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Mount Litera Zee School - Parent Orientation 2019-20

Welcome to the Primary Grades Parent Orientation for the academic year 2019-20 at Mount Litera Zee School. Discover our innovative teaching methods and exceptional facilities.

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Mount Litera Zee School - Parent Orientation 2019-20

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  1. Welcome to Parent Orientation 2019-20 Primary Grades: III to VII

  2. Zee Learn is India’s leading company in education segment with the fastest growing chain of K-12 schools – Mount Litera Zee School and Asia’s No 1 chain of pre-school network – Kidzee in its portfolio. With one most advanced teaching methodology – Litera Octave, Zee Learn under its brand name Mount Litera Zee Schoolsprovides promising education to the future generation enabling them to explore their true unique potential.  Awarded as the ‘K-12 School Chain of the Year’ at Indian Educational Congress in 2015, Mount Litera Zee School has over 90+ schools in 120+ cities nationwide.

  3. MISSION STATEMENT “To create an excellent education institution synthesising the human values with the highest quality of teaching learning using modern technology-driven tools for preparing a well-rounded personality for our society.”


  5. TRUSTEES Mr. Ajay Kumar Mr. Subhash Balwadkar Ms. Swati Gaikwad Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Mr. Saumya Rauniyar Mr. Mahesh Damodare

  6. Our Mentor Regional School Director (WEST ZONE) Zee Learn. Ms. Satwant Palekar. Ph.No:9152010755 satwant.palekar@zeelearn.com

  7. Our Principal Principal Mount Litera Zee School, Hinjawadi Name:-Ms. Shilpa Kapoor Contact Number: - 9607400701 / 02 E-mail:- principal.hinjewadi@mountlitera.com

  8. Mr. Ashok Pujari Ms. Jayati Chakraborti Ms. Neha Sharma • Admin Head Relationship Manager Relationship Executive (mlzs.hinjewadi@mountlitera.com) (admission@mountliterapune.com) (info@mountliterapune.com) • Mr. Vidaynand Bondre Mr. Vishal Sorte Mr. Vikas Talekar • Facility Manger Account Manager IT Executive • (facility@mountliterapune.com) (acct.mlzspune@gmail.com) (it.mlzspune@gmail.com)

  9. SCHOOL TIMINGS Time: 8:30 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. Bus Dispersal Time: 03.40 p.m. Working days: Monday to Friday All Saturdays off

  10. OFFICE TIMING Time: 08:30 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Principal Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. (Or with prior appointment on all working days) Teacher’s Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m. to 02.00 p.m. ( On 2nd and 4th Saturday or during PTM)

  11. Mount Litera Zee School, Hinjawadi. 2019 - 20 TIME TABLE

  12. Our Infrastructure Administration Building Academic Building Skating and Basket Ball Ground

  13. Class room Innovation Lab Computer lab Composite Lab

  14. Incase the child is unwell allow the child to rest at home. Children suffering from contagious diseases should not be sent to school - Even on exam days. Infirmary room Day Care

  15. Library room Students are expected to be at the stop at least 5 minutes prior to the give pick up timing. Incase the parent / guardian are not at the stop during the drop, the child will be brought back to school. School Bus with Driver and Lady attendant


  17. Suggested Menu Kindly note that the above menu is suggestive and is not applicable if the child has any food allergy.

  18. Zee Learn initiates ‘I Care’ campaign, which appeals for a abuse free world for children. This program seeks to educate masses on child care and protect the young against mental and physical abuse; this initiative promotes an abuse free environment for children.

  19. Guidelines for Parents • Please check the Almanac (School diary ) regularly. • (Page no 3,4,5,6,7,8 To be filled on a compulsory basis). • Kindly go through the circulars and remove them and keep them safe with you. • Almanac should be brought to school daily. • Make sure your child wears the ID card every day. • Please refer the Almanac for all the activities and • the requirement mentioned for the activities scheduled for the particular month. • Uniform should be neat and clean as well as ironed. • Follow the school timing strictly. • For any queries contact the reception and kindly specify your ward’s name and • class and the name of the person you wish to talk to. • Parents are requested to read and sign note and circular given to their ward. • Parents can communicate with teacher through the diary for any queries. • Leave notes are a must after resuming school in case of absenteeism. • Almanac is the means of communication between the Educator and the parents. • Kindly fill in the forms in the Almanac.

  20. Birthday Policy • The students are required to bring any small • Chocolate of value Rs. 5. • Parents are requested not to give any gift or • Token of gratitude to the educators. • No birthday parties will be held in school. • No birthday gifts or return gifts will be exchanged • with students. • Private birthday invitations should be mailed, rather than • passed in class, unless the entire class is invited. • Send your child in decent party dress along with I-card.

  21. Health and Hygiene • In some cases, if the medical attention is required please keep the authorities of the school informed in written at all times with doctor’s prescription attached. • No student should attend school if he/she is suffering with serious or contagious disease. They will be allowed to attend the school again when a medical certificate is produced. • Please fill the details in the Health form. The Health form should be filled by your Family doctor or any paediatrician only. • The Health form is to be filled and submitted by Monday, June 17, 2019.

  22. MEDICAL FORM Medical form to be submitted by June, Monday 17, 2019

  23. Field Trips

  24. Litera Gear for AY 2019-20

  25. Litera Gear for AY 2019-20

  26. Litera Gear for AY 2019-20

  27. TEACHING STAFF Ms. Richa Math & EVS Ms. Sonali Hindi Teacher Ms. Rutuja Class Teacher Grade – III Ms. Pallavi Librarian Ms. Sangeeta Class Teacher Grade – VI EVS & SS Ms. Priyanka Class Teacher G – IV Hindi Ms. Shilpa ComputerTeacher Ms. Harshita Art & Craft Ms. Pooja Marathi Ms. Habiba Class Teacher G – V Ms. Sagarika Class Teacher Grade – VII MATH

  28. The House System Houses Christopher Columbus BLUEHouse Mahatma Gandhi GREENHouse Leonardo Da Vinci REDHouse Albert Einstein ORANGEHouse

  29. Primary Uniform (Grade III and VII) Boys– shirt and shorts (Blazer Occasionally) Girls – shirt and Skirt (Blazer Occasionally)

  30. When to Wear? Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:- Regular Uniform Boys - Light Parrot Green and Navy Blue Lining on sleeves Shirt and Navy Blue half pant Girls - Light Parrot Green and Navy Blue Lining on sleeves Shirt Monday and Wednesday:- Sports Uniform Boys- T-shirt and track Grade III – VII Girls - T-shirt and track Grade III – VII

  31. Parent on Campus Policy We strongly believe that holistic development of students is based on 4 pillars student, parent, teacher and school. To further strengthen the bond of all stake holders, we hereby introduce the “parent on campus policy” In short, everyday one present in the school campus before the start of the school till the end of the school. This will not only enhance the trust between parents and school but will prove to be an important step towards fostering a relationship of confidence. This is an effort to supplement and re-enforce our commitment to provide safe and secure environment and make parents as partners in our endeavour of imparting forward to working together and successful cooperation.

  32. Subject Educators Concept Subjects for III & IV 1. English Language / Literature 2. Hindi 3. Marathi 4. EVS 5. Mathematics 6. Science 7. Computer /IT 8. GK 9. Library 10. Art and craft 11. Sports

  33. Subject Educators Concept Subjects for V to VII 1. English Language / Literature 2. Hindi 3. Marathi 4. German 5. EVS / Social Studies 6. Mathematics 7. Science 8. Computer /IT 9. GK 10. Library 11. Art and craft 12. Sports

  34. Assessment Pattern

  35. Notebook Details

  36. HOMEWORK POLICY • Grade I and II • Monday– English / Hindi • Tuesday- English Grammar • Wednesday – Hindi Grammar • Thursday – EVS / Science • Friday and Saturday – Project related to any curricular and co-curricular subject • Everyday-Mathematics

  37. LUMINOSITY MLZS Hinjawadi proudly welcomes the future of learning with Zee Luminosity. It is unique mix of 2D and 3D content to make learning engaging and effective. It has intuitively engaging 3D animated videos and learning objects for an immersive visual experience and improved learning with well-designed activities to make learning engaging and fun. It has high-end simulations and virtual labs to promote “deep learning”. We are sure that Luminosity will help teachers to effectively engage students which in turn will help achieve better learning outcomes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=68&v=BlXBA0rO0FU

  38. Student MZLS Android Mobile App EPLUS MLZ – Student https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.innova.studentsmlz This App Provides for complete information an all student related activities viz. Attendance, messaging, Time Table, HW/CW, Achievement, Meal Menu, Progress Report, Important Notices, Exam Schedule, school Calendar, Transport Information, Fees payments, all under one roof. For Student :- LOGIN – SZHP10XXX (S for Student) Password - XXXXX For Parent :- LOGIN – PZHP0XXX (P for Parent) Password – XXXXX

  39. The Literati We are pleased to launch our monthly newsletter ‘THE LITERATI’ for Primary and middle school student. The news letter will keep student updated with the latest events organized at Mount Litera Zee School PAN India in terms of thoughts penned down by our Mount Literans, leaders and educators with a dash of current affairs in India and across globe. It consists of the game, thought provoking articles, artwork, brainteasers and general knowledge question. I am sure our Mount Literans will be enriched through “The Literati” Enjoy this beautiful treat to your eyes and enrich your grey cells! Happy Reading

  40. PTM DATES FOR A.Y. 2019-20 June, Saturday 29, 2019 August, Saturday 14, 2019 September, Saturday 14, 2019 November, Saturday 9, 2019 December, Saturday 14, 2019 February, Saturday 29, 2020 April, Saturday 25, 2020 : Report card day

  41. Code of Conduct for Parents • Show respect and support for your child, the educators, • and the school. • Do not talk ill about any educator or school authority • in the presence of the students. • Have positive attitude towards the school and • cooperate with the teachers towards the • betterment of the student. • Develop reading habit in your child by example. • Support the school’s discipline policy. • Encourage the child to be regular and punctual in • attending the school. • No half day is allowed to any child unless there is an emergency.

  42. Parent’s complaint disposal system • Parents to contact the Complaint Handling Coordinator (CHC) i.e. Principal any complaints regarding transport and academics. • The complaint should be in the mode of e-mail and in written only between 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday only) • Ph. No. : 9607400701, E-mail id: principal.hinjewadi@mountlitera.com • The CHC will maintain the record of the complaints made and convey it to the concerned authority on the same day. • The CHC will be responsible for taking the feedback and the proper closure from the concerned authority and will give a proper closure to the parent within 3 days of lodging the complaint. • The parents will contact the Principal for any complaints regarding the academics (by written mode or through emails only).

  43. Tips for talking to our children • Instead of this:- • “If you don’t finish your lunch, we’re not going to the park” • Try this:- • “Once you finish eating your lunch, then we can go to the park” • Instead of this:- • “For the last time, come here right now!” • Try this:- • “Do you want to come by yourself, or should I help you?” • Instead of this:- • “Don’t slam the door!” • Try this:- • “Please, close the door gently. Would you like me to show you how?”

  44. Feedback Hierarchy For any queries, suggestions, feedbacks, complaints kindly follow the hierarchy: Class Educator – (Will address the issue within 3 Days) Principal – (Will address the issue within 3 Days) Regional School Director, ZLL Sources of Feedback Emails to Coordinators (academics@mountliterapune.com) Feedback to Front Office (info@mountliterapune.com) Feedback during PTA meetings

  45. Our Philosophy Every aspect, action and decision at Mount Litera Zee School is governed by a single, simple principle – “What’s Right for the Child (WRFC)”. This helps us keep the child at the centre of the everything we do and ensures single-minded devotion to their growth and development.

  46. Know more about us School Website: http://www.mountliterapune.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Mount-Litera-Zee-School-Pune-361180470999071/

  47. Thank you

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