with youth. • Get Feedback from Youth-Program Materials, Where & How to do Outreach, People/Agencies in the Community that Youth connect with • Youth Friendly Program Materials (Brochures, Cards, Fliers, Posters)
Connect & Collaborate • Homeless School Liaisons • Teachers, School Counselors, Coaches • Juvenile Corrections Officers/P.O.’s • County Child Welfare Service Social Workers • Places of Worship • Food Shelves, Free Meal Sites • Business Owners of Places where Youth Congregate • Youth in your Community
Youth Outreach • Do not expect youth to come into your office for services-your agency should be going out to them to let them know about your services. • Be non-judgmental, confidential and realize that it may take some time for youth in the community to build up trust and realize your agency serves youth.
Youth Outreach-Rural Location Ideas • Schools • Sporting Events • Youth Groups • Places in Community where Youth Congregate • Community & Cultural Festivals/Events • Coffee Shops, Gas Stations, Bowling Ally, Movie Theaters, Malls • Do outreach with all youth-youth are a great peer to peer resource for outreach!
HPRP Youth Program Best Practices-Prevention • Family Reunification • Referral to County Child Protection (if under 18 and has disclosed physical or sexual abuse and/or neglect) • 6 months of rental & utility arrears to help a youth maintain their current housing OR help them move into new housing (if the arrears are preventing them from doing so). • Up to 18 months of rental assistance & case management (including arrears). • Other financial assistance that is provided by your HPRP program-hotel vouchers, moving costs for truck & storage, etc.
HPRP Youth Re-Housing Best Practices • If a youth cannot be reunified with family and is not screened into CPS and are currently homeless by HUD’s definition…. • Up to 6 months of utility & rental arrears, 18 months of rental assistance • Other financial assistance-motel vouchers, moving costs (truck & storage space)
Family Reunification • This means a counselor, youth advocate or therapist works as a intermediary for the youth and their identified family. • The counselor may meet with the youth & family separately at first and then meet with both together to come up with a compromise to allow the youth to come back home. • Family reunification is NOT an option if the youth is being physically or sexually abused and/or neglected.
Family Reunification • Family reunification can be with a youth’s biological parents, foster parents, grandparents, legal guardian, aunt or uncle or other relatives-it does not necessarily mean their biological parents. • Family reunification tends to work best with younger youth, youth who are homeless for the first time and/or runaway youth. • Asking a youth about their family and friends should always be a part of the intake or first conversation with the youth to see if family reunification could be an option. • It is okay to do family reunification at any time during the youth’s program involvement-family dynamics and relationships may change or present new opportunities over time.
Child Protection • If you encounter a youth who tells you they are being physically or sexually abused and/or neglected it is your responsibility to call the county’s child protection intake number and give them a report. • The county’s child protection social worker will then screen the call and determine if the report should be investigated or not-and based on that will determine if the child should be placed in an out-of-home placement. • Often times we hear that older youth (12 +) are not screened into CPS due to their age and the notion that they are old enough to avoid or run away from abuse-regardless of a youth’s age you still need to call in a report.
Rapid Re-Housing • If family reunification is not an option and the county has not responded to a CPS report in a timely manner, then the youth should be served with rental assistance and case management services. • If they are HUD homeless-through rapid re-housing or if couch hopping/doubled up through prevention. • Since many youth tend to couch hop or stay doubled up-you may serve more youth through prevention than rapid re-housing.
Youth Housing Overview • Youth in Minnesota can sign leases if they are under 18 (if they default on rent payments they are not held to the payments in court). • Many landlords are more willing to work with youth if they know the youth is working with a program. • It is a better to serve older youth that do not have severe mental illness with rapid re-housing (i.e 17-21) unless there is a very mature 16 year old…
Youth Housing Overview • When working with youth in general and in housing-the case management should be more intensive and more often than with adults-youth should meet with their case manager face to face at least once a week. • Case managers should also be checking in with the land-lords periodically to see how things are going. • Case managers should give their contact information to land-lords to handle any issues with noise, guests, etc.
Youth Housing Overview • Rental assistance should be set up in a way that youth can afford it-on an individual basis based on youth’s budget, 30% of income, etc. • Youth tend to do better when they are able to stay in a program longer-i.e. 6-18 months v. 1-3 months. • Youth also tend to do better in a housing program if they have opportunities to learn how to be a good renter & independent living skills.
How do I learn more? • Beth Holger-Ambrose, beth.holger-ambrose@state.mn.us or 651-431-3823. • Call or visit a program that specifically serves youth (see hand-out). • National Network for Youth, www.nn4youth.org • Runaway and Homeless Youth Technical Assistance Center, www.rhyttac.ou.edu • National Alliance to End Homelessness, www.endhomelessness.org
LUNCH & Small Groups Lunch Buffet Provided Please use time to meet other grantees Small Groups (assigned) for Brainstorming will begin here at 12:45 – be prompt Instructions in your packet Your participation makes the difference
HUD Quarterly Performance Report Due Tuesday, January 5, 2010 (one working day after end of quarter) Plan staffing, vacations accordingly December data checking ESSENTIAL Wilder HPRP Reporting Webinar held Nov. 20th – recording, PP available (www.hmismn.org) Due to timelines, DHS relying heavily on grantees for initial data quality review IPR Data (October) generally very poor quality
HPRP-ARRA Quarterly Report At this point, reporting consists of: • Email from Isaac requesting: • Number of Jobs Created/Retained • Description of Jobs Created/Retained • December Financial Status Report (FSR)
ARRA Reporting – Section 1512 • OMB has issued the following guidance: • OMB Implementation Guidance • List of programs subject to recipient reporting (including the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing (HPRP)) (supp1), and • Final version of the Recipient Reporting Data Model • All on www.federalreporting.gov
Important Caveats: • ARRA Reporting requirements are finalized for the 3rd Quarter ending September 30. • We have not heard of any changes for the 2nd reporting period, 4th Quarter ending December 31, 2009. Will be due on January 5, 2010. • What is shared today is based on what we currently know.
Reporting • For purposes of Recovery Act Section 1512 reporting: • The Department of Human Services’ Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) is considered the “prime recipient” or “grantee” • ARRA HPRP grantees are considered “sub-recipient” or “sub-grantee” • Beginning October 1, 2009, both prime recipients and sub-recipients have mandatory reporting for the period through September 30, 2009. • OEO will enter BOTH prime recipient (state) and sub-recipient (grantee) HPRP data itself. However, to do this, we will need to collect data from you.
Timelines • Sub-recipient data is due to OEO by the 5th of the month, following the end of the quarter: • Quarter 3, ending 9/30/2009 due 10/05/2009 • Quarter 4, ending 12/31/2009 due 01/05/2010 • All FSR/CRs are due to OEO by the 5th of the month for the previous month’s activities • OEO needs ARRA data the 5th so we can submit to MMB (formerly Dept. of Finance) by the 7th, and enter on web site by the 10th.
Where will data be reported? • The web site that will be used for federal reporting is www.federalreporting.gov. • After data is entered, it will be used to share Recovery Act updates with the public web site (www.recovery.gov).
What Data will be collected? • Expenditures (not simply obligations, but actual expenditures), gathered from FSR/CRs due to OEO by the 5th of the month, and • Job impact of Recovery Act HPRP expenditures calculated in FTE hoursbased on information gathered from sub-recipients.
Job Creation & Retention (cont’d) • Recipients should not attempt to report on the employment of “indirect” or “induced” jobs. The President’s Council of Economic Advisers will be estimating these. • “Indirect” jobs – job-years created at suppliers who make the materials used in the project. • “Induced” jobs – job-years created elsewhere in the economy as increases in income from direct government spending lead to additional increases in spending by workers and firms.
Job Creation & Retention • Section 1512 job impact questions pertain to both jobs created and jobs retained with ARRA HPRP $ • HUD Recovery Act Jobs Reporting (handout) • FTE Calculation worksheet to be used to document and substantiate reporting.