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CLASS Keys Process Studying the Standards

Explore the CLASS Keys process for teacher growth and evaluation, including phases, evidence collection, and assessment components. Learn how to use the CLASS Keys Notebook effectively. Enhance your understanding through research rationale and continuum of improvement.

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CLASS Keys Process Studying the Standards

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  1. CLASS Keys Process Studying the Standards Division of Teacher & Leader Quality Georgia Department of Education Marlo Mong Program Specialist mmong@doe.k12.ga.us Douglas County Professional Learning Annex January 29, 2010 “We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.”

  2. GOALS of GaDOE Strategic Plan

  3. The plan is coming together. Leader Keys School Keys Georgia Performance Standards CLASS Keys

  4. NOW SHOWING CLASS Keys CLassroomAnalysisof State Standards Georgia’s New Teacher Evaluation Process

  5. Essential Questions What is the CLASS Keys teacher growth and evaluation process? How can I understand and use the CLASS Keys Notebook? What does the CLASS Keys process look like in action? How will we study CLASS Keys in our school this year? How will these skills be used in the CLASS Keys Teacher Evaluation PROCESS?

  6. LEARNING TARGET 1 What is the CLASS Keys teacher growth and evaluation process?

  7. CLASS Keys provides a balance between Performance Coaching Accountability for Results “Annual teacher evaluations shall as a minimum take into consideration the following: (1) the role of the teacher in meeting the school’s achievement goals, including the academic gains of students assigned to the teacher.” Georgia Code 20-2-210 (b) (1) and (a)

  8. Three Phases of the CLASS Keys Process Pre-Evaluation Phase • Element/Strand Evaluation 1 • GTDR Evaluation FEEDBACK • Overall Evaluation 3 • Self Assessment /Reflection CLASS Keys • Professional Growth Plan • Pre-Evaluation Conference FEEDBACK Annual Evaluation Phase 2 FEEDBACK Evidence Collection Phase • Informal Observations • Formal Observation • Other Evidence Collection

  9. Self Assessment/Reflection: Teachers self-assess and reflect on their performance of the elements. • Professional Growth Plan: Teachers design a PGP to improve their performance on the elements. • Pre-Evaluation Conference: Teachers and evaluators meet to review the PGP, set student achievement goals, and clarify expectations of the elements and duties and responsibilities. 1 Pre-Evaluation Phase

  10. Informal Observations: Evaluators conduct two, 5 to 15-minute, unannounced classroom observations to assess a few elements. • Formal Observation: Evaluators conduct a 30 to 50-minute announced classroom observation to assess as many elements as possible. • Other Evidence Collection: Evaluators collect evidence from multiple sources such as conferences, meetings, planning and professional learning sessions, examination of student and adult products, etc. 2 Evidence Collection Phase

  11. Element/Strand Evaluation: • Evaluators review the data collected and score the teacher’s performance on the rubrics. • When the element scores are aggregated, all strands must be rated at least at the Emerging level. • GTDR Evaluation: The reviewed performance on all duties and responsibilities must be Satisfactory to receive a Satisfactory rating. • Overall Evaluation: Both sections, the Strands and GTDR must receive Satisfactory ratings for a teacher to received a Satisfactory Annual Evaluation. 3 Annual Evaluation Phase

  12. CLASS Keys A Transformation in Teacher Assessment Triangulation with an Array of Evidence over Time Multiple Sources of Data Multiple Performances Multiple People

  13. LEARNING TARGET 2 How can I understand and use the CLASS Keys Notebook?

  14. CLASS Keys Structure

  15. CLASS Keys Strands

  16. Each Element in the CLASS Keys Contains Continuum of Improvement A rubric with four levels of performance. Evidence Examples that develop the expectations for the rubric. Data Sources Suggested artifacts and conference discussion topics. Element Descriptors Words/phrases found in the element, rubric, or evidence. Research Rationale Current research justifying the element.

  17. STRAND STANDARD ELEMENT ASSESSMENT - The collecting and analyzing of student performance data to identify patterns of achievement and underachievement in order to design and implement appropriate instructional interventions. CONTINUUM OF IMPROVEMENT

  18. Just Examples • Not all inclusive • Not a checklist • All actions are not required.

  19. Activity 1: A Closer Look at the CLASS Keys • As a team, explore the CLASS Keys Strand given to your table. Use your CLASS Keys notebook to find your assigned strand and answer the questions on the anticipation guide. • Complete the anticipation guide at your table by using the element descriptors and rubrics to help answer the questions. • As you look at the other strands, think about this question. • What do the strands, evidence, and teacher/student questions have in common?

  20. Anticipation Guide: Summary of the Strands

  21. CLASS Keys Strands

  22. THE APPENDIX • The PLACEMAT • How does the teacher plan? • How does the teacher teach? • Are the teacher’s students learning? • The CROSSWALK • School Keys • High Impact Practices in SBC’s • Georgia Framework for Teaching • GTDRI

  23. LEARNING TARGET 3 How will we study CLASS Keys in our school this year?

  24. CLASS Keys – The Study Year • The 2009 – 2010 school year will focus on studying the elements of the standards. • Teachers will not be evaluated using the CLASS Keys evaluation process this year. • Principals and teachers are encouraged to “dry-run” observations and evidence collection later in the year. • PLC’s select one element for special focus during the study year.

  25. Studying the Elements of the Standards INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW February 2010 Reflection, Review and Preparation for Implementation May

  26. CLASS Keys Studying the Standards Timeline Jan 2010 Introduction and Overview/Self-Assessment and Studying Strand 1 Feb 2010 Studying Strands 2 and 3 March 2010 Studying Strands 4 and 5 April 2010 Dry Run and Peer Observation May 2010 Reflection, Review, and Celebration

  27. How do we to begin to study the CLASS Keys elements? One step at a time

  28. The CLASS Keys notebook, the Self-Assessment and Reflection Form, and the Strand 1 Activity Sheet are needed for each teacher for this learning segment.

  29. “WIIFM” • As A Teacher • Opportunity to Reflect and Self-Assess • Alignment to my Standards-Based Classroom • Exploration of how to efficiently • study the standards. • plan how to fill a bucket. • identify areas of mastery. and growth opportunities. • plan for the transition to CLASS Keys evaluation.

  30. Why Reflect on Practices? • Why do we look in the mirror in the morning? • In most cases it is the first step to improving our outside appearance. • Reflection helps us improve what is on the inside: our thoughts, our attitudes, our expectations, and our behaviors. • Reflecting upon our skills helps us become more aware of our learning needs. • Reflecting helps us improve and reach our full potential by applying knowledge about our learning experiences to future situations. Dewey and Bruner

  31. Example of Self Assessment of Curriculum and Planning Strand X X X X X X

  32. Example of Reflection

  33. Activity 2: Self-Assessment and Reflection • Take a moment to reflect your knowledge and experience in the classroom, then complete the Self-Assessment and Reflection form at your table. Mark the performance level ((NE, EM, PR, EX) for each element that reflects your perception of your skills. • Using the CLASS Keys notebook, carefully read the rubric, evidence, and artifacts for each of the elements. (Note: The Student Achievement Strand is not done.) Use the definitions in the Element Descriptor box for any terms that you do not clearly understand. • As you complete the self-assessment, think about these questions. • What are some examples of evidence that support the level of performance you selected? • How does this activity empower individual teachers to identify their strengths and growth areas?

  34. LEARNING TARGET 4 What does the CLASS Keys process look like in action?

  35. In the CLASS Keys Evaluation Process, the collection of evidence for the 26 elements could be viewed as a “filling of buckets” over time. The Annual Evaluation Conference addresses how full each “bucket” has become during the entire year.

  36. CLASS Keys: Annual Evaluation Announced, Longer Observations Unannounced, Short Observations Annual Evaluation Conference Information GTDR Performance Data/Artifacts/Evidence from Teacher/Students

  37. Teacher Evidence • Lesson/Unit Plans • Collaborative Planning • Observations • Conferences • Student Evidence • Conferences • Examples of Artifacts • Minutes from Meetings • Posted Student Work • Analyzed Data • Common Assessments

  38. For “Satisfactory,” ALL STRANDS must be “Emerging” or higher.


  40. Remember: + CLASS Keys Strand Scores Teacher Duties and Responsibilities TEACHER’S ANNUAL EVALUATION

  41. Activity 3: Collecting Evidence to “Fill the Bucket” • As a team, review the two elements , CP 2.2 and 2.3, using pages 16-21 of your CLASS Keys Notebook. Important pieces of these pages are included in your Strand 1 Study Activity handout. Using the lesson plan on your table, think about how the unit plan demonstrates proficiency. • Record your group’s key points under the Evidence from Unit/Plan section of the activity handout. • When you have completed the process for CP 2.2 and 2.3, discuss what types of additional information might discussed in a conference with an evaluator. Record your group’s key points in the Conference Discussion section.

  42. LEARNING TARGET 5 How will these skills be used in the CLASS Keys Teacher Evaluation PROCESS?

  43. Learning Targets in Action Pre-Evaluation Phase • Element/Strand Evaluation 1 • GTDR Evaluation FEEDBACK • Overall Evaluation 3 • Self Assessment /Reflection CLASS Keys • Professional Growth Plan • Pre-Evaluation Conference FEEDBACK Annual Evaluation Phase 2 FEEDBACK Evidence Collection Phase • Informal Observations • Formal Observations • Other Evidence Collection

  44. The CLASS Keys Challenge: “See yourself as a work in progress.”

  45. CLASS Keys delivers a tremendous innovation in teacher evaluation. We now have research-based standards and elements with rubrics, examples of evidence, and artifacts that depict what effective teaching looks like.

  46. CLASS Keys: A Change Project • Increased specificity of performance • Long and short observations • Announced and unannounced observations • Assessment with rubrics • A point system for annual evaluation • Student achievement recognition • Professional learning growth tool

  47. “WIIFM”

  48. Next Steps • Distribute your school’s CLASS Keys Notebooks to each certified faculty member. • Plan and hold the Introduction and Overview Learning Segment. You will need: the handout packet for Session 1 ( one page, two sides) and this PowerPoint, if you wish to use it. • This should be completed in two learning segments.

  49. Regional Contact Information Region 1 Beth Johnston bjohnston@doe.k12.ga.us Region 2 Lois Landy llandy@doe.k12.ga.us Region 3 Karen Wyler kwyler@doe.k12.ga.us Region 4 Bobby Smith bosmith@doe.k12.ga.us Region 5: Douglas County Marlo Mong mmong@doe.k12.ga.us “We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.”

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