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Discover the history and significance of NASA's space shuttles, from the Space Race era to present retirement. Learn about the Saturn V rocket model and Neil Armstrong's legacy. Explore challenges, successes, and lessons learned from building a scale model rocket.
“…t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w a s n o t b u i l t b y t h o s e w h o w a i t e d a n d r e s t e d a n d w i s h e d t o l o o k b e h i n d t h e m . T h i s c o u n t r y w a s c o n q u e r e d b y t h o s e w h o m o v e d f o r w a r d , a n d s o w i l l s p a c e.”- P r e s i d e n t J o h n F . K e n n e d y
W i l l t h e R e t i r e m e n t o f t h e N A S A S p a c e S h u t t l e P r o g r a m H i n d e r S p a c e E x p l o r a t i o n a n d F u t u r e T e c h n o l o g i c a l A d v a n c e m e n t ? R e b e c c a W i t h e r s
RESEARCHA Brief History October 1, 1958 – NASA founded 1960’s-1970’s – Space Race US and Soviet Union 1969 – Man takes first steps on moon 1981 – STS-1 Columbia shuttle makes first launch. July 8, 2011 – Atlantis made 135th and final mission
Research RESEARCH What makes the shuttles so special? Reusable – Scientists can focus on learning instead of rebuilding New Technologies – cell phone cameras, prosthetics, the integrated circuit Repaired Hubble – new images and knowledge of space
RESEARCH The Retirement President Bush 2004 announcement – Shuttles canceled President Obama made more significant cuts Remaining space shuttles to be put into storage or display Attempt to aid the economy 7,000+ workers laid off Workable technologies can no longer be used America forced to rely on foreign countries to get to ISS
Since I researched the space program, I decided for my product to build a scale model of the rocket that first landed on the moon, the Saturn V.
PRODUCT Saturn V – launched 1969, national effort to put man on the moon August 25, 2012 – Neil Armstrong passed away To honor Neil Armstrong’s life -1/100 scale model rocket of the Saturn V.
PRODUCT Over 160 Steps
Product PRODUCT “We’ve all gathered here today to honor a great American hero. Neil Armstrong not only set an example of what America was when he stepped on the moon in 1969, but he also set an example for what America can and should be. Neil Armstrong never enjoyed the fame that was given to him. He recognized all of the hard work the country did to take that small step and giant leap for mankind. Today we remember the man who represented America and all that the world can be.” November 25, 2012
M e n t o rCarl McLawhorn Owner of Semroc Astronautics Corporation for Model Rocketry Supplied me with all of the parts I needed as well as a partial prototype for guidance. Participated in an interview for the quotes to put in the rocket. Taught me tricks for the building and fixing mess-ups. Was very active in and supportive of this project. I doubt I could have built a rocket this intricate without his guidance.
CHALLENGES SUCCESSES Very minimal damage on launch day Correct Assembly Timeline Figuring Out Where Everything Went The Paint Job Patience Launch Day Reschedule Rough Landing If I were to go back and do this again, I would glue everything in the right spot the first time because I took notes and I would know better than to mix different brands of spray paint.
W h a t I L e a r n e d The reason why rocket science is considered difficult. Every detail counts. One wrong angle or measurement could ruin the whole project on launch day. Exactly what each of the four sides of the Saturn V looks like. Details. Details. Details. Patience. This project took time. A lot of time. But it was very rewarding because I realized that aerospace is the career I want to pursue.
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