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This project aims to compile a first global dataset of PM, O3, precursors, inorganics, Hg, POPs, in-situ data, vertical profiles, aircraft, satellite, and multimedia data. The data will be used to test a set of global models and enhance monitoring capacity. Collaboration with EMEP/CCC and ACCENT efforts will be sought to generate a global archive of field data resources.
Observations - Utlimate goal is an integrated (virtual) data center containing an adequate set of observations with known quality and representativity (ref. EMEP monitoring strategy) • ”Connect”; • EMEP/CCC will accept data from outside the ”geographical scope of EMEP” • Investigate if existing ”snapshot” databases can be used a first compilation for further investigations (RETRO, TRADEOFF, QUANTIFY, AEROCOM, CREATE, others) • Contribute to and make use of the ACCENT efforts to generate a global archive of field data resources • Interact with the modeling community to explore an appropriate set of parameters to be included in an extended ”snapshot” database • Contribute to the establishment of the ”monitoring capacity”
Next step (1-2 yrs) Compilation of a first global dataset for model validation PM, O3, precursors, inorganics Hg POPs In-situ, vertical profiles, aircraft, satellite, multimedia Data for one selected year. Data to be used to test a set of global models. Experience from this effort will provide guidance towards operational data provision NRT-data provision Open question; IGACO-LRTAP implementation secretariat