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Athlete Safety In Schools

Explore the comprehensive summary of Arkansas’ legislative efforts in enhancing athlete safety in schools in 2011, including the impact on student-athletes and the professional practice. Learn about Act 1214, pilot programs, and the continuation of task forces for ongoing improvements in sports safety education.

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Athlete Safety In Schools

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  1. Athlete Safety In Schools A Summary of Arkansas’ Recent Legislative Efforts 2011 BJ Maack, ATC, CSCS

  2. AATA Legislative Efforts • HISTORY • Legislative Task Force in 2008, renewed in 2010 • Little Legislative Efforts in 2009 General Session • Misinterpretation of intent leads to “disharmony” with AAA (Arkansas Activities Association) • AATA regrouped….

  3. AATA Legislative Efforts • WHAT’S IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE KIDS?? • Has to be the leading question, both on the record and off the record • We decided it’s best to get all stakeholders on the same page, and to clarify intent • Not focus on a specific issue to codify but to encourage educational efforts

  4. AATA Legislative Efforts SECONDARY INTENT: What will ultimately be best for 1. The student-athletes 2. Our profession (future practice act changes?)

  5. AATA Legislative Efforts ORIGINAL PLAN: “The Big Ask” Mandate ATs for every school Option B: Steer schools into figuring out that they NEED to hire their own AT

  6. AATA Legislative Efforts • OUR APPROACH: • Let’s utilize the 2010 off-session Task Force to discuss issues • Educate the legislators on issues • They started asking the questions we’ve been wanting to ask • Testimonials

  7. AATA Legislative Efforts • OUR APPROACH: • Let’s utilize the 2010 off-session Task Force to discuss issues • Educate the legislators on issues • They started asking the questions we’ve been wanting to ask • Testimonials from parents, ATs, adminstrators of the efficacy of employing ATs in schools

  8. AATA Legislative Efforts • Relationship with the AAA improved dramatically • PBS “Frontline” story helped…..a lot. • Legislative efforts began focusing on education and emergency plans

  9. AATA Legislative Efforts • RESULT: • Act 1214 of 2011 General Assembly

  10. ACT 1214 • A school district shall develop procedures concerning student physical activity in its public schools that includes without limitation the recognition and management of the following events or conditions that may be encountered by a student during athletic training and physical activities: (1) A concussion, dehydration, or other health emergency; (2) An environmental issue that threatens the health or safety of students; and (3) A communicable disease

  11. ACT 1214 • Every three (3) years as part of the requirements for professional development, a person employed by a school district as an athletics coach shall complete training on the events and conditions identified (in previous slide). • The training may include a component on best practices for a coach to educate parents of students involved in athletics on sports safety.

  12. ACT 1214 • The Department of Education shall provide grants for providing a access to one (1) or more athletic trainers to public schools in Arkansas 10 through the two-year Public School Athletic Trainer Pilot Program • Certain school size/region criteria • We have a hand in monitoring this • At the end of the pilot program, the persons monitoring the pilot program shall provide a report to the General Assembly containing an evaluation of the pilot program and any additional recommendations for the employment and use of athletic trainers in Arkansas public schools.

  13. ACT 1214 • PILOT PROGRAM • “Budget-neutral:” still awaiting exact funding source

  14. ACT 1214 • MANDATED SURVEY • Schools must answer survey on ATs in schools: basically why they aren’t hiring ATs, etc. • Schools must answer questions about their athletic EAPs • Forcing them to look at the issue

  15. ACT 1214 • CONTINUATION OF THE TASK FORCE • A big deal considering the call for the elimination of future Task Forces • Keeps us on the books and our cause at the forefront

  16. SUMMARY • Use of education for parents, athletes and coaches • Pilot Program to demonstrate the effectiveness of ATs in the schools • Surveys/TF Continuation

  17. What’s Happened? • EXTREMELY positive PR and “good vibes” • Political Capital • Heat Illness Seminars for coaches

  18. Much Appreciation to the NATA Office Staff!Questions? Contact:BJ Maackbj@arsportsperformance.com501-351-7979

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