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The Big Bang How to monetise increasingly big datasets Ewan Nicolson ewan.nicolson@Skyscanner

Learn how to monetize increasingly large datasets by selling data, engaging customers, and adding value through data analysis. Discover the keys to delivering data effectively and obtaining customer feedback for a polished product. Make sense of known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns to drive decision-making and enhance your business strategy.

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The Big Bang How to monetise increasingly big datasets Ewan Nicolson ewan.nicolson@Skyscanner

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Big BangHow to monetise increasingly big datasetsEwan Nicolsonewan.nicolson@Skyscanner.net

  2. Edinburgh & Glasgow Barcelona Beijing Miami Singapore Truly global flight coverage 45 countries with over 50,000 visitors per month 80% visitors from outside the UK market

  3. Monetising data by selling it Data Talk to customers Useful data How to deliver data? Beta product SALES Customer feedback Polished product

  4. Add value using data

  5. Non direct value “There are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.” Donald Rumsfeld; US Secretary of Defense; February 2002

  6. Known knowns Reporting tools Daily KPI Report Market dashboards

  7. Known unknowns http://r2.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1ddxok/when_i_passed_him_he_proudly_announced_the/ Decision making Forecasting A/B Testing

  8. Unknown unknowns Customer segmentation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rosa_Gold_Glow_2_small_noblue_color_space.png Media coverage Travel Insight

  9. How?

  10. 3 organisational abilities you need… …each with the same 3 parts: People People People Technology Technology Technology Process Process Process Collecting data Analysis Presentation

  11. Collecting data

  12. Collecting data Technology

  13. Collecting data People Need good people to help make decisions You may already have these people within your organisation Photo: Harminder Dhesi https://flic.kr/p/8h2hWX

  14. Collecting data Process Need to justify costs – make a business case. Which data to log? known knowns known unknowns unknown unknowns

  15. Analysis

  16. Analysis People Hire talent, train skills

  17. Analysis Technology

  18. Analysis Process These people are creative – give them opportunity to create. Listen to them.

  19. Presentation

  20. Presentation Technology

  21. Presentation People Communicators are important. Have diversity in your team. Don’t shut your analysts in a corner. Get them out in the business.

  22. Presentation Process Can be simple http://www.economist.com/node/17118939 Or complex http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/05/31/business/economy/case-shiller-index.html?_r=0

  23. Presentation Process Your job isn’t done until you make something happen.

  24. thank you

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