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The bathroom is second on the list of the rooms most renovated by homeowners. And that’s not surprising at all. Giving your bathroom a makeover won’t only make it more pleasing to the eyes but will also raise your property’s value. However, the question is how much should a bathroom renovation cost in the first place? View this presentation made by a trusted Gaithersburg MD plumber to find out.
The bathroom is among the most frequently renovated parts of the house. In fact, according to research, it is second on the list of the rooms most remodeled by homeowners. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
Why not? An appealing bathroom is not only impressive. It’s safe and relaxing to use, too. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
After all, who would ever want to bathe in a rusted tub? What kind of guests would find chipped off sinks or stained and cracked tiles attractive? WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
Absolutely none! So today, let us talk about bathroom renovations and how much should you prepare for such a project. Bathroom remodel costs vary in so many ways. The expenses entailed in a renovation project are not universal and in fact influenced by several factors. Here are some of them: WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
The size of the bathroom affects the cost. Estimates are based on the room’s square feet. The bigger it is, the more expensive the cost will be. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
The area where your property is located also influences the cost of the renovation. As you can see, plumbing fees vary across states. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
The types of fixture repairs and installations also matter. A rusty tub can be replaced or it can just be refinished to make it look as if it’s new again. Of course, buying an entirely new bathtub is more costly than refinishing. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
Changing or moving your plumbing entails additional costs, of course. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
With all these factors in mind, it will be hard and risky to provide a ballpark figure for the project cost. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
But just to give you an idea, in a recent report published by Consumer Reports, it was apparent that the average cost of a mid-range bathroom remodeling project in the US amounted to $16,600 in the year 2011. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
For upscale bathrooms, the figure went as high as $52,300. Pretty high, huh? Let us further investigate. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
For you to know what to expect in a bathroom remodel, here’s a list you should check: WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
Other fees – 1% • Design fees – 4% • Doors and windows – 4% • Walls and ceiling – 5% • Ventilation and lighting – 5% • Countertops or bathroom vanities – 7% • Flooring – 9% • Plumbing and faucets – 14% • Fixtures – 14% • Cabinetry and hardware – 16% • Labor – 20% WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
To cut down on your expenses, there are several tricks you can do. First of all, instead of replacing or upgrading to new fixtures, you can just simply refinish or repair the current ones that you have. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
You can also re-grout the tiles than totally replace all of them. A new grout application will give the tiles a fresh look. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
Give you bathroom vanity a boost. This bathroom element will either make or break the appearance of the bathroom. WashingtonDC.Plumbers911.com Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS
We hope we answered your question on how much should a bathroom renovation cost. If you need the help of trade experts , just call your trusted Gaithersburg MD plumber. Don’t hesitate to call Plumbers 911 Washington DC! You may also visit our website to schedule a service appointment. • Call 1-877-7-4LEAKS or 1-877-745-3257.