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US ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Risk Scrubbing WBS 6.3.5 Strip Barrel Shells

Detailed overview of the risk assessment and challenges for the upgrade project involving fabrication and assembly of large carbon fiber Strip Barrel Shells for the US ATLAS HL-LHC. Analyzes technical complexities and potential delays in vendor procurement and manufacturing processes.

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US ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Risk Scrubbing WBS 6.3.5 Strip Barrel Shells

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  1. US ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Risk ScrubbingWBS 6.3.5Strip Barrel Shells Todd Claybaugh Level 3 Manager and CAM Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  2. Strip Barrel Shells • This subsystem includes the Layer 3 and Layer 2 Strip Barrels. • Parts for these large carbon fiber structures will be fabricated at a vendor, and the assembly will be either at that vendor, or in-house at LBNL. • The size of the shells and flanges ~2 meters in diameter make them difficult to procure, because few vendors have an autoclave large enough to process the parts. US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  3. Global Mechanics Overview Strip Barrels Outer Cylinder PST Forward US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  4. L3 and L2 Detail • Each Strip Barrel layer is a complex, precision assembly L2, 1.44 m diameter L3, 1.92 m diameter US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  5. Technical Challenges • Large diameter, thin walled shells are difficult to manufacture, our shells are 0.6 millimeters thick and 1.5 and 2 meters in diameter. • Complex 3D layups for flanges help structural performance, but add difficulty to processing the parts and could result in a part failure and loss of material. US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  6. Risk Description: ITEM US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  7. Risk Description: ITEM US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  8. Risk Description: ITEM US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  9. Risk Description: ITEM US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

  10. Additional Risks • If the selected vendor requires design changes, the engineering cost will be added • If the selected vendor lead time exceeds schedule, there will be a delay • If locking point bonding takes more time than anticipated, then the final delivery to CERN will be delayed US ATLAS HL-LHC 2019 Risk Scrubbing

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