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Couples who are infertile tend to suffer from depression. The following article throws light on the same.
Infertility is heartbreaking. And it causes depression is no hidden fact. It is a very obvious reaction to be sad when you cannot easily conceive. The strongest instinct in the animal kingdom is procreation, so the desire to want a baby is a very natural behavior, there is no abnormality in that. The people facing problems of infertility, initially give away birth controls, happily try for a next few months and then start to get worried. By the time a person visits an infertility clinic his/her worries have already been turned into anxiety and sadness. You have been already experiencing the roller coaster of emotions every month and you start noticing that everyone around you are getting pregnant. The words ‘Just relax’, becomes a threat to the person from whom it is coming from. For most women, motherhood is a significant part of their self-image. For rest, it’s their highest ambition. Women who don’t want to consider becoming mothers are also affected by society’s expectations. Although, infertility can mean something totally different to men as they are not pressurized to become fathers. But a man’s image can start to suffer if fertility is clearly his problem.
The way you react to infertility can affect your relations. Your relationship with your partner, friends and family. You even tend to start disbelieving spiritual powers. All these are signs of depression and one should start paying attention to this. Treating depression is necessary because being sad is unpleasant. Women dealing with depression are more likely to drop out of treatment thus reducing their chance of conceiving. Women who are depressed may have lower chance of conceiving. Although infertility shouldn’t have to take over your life. While it is common to be depressed during such a trying time in your life, it doesn’t mean it is inevitable. You don’t necessarily have to suffer. There is help out there. There are both medical and non-medical ways of dealing with depression caused due to infertility. One needs to take special care of their mental health too while dealing with infertility. One needs to be aware that infertility is a temporary crisis. You will not feel the same way for the rest of your life. As the researcher Judith Daniluk discovered when she interviewed women decades after experiencing infertility, some of whom had conceived, some adopted, and some never had children, their level of happiness and life satisfaction were not influenced by the outcome of their infertility. But it is crucial now to find out if you are indeed depressed and if so, to choose a treatment modality which will maximize the chance that you will quickly conceive a healthy baby. It’s also true that being treated for fertility can take a huge troll on both partners, both physically and emotionally. It is seen that women who suffer from infertility are as depressed as women with cancer or any other life-threatening disease. Physical demands of fertility treatments such as blood tests, pills, ultrasounds and surgery are a major source of stress and
emotional upheaval. Also, the society fails to recognize the grief caused by Infertility, so people who suffer from it hide their sadness, which only leads to increased feelings of shame and isolation. Depression can lead to getting angry or frustrated more than usual, as well as being impatient. This can also be misdirected at those who surround you. You will find yourself snapping at your colleagues or family members for the smallest of things, not because they did something wrong, but because you’re feeling angry and frustrated inside. Infertility can be dealt with, there are many IVF clinics in India which could help you have a baby. But before that prepare yourself mentally, because that matters the most. While dealing with your fertility problem, realize and accept that there will be many ups and downs along your way. Stay strong towards your commitment to becoming a parent. It is very important that in these trying times, you develop a stronger understanding with your partner. Communication plays a major role when it comes to understanding your partner. You need to support each other as a team, set aside time to talk things through and decide on how you should take the treatment forward. All in all, have the heart to stay strong and positive at all times!
Thank You, www.parentsoffertility.com Image Source: attainfertility Content Source: Over Blog