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The article talks about things a person should know about the modern day IVF treatment. Now that we have entered 2017 and the technology has changed so much that there are some must haves that couples should be aware of.
Yes, it is true that it is tough to get pregnant for a person dealing with infertility but there is always a way out. IVF was always there, but are the people well aware of the advancements that has taken place over the few years? With the help of researches and the ever evolving technology, there are some developments which has proved to be successful to a certain extent. 1. 1.Th The e s su uc cc ce es ss s r rat ate e o of f I IV VF F h ha as s in inc cr re eas ase ed d The technology has helped many IVF centre to successfully culture embryos outside the body. Around 20 years ago, the pregnancy rate was approx. 20% only, now the pregnancy rate has increased to 50%. That is half of the people at the end of the treatment return home with a healthy baby. 2. 2.I In ntr trod odu uc cti tion on of of th the e n ne ew w t te ec ch hn niq iqu ue e th tha at t s sn nap ap- -fr fre ee ez ze es s e em mb br ry yos os The slow freezing technique has been used for many years; in this technique fertility specialist slowly take the embryo down to a freezing point. The success rate was good of this technique, many babies were born. With technology science has been able to invent a new technique called vitrification, this freezes the embryo very quickly and prevents the damage caused by ice crystals. This embryo is as good as a fresh one and so increases the pregnancy. 3. 3.O On ne e c cir irc cl le e is is all all y you ou n ne ee ed d There are couples who succeed in the first circle itself. The fresh embryo is used for the first baby and the remaining frozen goes for their third and fourth. You get a complete family with just the first cycle.
4. 4.Th The e e eas asy y p pr roc oce es ss s o of f fr fre ee ez zi in ng g th the e e eg gg g The procedure of freezing the egg earlier was different from what it is now. The success rate of the earlier procedure was less than 10 percent. But with the introduction of vitrification the su??ess rate has go?e up. For ?o?e? ?ho ha?e?’t fi?d the right perso? or ?a?’t ?o??ei?e due to medical reasons can now freeze their eggs and use them later. 5. 5.Th The e af aff for ord dab abil ilit ity y of of th the e tr tre ea atm tme en nt t The treatment is expensive but not as much expensive as it used to be earlier. Now with the increase of fertility clinics it has become more affordable. Also, looking at the changing lifestyle of people, the treatment is not much out of pocket. After all nothing is as expensive as a family. 6. 6. A Ag ge e af affe fec cts ts fe fer rt tili ilit ty y There is a drop in fertility after the age of 35. There is no exercise which can prevent this from happening. The age of the eggs do not depend upon the amount of exercise you do. The age is the age and it declines after a point of time 7. 7.D Do o? ?’ ’t t ? ?a ai it t f fo or r l lo o? ?g g If one figures that they had tried too hard and for a very long time and there are no results. They should visit a fertility specialist. With the advancement of technologies the detection and treatment has become a smoother process. 8. 8.I It t’ ’s s ? ?e et tt te er r t to o f fr re ee ez ze e y yo ou ur r e eg gg gs s ? ?h he e? ? y yo ou u a ar re e y yo ou u? ?g g If your age is more and you go through a successful treatment, it is better if you freeze your eggs then. Because if you want to have a baby after 3 or 4 years taking a second cycle it might be more difficult because your eggs might be aged. So it is better to freeze your eggs when you are young. 9. 9.Si Sim mp ple le tes tests ts c can an d de eter term mi in ne e w wh he eth the er r I IV VF F is is th the e w wa ay y ou out t f for or y you ou You might be finding it difficult to conceive but that does?’t ?ea? that you ?eed a? IVF to ha?e a baby. It is very important to figure the right treatment. There are a few simple tests which can be done to know whether IVF is the answer to you. If it is then one should not wait and get the treatment as soon as possible.
The advancements in research and technology has made IVF treatment better than ever. Infertility can be dealt with, one should take the right measures at the right time. There are ?a?y lifestyle fa?tors ?hi?h ?a? affe?t o?e’s fertility, these things are in our control and can be avoided. These lifestyle habits are smoking, drinking, etc and these work for both male and fe?ale. A?oida??e of i?fertility is riski?g your fa?ily. It’s ?etter if you diag?ose it early a?d get treatment for it. Technology has increased the success rate of IVF, it has completed many family. If you are suffering from infertility and are worried to take the step. Then you should rethink about it, read about the advancement, think about the possibilities and take a step towards parenthood.
Thank You, www.parentsoffertility.com Content Source: Over Blog