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Learn about the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program and how it can help you gain valuable experience, develop skills, and prepare for jobs or college. Explore different types of SAE programs, including entrepreneurship, employment, and conservation.
Read this carefully! Wanted: Landscape Maintenance worker, Operate a lawn mower and power blower. Need a person who can work with out supervision. Experience required. Call 515-7743.
Read this carefully! Vet Assistant needed. Mayflower Animal Hospital needs an experienced individual to work 20 hours a week. Duties including bathing animals, grooming and feeding of animals. Apply in person at 316 Walnut Street.
Read this carefully! Wanted: Dependable person to handle over the counter sales in a busy garden center. Pay is $7.50 an hour. Neat appearance important along with the ability to work with people. Experience in working with plants a must. Call 515-2396 for an interview.
What was the same in all 3 ads? • Each advertisement wanted the person to be experienced. People who have experience have the edge in landing a job. But: • How do you get experience without first having a job? • How do you get a job without first having experience? Job Experience
Gaining Experience!! • Question: • How can you gain experience to get a job (or prepare for college)? • Answer: SAE • Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
What is SAE? • Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Programs consist of planned practical activities conducted outside of class time in which students develop and apply agricultural knowledge and skills.
How Does a SAE Help Me? • Develop skills that can be used in getting a job • Provides the opportunity to make money • Develops skills that can be used in starting you own business • Helps develop management skills • Develop computer skills.
How Does a SAE Help Me...? • Learn record keeping skills • Improves analytical and decision making skills • Teaches responsibility • Provides the opportunity to explore possible careers
How Does a SAE Help Me...? • Develops knowledge and skills that could be helpful in college, as a hobby or for recreation. • Provides the opportunity to win awards: FFA proficiency awards are based on the SAE program. In addition to winning awards, money can be won at regional, state and national levels
How Does a SAE Help Me...? • FFA degrees are partially based on the SAE. You must have a SAE program to advance. • In order to be a state or national officer, you first must have an advanced FFA degree which is partially based on SAE. • Could help the grade in Agriculture class.
Types of SAE in PA • Entrepreneurship • Placement • Conservation • Improvement • Practicum Skills • Research
Entrepreneurship • The student plans, implements, operates and assumes financial risks in a farming activity or agricultural business. • In Entrepreneurship programs, the student owns the materials and other required inputs and keeps financial records to determine return to investments.
Entrepreneurship examples: • Growing a garden or a crop • Operating a Christmas tree farm • Raising pigs, sheep or cattle • Running a pay-to-fish operation • Raising vegetables or flowers to sell • Owning and operating a lawn care service • A group of students growing a crop of poinsettias
Entrepreneurship Examples (continued) • Raising poultry – chickens, ducks, etc • Raising rabbits or guinea pigs • Having a pleasure horse • Breeding show dogs • Raising goats • Operating a corn maze • Growing strawberries or blueberries • Creating and selling floral arrangements
Employment • Employment programs involve the placement of students on farms or in agricultural businesses, to provide a "learning by doing" environment. • This is done outside of normal classroom hours and may be paid or non-paid.
Employment Examples • Working in a florist shop • Working after school at a farm supply store • Working on Saturdays at a riding stable • Working in a small animal hospital • Placement on a farm • Working in the produce or meat department of a grocery store.
More Employment Examples • Working in a small engine repair shop • Working in the nursery of a department store • Working at a local kennel • Working at a local orchard • Working at a livestock or produce auction • Working in a state or county park • Working for the Conservation District • Working at the local hardware store
Conservation • The student studies wildlife and the environment and conducts activities to improve the environment and provide habitat for wildlife. • Conservation projects usually include multiple activities throughout the year.
Conservation Examples: • Build, erect and monitor bird boxes • Place bird feeders and maintain a log of birds seen • Plant a butterfly garden • Make casts of animal tracks • Design a conservation exhibit for a local fair. • Raise pheasants or quail • Plant evergreens for wildlife cover • Plant apple or crabapple trees for wildlife food
Conservation Examples: • Construct brush piles for wildlife • Do a stream improvement project • Plant a tree seedling nursery • Develop a PowerPoint to identify trees and wildlife common to your area. • Do a stream study. • Mow strips in a field to improve habitat • Plant wildlife food plots – corn, sunflowers, etc • Trap nuisance wildlife (muskrats on a dam)
Conservation Project Opportunities The Pennsylvania Game Commission provides regional (Game Commission regions) and state level monetary awards for outstanding conservation projects.
Improvement • Improvement activities include a series of learning activities that improve the value or appearance of the place of employment, home, school or community; the efficiency of an enterprise or business, or the living conditions of the family. • An improvement activity involves a series of steps and generally requires a number of days for completion.
Improvement Examples: • Landscaping the home • Building a fence • Remodeling and painting a room • Overhauling a piece of equipment • Building or reorganizing a shop • Renovating and restocking a pond • Computerizing the records of an agricultural business
Practicum Skill • These projects allow students to gain knowledge through: • Non-experimental research • Exploring various areas of agriculture • Exploring agricultural careers.
To qualify for the Keystone degree with a practicum skills project, you must work and document 300 hours outside of class time.
Practicum Skill Examples: • Develop a marketing plan for an agricultural commodity • Write a series of newspaper articles about the environment • Design a land use plan for your school district • Develop a landscape design for a community facility • Design an advertising campaign for an agribusiness • Attend a county or state conservation camp
Practicum Skill Examples: • Observe and/or assist a florist • Grow plants in a milk jug "greenhouse" • Assist on a horse farm for a day • Interview an agricultural loan officer in a bank • Prepare a scrapbook on the work of a veterinarian • Attend an agricultural career day • Volunteer at a zoo
School Related Practicum Skill Examples • Work in the school greenhouse or land lab • Serve as a school lab assistant. • Develop and or maintain the FFA chapter website. • Develop and/or participate in a recycling or litter pick up program • Plant a butterfly garden at an elementary school
Research • An extensive activity where the student plans and conducts a major agricultural experiment using the scientific process. The purpose of the experiment is to provide students "hands-on" experience in: • 1. Verifying, learning or demonstrating scientific principles in agriculture. • 2. Discovering new knowledge. • 3. Using the scientific process.
Research Examples • Comparing the effect of various planting media on plant growth • Determining the impact of different levels of protein on fish growth • Comparing three rooting hormones on root development • Determining if phases of the moon have an effect on plant growth
Research Examples, continued • Analyzing the effectiveness of different display methods on plant sales in a garden center • Demonstrating the impact of different levels of soil acidity on plant growth • Determining the strength of welds using different welding methods • Determining the effectiveness of using earthworms to recycle various wastes – leaves, paper, cafeteria waste
Research Project Opportunities Your research project is eligible for competition in the Agriscience and Agri-science Fairs at the FFA state and national levels as well as at your local fairs and the state Farm Show in Harrisburg.
SAE and You After reviewing this PowerPoint, talk to your parents and agriculture teacher and decide the type of SAE that will work for you.
SAE and You After you decide which type of SAE you will do: • With your agriculture teacher’s help decide if you will be doing your records by hand (paper and pencil) or on the computer. • With your agriculture teacher’s help select the appropriate record book section for your SAE. • If you are using the computer records, download the appropriate sections from the state FFA website. • Remember every SAE record book MUST include a common pages section.
SAE and You • Each February the Pennsylvania FFA sponsors a state record book CDE. • The best SAE books from your chapter may be entered.
SAE and You The best SAE books entered in the state CDE will receive gold, silver and bronze awards. The PA FFA Foundation awards a cash prize for the top record book in each county.
SAE and You • Mid Atlantic Farm Credit and Ag Choice provide: • $250 for the top record book in each of the 4 FFA regions. • $500 for the top record book in Pennsylvania • These awards are presented on stage at the PA FFA Summer Convention in June at Penn State
SAE and You As stated before: The PA Game Commission also provides regional (Game Commission regions) and state level monetary awards for outstanding conservation projects.
SAE and You State and National Proficiency Awards Students with outstanding record books are encouraged to complete a proficiency award application by the beginning of April.
SAE and You • State Regional Proficiency winners receive $25 and a plaque. • State Proficiency winners receive $100 and a plaque and represent Pennsylvania in national competition.
SAE and You While a SAE program may contain just one type of activity, the goal should be to show growth each year, either by improving or expanding your original project or adding an additional SAE. This maximizes learning and your chances for awards.
SAE: Which One is for You? Improvement Practicum Skill Placement Conservation Entrepreneurship Research
A “word ladder” is an activity where one letter in a word is changed to form a new word. You change one letter at a time until you have a new word. See if you can change SAE into JOB. Turning SAE into a JOB • J O B • __ __ __ • __ __ __ • __ __ __ • S A E
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Test Your Knowledge • All Pennsylvania SAE record books require a _________ section: • Common pages • Entrepreneurship • Improvement • Research Next slide
Test Your Knowledge If you are restoring an antique tractor and will be keeping track of your time and expenses, you would use a ____ record book section. • Research • Improvement • Practicum skills • Entrepreneurship Next slide
Test Your Knowledge Your SAE is taking care of the rabbits and other small animals in the school animal laboratory. You are not paid and the school pays all the expenses. You will keep a _____ record book. A. entrepreneurship B. Placement C. Practicum skills D. research Next slide
Test Your Knowledge If you keep your record book on the computer, you may download it directly from the ________________. A. National FFA website B. State FFA website C. PA Dept. of Agriculture website D. Penn State website Next slide
Test Your Knowledge You are doing your SAE on the effects of acid rain on the growth of oak tree seedlings. You would use a ______ record book. A. entrepreneurship B. placement C. conservation D. research Next slide