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Water. Computational Fluid Dynamics Volumes Lagrangian vs. Eulerian modelling Navier-Stokes equations Solving Navier-Stokes Papers only…. Foster and Fedkiw, 2001. Computational Fluid Dynamics. CFD Describes the characteristics of fluids in a volume Animation vs. CFD
Water • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Volumes • Lagrangian vs. Eulerian modelling • Navier-Stokes equations • Solving Navier-Stokes • Papers only… Foster and Fedkiw, 2001
Computational Fluid Dynamics • CFD • Describes the characteristics of fluids in a volume • Animation vs. CFD • CFD – Initial conditions, let it run • Animation – Looks real and we have control • CFD – correctness • Animation – efficiency
Describing volumes • We need to describe the volume and what’s in it • Volumes are typically described using regular voxels (3D cells) (128 x 128 x 128 is common) • Boolean for each voxel Foster and Metaxas, 2000
Describing what’s in the volume • How do we describe water? • Ideas?
Two approaches • Derives from Computational Fluid Dynamics • Lagrangian models • What happens at points in space • Eulerian models • Where does stuff go
Lagrangian Models • Break space into volumes • Describe what is in each volume • Example: Incompressibility • What goes in must match what goes out
Eulerian Models • We track motion of actual things over time • Particles are usually used to represent water • Example: Incompressibility • Particles must adhere to some packing rule
Navier-Stokes equation • Describes the motion of incompressible fluids • Water, oil, mud, etc.
Divergence • u is the liquid velocity field • Operator is called the “divergence” operator. • Divergence of a vector field F, denoted div(F) or as above is a scalar field • When equal to zero (zero vector), we have a divergenceless field
Gradient vs. Divergence • I hate operator overloading
Divergenceless field • Implies incompressiblity • Mass is conserved • What goes out a point equals what goes in • Note: This is “inside” the water, not what happens when air mixes in
More equation parts Gravity and force viscous drag convection pressure pressure velocity viscosity density
Problems with Navier-Stokes • Acceleration is associated with moving elements, so Eulerian models make sense • Pressure and boundary conditions are at locations, so Lagrangian models make sense • Some methods use semi-Lagrangian models
Foster and Fedkiw method • 1. Model environment as a voxel grid • 2. Model liquid volume using particles and implicit surface • 3. Update velocity field by solving Navier-Stokes using finite differences and a semi-Lagrangian method • 4. Apply velocity constraints from moving objects • 5. Enforce incompressibility • 6. Update the liquid volume using new velocity field
The volume representation • Each cell has • Flag for filled or available for water • Pressure variable at center (optional) • Velocity vectors on 3 sides • Shared with adjacent cell
Particles • Water is represented by particles • Introduced from source or initially placed • Motion for particle is determined by tri-linear interpolation
Isocontour • Imagine each particle with a sphere around it Isocontour
Practical system issues • The isocontour is all we need for creating the image • High particle densities are needed to make good isocontours, but create lots of complexity • Create initial isocontour at high density, then use lower density motion fields to deform the isocontour • Other option: dynamically create/destroy particles
Solving Navier-Stokes • Step 1: Choose a time step • Good rule of thumb: Nothing can jump over any cells • ???
Solving • Step 2: Solve for the velocity • This is so much fun • Let w0(x) be a solution at location x at time t1 • We’ll move to a solution at time t2 using four steps
Getting to w1: Add force • w1(x) = w0(x) + Dt f
Getting to w2:Add convection • At each time step, all particles are moved by the velocity of the fluid • The particle at location x was at location p(x,t-Dt) before • Let w2(x)=w1(p(x,t-Dt)) • All that is required is a way to track particles and some linear interpolation.
Getting to w3:Viscosity • Can be shown that:
Finite differences • How do we get from or to code on arrays? • Finite differences:
Solving for viscosity This is a standard problem formulation called the Poisson Problem and can be solved using numerous solving packages like FISHPAK.
From FISHPAK C Subroutine POIS3D solves the linear system of equations C C C1*(X(I-1,J,K)-2.*X(I,J,K)+X(I+1,J,K)) C + C2*(X(I,J-1,K)-2.*X(I,J,K)+X(I,J+1,K)) C + A(K)*X(I,J,K-1)+B(K)*X(I,J,K)+C(K)*X(I,J,K+1) = F(I,J,K) C
Getting to w4:Incompressiblity • Our solution will have a divergence part and a divergence-free part. We need to solve for the divergence part and subtract it out.
Cont… Again, we have a Poisson Problem.
What about pressure? • Issues of incompressibility • Stam claims that pressure drops out in his solution. This would be a consequence of the way he deals with incompressibility.
Boundary conditions • What about where we run out of space? • Set velocity to zero? (paper says this) • Or what other option?