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Interactive Classroom Bellwork Activities for Student Engagement

Engage students with bellwork activities like setting goals, vocabulary development, quizzes, and literary analysis. Foster discussion and critical thinking in a structured format.

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Interactive Classroom Bellwork Activities for Student Engagement

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  1. Bellwork #1:SW respond to a writing impromptu essay during class time. SW discuss current norms we will use and PBIS initiatives and apply in our classroom. • What rules (norms) should our class follow during class time and when we are in groups, during SSR/AoW time, and during testing. Use a Tree Map to outline your ideas (4 columns).

  2. Bellwork #2:SW discuss and set up SSR Goals, charts, and begin their SSR journals/Portfolios.SW discuss the syllabus, rules, and expectations for this semester. • What are your goals for school this semester? What do you want to accomplish by the end of the school year before graduation? • Create a circle map of your goals.

  3. Bellwork #3:SW develop a frayer model for an academic vocabulary word assigned to them with a partner.SW share out their academic vocabulary with the rest of the class. • Write Senior Quote for bellwork. • Create a quote based upon: your most memorable moment at Fordson, a special memory, etc. Move me to tears!!

  4. Bellwork #4:SW demonstrate their knowledge of skills on a Pre/Post test.SW read, interpret, and apply T2T an AoW for the upcoming unit. • Do you believe that anyone has the right to play God, genetically, in life, or death, or otherwise? Why or why not? Explain.

  5. Bellwork #5:SW discuss what satire is and how they see it used within A Modest Proposal.SW begin reading and discussing A Modest Proposal and the use of the three appeals using 3 column notes. • In your own words, define Satire (Hint: think of Shrek). • List some examples you have seen in stories, poems, or movies you have seen (At least 3).

  6. Bellwork #6:SW begin expert folders on Frankenstein.SW read, interpret, and T2T based upon an article and what they know about Frankenstein. • Which appeal has influenced you the most so far, when reading A Modest Proposal? Why?

  7. Bellwork #7:SW gallery walk to obtain background info. On Frankenstein.SW take guided notes on Frankenstein and discuss to prepare for tomorrows quiz. • Write Gallery walk for Frankenstein in your bellwork. • Then Label Gallery Walk in your unit notes and take notes as you walk around to the different circle maps.

  8. Bellwork # 8:SW apply their knowledge to a background quiz on Frankenstein.SW be assigned a novel and begin Frankenstein, read, discuss, and interpret The Letters 1. • List 3 new learning about Frankenstein through the gallery walk that you didn’t know previously.

  9. Bellwork #9:SW listen and interpret meaning behind letters 2 & 3 of Frankenstein.SW identify themes within the letters in groups and share their findings with the class. • List the three characteristics of Romanticism, identify how you see these within The Letters so far.

  10. Bellwork #10:SW critically read and interpret Letters 4 and develop a letter from Margaret to her brother Robert.SW continue group work on the letters and background on Robert Walton. • What do you think may happen when it comes to Robert Walton and this stranger? Explain. Why do you think he feels so close to him so soon, like a brother?

  11. Bellwork #11:SW recap the letters from Robert Waltons sister Margaret.SW read and interpret Chapter 1 of Frankenstein and apply Literature roles to this chapter. What warnings does Victor give Robert? Why? In what ways are these two very similar? Explain.

  12. Bellwork #12:SW recap and discuss concepts in Chapter 1 of Frankenstein.SW apply three column notes to Chapter 2 and discuss Victor’s upbringing. Why did Victor’s parents adopt Elizabeth? How is it strange the way Victor refers to her, at the end of Chapter1? Explain.

  13. Bellwork #13:SW recap chapter 2 of Frankenstein.SW listen, interpret, and discuss Chapter 3 of Frankenstein and apply Lit. roles to the chapter. • What two events have affected Victor thus far? How do you think they will change his life? Explain.

  14. Bellwork #14:SW recap chapter 3 of Frankenstein.SW listen, interpret, and discuss Chapter 4 of Frankenstein and apply Lit. roles to the chapter. • Create a double-bubble map based upon M. Krempe and M. Waldman. List 3 similarities and 3 differences on each side. Don’t forget a frame of reference and a question. • Assign Mid-Winter break work.

  15. Bellwork #15:SW recap and review chapters 5-8 of Frankenstein.SW work in groups to debate whether the creature is to blame or Victor for the events that have occurred thus far. Put the following events in the order they happened in chapters 5-8: • Justine Moritz was convicted and hung for the murder of William Frankenstein. • Victor creates a beautiful and disdainful creature. • Victor goes home to Geneva, Switzerland to console his family of their recent loss. • Victor contracted a fever for several months and was confined to bed. • The monster is no where to be found in Victor’s apartment. • Henry Clerval came to school to be educated with Victor.

  16. Bellwork #16:SW apply what they have learned from the letters thru chapter 8 on a quiz.SW listen, read, and interpret Chapter 9 & 10 while applying three column notes. • Fill in the Family Tree based upon the Frankenstein Family. ______ + Alphonse Frankenstein l Victor F. – Ernest F.- ________- ________ (deceased) (adopted) _____ is a servant of the Frankenstein family and was convicted of Williams murder. _____ is a close personal friend and companion of Victor’s. _____ + _____ are Victor’s teachers.

  17. Bellwork #17:SW recap the arguments presented in Chapter 10 and discuss them.SW read chapter 11 and discuss/interpret meaning in with 3 column notes. How can you relate the following section of the poem to Victor’s life, as he repeated these lines in chapter 10: “We rest; a dream, has power to poison sleep. We rise; one wand’ring thought pollutes the day. We feel, conceive, or reason; laugh or weep, Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away; it is the same; for be it joy or sorrow, The path of its departure still is free. Man’s yesterday may ne’er be like his morrow; Naught may endure but mutability!”

  18. Bellwork #18:SW recap Chapter 11SW read chapter 12 and apply this to a literature role.SW share out their information with the rest of the groups. • Describe what the creature is experiencing out there on his own. How is society changing him? How can they ultimately create the monster people view him to be?

  19. Bellwork #19:SW SSR + chapters 13 of Frankenstein and respond to a prompt.SW read Chapter 14 for homework. After reading chapter 13: What has the creature learned from the cottagers? What have the creature and Safie learned together? List and describe what the creature observes from the cottagers. H.W- Read chapter 14 and complete questions.

  20. Bellwork #20SW view the 1st part of Frankenstein and compare/contrast the Novel to the film. • Create a double-bubble comparing/contrasting Frankenstein, the movie to the novel. 5 similarities and 5 differences on each side. Don’t forget the FOR and the question.

  21. Bellwork #21:SW view the 1st part of Frankenstein and compare/contrast the Novel to the film.SW read, interpret, and analyze Chapter 15. • Predict what you think will happen with the creature and the cottagers. Will he reveal himself? How will they react? Could the old man’s(Delacy’s) blindness aid him? Explain.

  22. Bellwork #22:SW SSR + with Chapter 16 of Frankenstein and respond to a prompt.SW listen and interpret chapter 17 of Frankenstein. • After Reading Chapter 16: • Complete the following sentence: I am so…because the cottagers….now I am going to… • What happened to the cottagers? • What really happened to William? How did the creature involve Justine?

  23. Bellwork #23:SW listen, read, and interpret Chapter 17 &18 of Frankenstein.SW obtain evidence to support who is to blame for all of the death and destruction so far with a tree map. • What terrible incidents happen to the creature in Chapter 16? Why does he decide to burn down the cottager’s home? How is this symbolic?

  24. Bellwork #24:SW apply their knowledge to a quiz on Chapters 10-19.SW discuss the upcoming project ideas and portfolios as elements of their final. • If we know there is not really a bride of Frankenstein, what do you predict Victor will do to his new creation? How will the monster respond? What will happen to Victor’s future?

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