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Survey to identify the needs and interests of Training for the Insertion of the Ixil Youth in the labor sector. Executed from September 19 th to 25 th , 2011. CONTENT. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY 03 SURVEY RESULTS 09 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA 20 EDUCATION 27 TRAINING AND SCHOLARSHIPS 47
Survey to identify the needs and interests of Training for the Insertion of the Ixil Youth in the labor sector Executed from September 19th to 25th, 2011
The Ixil Foundation is an organization that emerges from Asociación Chajulense, ‘La Unión’, an association comprising 1,500 producers of organic coffee on Fair Trade, due to the dedication towards people regarding to poverty, discrimination and exclusion of the Ixil Region, with the yearning to help create opportunities for improving the quality of life, to a dignified life. The organization was founded in February 2009. The Ixil Foundation is a non-profit, apolitical and ecumenical organization of professionals, entrepreneurs and producers who contribute to improving the quality of life and creating opportunities for the Ixil population through productive projects and sustainable human development. GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To identify the needs and interests for training of the Ixil youth for the insertion into the labor sector through a short survey. TARGET GROUP: The target group comprises of men and women, between 13 and 17 years of age, living in urban and rural areas of the municipalities of Chajul and San Juan Cotzal, in El Quiché. 4
SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION: The survey was required to be a representation of the Ixil area (based on the municipalities of Chajul and San Juan Cotzal, at an individual level). It was considered as variable controls the proportion of rural-urban residents, men-women, age ranges and levels of schooling (education - no schooling). The estimates of the data, based on the XI National Population Census and the VI National Housing Census 2002, are viz.: a/. Projected population to 2010 by the INE for listed municipalities, based on the XI National Census of Population and VI National Housing Census - 2002. b/. Proportion of people between 3 and 7 years of age, who will be between 13 and 17 years old this year. according to the National Population Census XI and VI National Housing Census – 2002. c/. Proportion of population by gender, residence and literacy, according to the National Population Census XI and VI National Housing Census - 2002. 5
SAMPLE SIZE: The aim was to conduct 300 surveys among the target group,having effectively completed 301 surveys. Considering a target group of 13,641 people (predetermined universe), and applying a 95% level of confidence, the margin of error relevant to the entire information, is shown below: Notes: n = Sample number. N = Target group number. P/Q = Probability. Z = Critical value pertaining to the selected level of confidence:95% level of confidence.Z = 1.96. E = MPE. 6
TYPE OF SURVEY: • An exploratory, conclusive survey was conducted for data collection through questionnaires based on the research objectives, the draft developed by The Ixil Foundation for Consumer. It was reviewed prior to field application. The questionnaire consisted of 45 questions, with an average duration of approximately 20 minutes per survey. A pilot test of 15 surveys was conducted as validation of the questionnaire to be applied. • All activities were conducted by 2 field teams, each consisting of four interviewers supervised directly from the company. The interviewers should be fluent in the local language, which implied the need to recruit local people as interviewers, with the appropriate profile in order for them to understand and know how to conduct a survey. • The interviewers received 1 day of training in data collection, as well as were assigned the following responsibilities and obligations: • Interviewers: • Raise the questions and instructions in the given order, • Record all responses verbatim, • Check that all the required data were obtained, • Respect the privacy of the respondents. • Supervisors: • Validate the process of sample selection, • Check all the ballots to ensure they were complete, • Validate at least 30% of the interviews conducted by each interviewer . 7
TARGET GROUP PROFILE: An important variable was the literacy / illiteracy of young Ixil people, who in 44% of cases, said to be literate. It is worth to mention that this indicator was given on the basis stated by the respondent and not through a verification process. This indicator - literacy / illiteracy – does not represent significant differences by demographic variables, although it is important to mention that there is a direct relationship between illiteracy and having an occupation, i.e. there is a significant higher proportion of illiteracy among young people who are currently working. The majority (95%) of young Ixil people state that are single, which manifests in greater proportion among the group of 13 to 14 years of age. Further in the range of 5 to 17 years of age, there are various de facto unions and even divorce and widowhood. According to ethnicity, 72% of young people surveyed declared to be Ixil, specially those living in Chajul. These young people live in households of 7 members in average, considering the parents, siblings and other relatives. However, there are larger households, compared to the average before mentioned. The 85% live with both parents. Single-parent households (9%) are present in greater proportion in Cotzal among young ethnic K'che, as well as among illiterate young people. 10
EDUCATION: 22% of respondents reported not having attended any kind of studies, although 44% of them indicated being illiterate, as previously stated. This lack of studies is perceived in greater proportion among young people living in urban areas, as well as those who are currently working. It is worth to mention that 62% of illiterate youth received an education at some point, although this did not go beyond the second grade. Young people who did not studied or indeed studied up to any grade of the Elementary Level (85%), stated that it is too expensive or having limited economic resources at home (53%), reason manifested mainly among the youth of Chajul and those ones over 15 years. Other reasons given by the respondents that limited their education are the duty to work (19%), felt no need to study or further study (17%), or security, among the most important. In this segment, 27% indicated to continue to study. Young people who study or studied up to the Elementary level described this level of education in their municipality between "good and regular" (93%). In this context of evaluation, this group rated similarly the discipline and school attendance, the content of curricula, teachers and educational materials. The furniture, equipment and facilities were given a “regular” grade. The concerns raised in greater proportion of what they thought was the most important to improve within the Elementary schools of the municipality were: food, furniture and equipment, facilities and recreational spaces. The need to improve the food in the Elementary schools in the municipality (29%) was exposed in significant higher proportion among the Cotzal youth, as well as the young people who are not currently studying and those who are currently working. 11
Young Ixil people who studied at Secondary and Highschool (15%) said they had pursued their studies mainly at cooperative type educational institutions (43%), which was manifested in greater proportion among Cotzal residents, as well as residents of urban areas. Furthermore, only 15% attended a public educational institution. Young people who study or studied up to the Secondary level, graded this level of education in the municipality between "good and regular" (91%), specially among the Cotzal youth. Under this context of assessment, this group rated similarly the discipline and school attendance, the content of curricula, teachers, educational materials, and the facilities. The furniture and equipment were given a “regular” grade. The concerns raised in greater proportion of what they thought was the most important to improve within the Secondary Schools of the municipality were: the preparation of teachers, furniture and equipment, facilities and the recreational spaces. 37% of those surveyed said to be currently studying. Of these, 62% are studying at an Elementary grade level, 38% are studying at the Secondary level of which only 1% at Highschool. The education of this group is mainly funded by their parents. Only 2% of respondents who are currently studying expressed the harness to attend a free educational institution. The young people who are not currently studying (63%), were inquired of why not having continued to study, hence giving similar reasons as those ones who lack of study: limited financial resources (47%), having to work (18%) or no need to further study. 12
In general, only 2 of the 301 young people surveyed, reported having a Highschool education, where only 1 of them said to be currently studying. These two people did not allow to conduct a proper supported analysis. However, by the time of requesting their assessment on the aspects of Highschool education in their municipality, both only agreed to grade as "regular" the educational materials and facilities. Moreover, they agreed that the most important to be improved at Highschool are the furniture and equipment. Although both people showed an interest in continuing their education at university level, and it is not feasible to conclude a common professional interest area, they would be interested in working for the benefit of the municipality. TRAINING AND SCHOLARSHIPS: All young people were asked if they could receive a training course or workshop to improve their economic status, to which they shall indicate which topic they would like. In general, the most interesting subjects are: bakery (17%), kitchen (13%) and tailoring (11%). The two latter are the most preferred by women. The topics of interest for the workshops are as broad and diverse, and although when there are three most preferred subjects, the respondents expressed 40 different subjects for training. According to the main training topics listed above, bakery and cooking were mentioned as the main vocation in which young Ixil people would like training. Although in lower proportions, other mentioned trades are: carpentry, computing, automotive, textile technology, tailoring, among others. It is worth to mention that when segmenting the interests by gender, women expressed their main interests in baking, cooking and textile technology; while in the case of men's main interests are in auto mechanics, bakery, computer and building, among the most mentioned. 13
When segmenting the interests of training in terms of schooling, young literate people expressed their main interests in computing, bakery and auto mechanics; while in the case of those illiterate, their main interests are bakery, kitchen, textiles and sewing, among the most mentioned. Almost 9 out of 10 young Ixil people would like to apply for a scholarship in order to continue their studies or learn a trade. This interest is present to a greater proportion in literate people, as well as among those not currently working. In general, almost everyone in this group expressed the willingness to participate in monthly workshops as part of their training. 89% said they believe their parents would be keen to participate in briefings every 3 - 4 months. 85% of them agree to perform community service during their holidays, especially among those who live in urban areas, are over 15 years of age and currently working. When asked if they are willing to return 20% of the total cost of their scholarship after graduation, 69% gave a positive response, specially among young people from Chajul. YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS: Just over half of young Ixil respondents (54%) indicated that youth organizations do exist in their community. When asked about the type of existing youth organizations, these are from mostly Evangelical and Catholic churches, as well as sporting groups. Furthermore, 73% (7 out of 10) participate in religious ones, whereas 24% in sports. 14
Women, illiterate youth and those who are not currently studying are involved mostly in religious activities, whereas men, literate youth and those who are currently studying are involved mainly in sports activities. The main reasons expressed towards participation in these organizations are the interest in sports, learn about life and making friends, among the most mentioned. On the other hand, those ones who do not participate in these youth organizations founded their reasons due to work, not having been invited to, lack of time or simply lack of motivation JOBS AND INCOME: In general, 19% of Ixil youth surveyed said to be currently working, a proportion manifested mainly among young illiterate. The main occupations in which they work are as homemaker and farmer. Regardless of the economic activity performed by these young workers, 96% of them indicated that their income does not reach the minimum daily wage of Q.63.70, i.e. Q.1911.00 per month. It is worth to mention that 46% of these young workers gain a wage no more than Q.20.00 a day, especially in the case of women. 15
When all young people were interviewed regardless if they worked or not, if they have a relative who is in another country and send money to them or their families (remittances), only 5% indicated to be in that situation, mostly among who are literate and currently studying. 15% of young Ixil people have left their municipality for the purpose of work, a situation mostly present in men, urban residents and among residents of Cotzal. The main activity performed by these young people was coffee harvest (61%). 16
AGE(N=301) 22
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS(N=301) Average = 7.1 25
Q.7 With whom do you live? (N=301) Both Parents Only with Mother Other Relatives + 12 NS/NR 26 Note: All Answers included in "Other relatives" reported 1% or less in question.
Q.8 What is the last year of studies you have completed? (N=301) 29
Q.9 Why didn’t you continue to study? Why did you only study at Elementary Level? (N=255) Expensive / Lack of money Work No need to study Insecurity Does not speak Spanish Doesn’t like / Isn’t interested Sickness Low quality education Is studying Other reasons + 7 NS / NR Note: All Answers included in "Other reasons" were 2% or less. As of multiple-choice question, the numbers do not add to 100%. The question was posed to those who did not study or reached Q.8 Elementary. 30
Q.10 At what type of institution did you studied or do you study Secondary / Highschool? (N=46) 31 Note: Question for those who study at Secondary or Highschool Level P.8
Q.12 Who pays for your studies? (N=112) Parents Father Mother Free Uncles Grandparents 33 Note: Qestion those who answered YES in Q.11
Q.13 Why are you not currently studying? (N=189) Limited economic resources Work Dropout / Didn’t want to Lack of opportunity No interest Difficulty in learning Other reasons + 11 NS / NR Note: All Answers included in "Other reasons" were 2% or less. As of multiple-choice question, the numbers do not add to 100%. The question was posed to those who answered NO in Q.11. 34
Q.14 If you could receive a training course or workshop to improve your economic status, what topic would you like to receive? (N=301) Bakery Cooking Tailor Auto Mechanics Textile technology Building Carpentry Computing Dressmaking Beauty Salon (Haircut) Others + 30 NS / NR Note: All Answers included in "Other courses and workshops" were 2% or less. As of multiple-choice question, the numbers do not add to 100%. 35
Q.15 How do you rate the following levels of education in the Municipality? (N=151) (N=46) (N=2) 36 Note: Question for those who answered elementary or above in Q8.
Q.16 How do you rate the following aspects of Elementary school? (N=151) 37 Note: Question for those who answered Elementary or above in Q8.
Q.17 Within the Elementary schools of the municipality, what do you think is the most important to improve? (N=151) Food (breakfast, snack and lunch) Furniture and Equipment Facilities (building, bathrooms, classes) Recreational spaces Teacher Preparation Quantity of students per class Curricula Daily classes No Teachers Do not have schools NS / NR 38 Note: Question for those who answered Elementary or above in Q8.
Q.18 How do you rate the following aspects of Secondary school, where did you study? (N=46) 39 Note: Question for those who answered Highschool in Q. 8.
Q.19 Within secondary schools in your municipality, what do you think is the most important to improve? (N=46) Teacher Preparation Furniture and Equipment Facilities (building, bathrooms, classes) Recreational spaces Daily classes Quantity of students per class No Teachers Food (breakfast, snack and lunch) Do not have schools Curricula 40 Note: Question for those who answered Highschool in Q. 8.
Q.20 How do you rate the following aspects of Highschool education in your municipality, i.e. baccalaureate, teacher, accountant, and others? (N=2) Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 41
P.21 Within Highschools of your municipality, what do you think is the most important to improve? (N=2) Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 42
Q.22 If you could study at University, what would you like to study? (N=2) Law Nursing Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 43
Q.23 Which of the following careers would you study? (N=2) Law Nursing Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 44
Q.24 If you study this career, what kind of job would you like to do? (N=2) Law Firm Nursing at a Hospital Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 45
Q.25 And in what place would you like to work? (N=2) Note: Question for thos who answered Hightschool in Q.8. The N is so small, it could not be included. 46
Q.26 If you could study another trade, what would you study? (N=301) Bakery Cooking Carpentry Computing Auto Mechanics Textile technology Tailor Building Dressmaking Electricity Nursing Beauty Salon (Haircut) Others NS / NR Note: All Answers included in "Other offices that would like to study" were 2% or less. Multiple-choice question, the numbers do not add to 100%. 48
Q.27 From the following list, in what job are you interested in? (N=301) Bakery Computing Cooking Auto Mechanics Dressmaking Textile technology Building Carpentry Dressmaking Electricity English Repairment Others + 6 49 Note: All Answers included in "Other trades that interest" were 2% or less.
Q.28 Would you be interested in applying for a scholarship to continue your studies or to study a trade? (N=301) 50