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Coaching Agreement & Coaching Presence H ow they impact coaching effectiveness

Explore the influence of coaching agreement and coaching presence on coaching effectiveness as discussed by Janet M. Harvey, a recognized expert in the field. Learn the definitions of coaching, coaching relationship, and perceiving styles of a coach.

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Coaching Agreement & Coaching Presence H ow they impact coaching effectiveness

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  1. Coaching Agreement & Coaching Presence How they impact coaching effectiveness April 24, 2015 Janet M. Harvey, MCC CEO & Director of Training ICF Global Past President ICF Foundation Board of Trustees Chair

  2. Let Go & Let Come…Present with each other What, before we begin, is in your awareness as a bias about our subject today? Write it down for yourself What do you want to achieve from today’s hour together? Write now in the Chat Pod

  3. ICF DefinitionsWhat is Coaching & Coaching Relationship • Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential • A Professional Coaching Relationship exists when coaching includes a business agreement or contract that defines the responsibilities of each party

  4. Distinguishing CoachingConsulting & Mentoring – Expert Role

  5. Distinguishing CoachingTherapy Restores Wholeness

  6. Ways of PerceivingAll Matter ~ What Serves When in Coaching • Internal • Focused • Field • Global

  7. Coaching Agreements “TOMS”Elements to Probe Fully • Topic declared as the territory, landscape, context, relevant situation, person, place or thing • Outcome declared as the desired result a client achieves either through the session exploration or as a result of new behaviors and actions chosen to implement after the session • Meaningful Underlying Issues declared as the obstacles preventing progress toward a desired outcome and worthy of exploration in the session to choose a new relationship, behavior and/or action • Success Measures declared as the evidence of progress toward an outcome and the recognized experience of achieving what is desired

  8. Perceiving Styles of a CoachDefinitions & Scope • Facilitator is always running in the background and supports managing the coaching process • Clarifier is a foundational resource for establishing the coaching agreement or “agenda” so that client accountability is fully established • Reflector opens the way for the coach to ask more aligned, effective questions that invite client insight below the surface of what is known • Pathfinder generates options and choices so clients can feel creative, resourceful and free • Gold Miner accesses client Essence, unleashing personal power and freedom

  9. Pathfinder Perceiving Styles of a CoachLearn to Distinguish

  10. ICF Core Coaching Competencies

  11. Completion TodayAnchor Learning What new awareness emerged today for you that you will use right away with clients?

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