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Empowering Student Success: Maximizing Learning through Powerful Product Assignments

Explore how to effectively educate for success by incorporating rubrics and powerful product assignments. Learn to identify study essentials, create relevant product assignments, differentiate tasks, and celebrate accomplishments. Develop skills to coach for success and promote student learning profiles.

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Empowering Student Success: Maximizing Learning through Powerful Product Assignments

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  1. Powerful Product Assignment Beth Ackerman, Ed.D. mackerman@liberty.edu

  2. Session 3 of GUIDE to Differentiated Instruction will cover how we can educate for success by utilizing rubrics and powerful product assignments. Great Commission Understanding Differentiated Instruction Instruction and Assessment work together Delivery methods Educate for Success – Powerful Products

  3. What do You Wish to Learn Today?

  4. Powerful Product Assignment • Identify the essentials of the study/unit • Identify one or more formats or “packaging options” for the product • Determine expectations of quality • Decide on scaffolding you may need to build in order to promote success (timelines, storyboard, critiquing, revising, etc.)

  5. Powerful Product Assignment • Develop a product assignment that is relevant, measurable, observable • Differentiate or modify versions of the assignment based on student readiness, interest and learning profile • Coach for success • Celebrate accomplishments

  6. Examples of a Powerful Product • Simple – As a learning group, create a time line on bulletin board paper. Create a news letter that represents an historical time period. • Complex – Group science fair project. Write and perform a play using Bible characters • What ideas do you have?

  7. Presentation Activity 1. Get in groups of 5. Find folks close to your teaching level and/or area. 2. Choose a low or high prep technique - 3. Choose a presentation format – • A dramatic presentation (play or skit) • A brochure • A poster • A song or rap 4. Your 3 minute presentation must contain • A description of the chosen technique • Three strengths of the technique • Three challenges of the techniques

  8. What do You Wish to Learn Today?

  9. Contact information • Email backerman@liberty.edu • Notes at http://works.bepress.com/beth_ackerman • Twitter @BethPAckerman • Facebook Beth Parker Ackerman

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