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The Accelerator Beam Physics (ABP) section at CERN provides expertise in lepton accelerator design, operation, and experimental programs like CLIC and ILC. They contribute to future accelerator studies, plasma acceleration, and beam physics research. The section collaborates on projects like X-FELs and participates in European-funded networks. Notable activities at the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 include beam loading experiments and beam-based alignment for CLIC. The focus is on optimizing CLIC parameters for cost and power efficiency while identifying upgrade paths. The section also leads initiatives in X-band XFEL design and contributes to the Future Circular Collider (FCC) project.
ABP-LAT mandate The LAT section provides expertise in the field of lepton accelerator design, commissioning and operation. • It is in charge of beam experimental activities on CLIC, in particular of the coordination and the experimental program of the CLIC test facility CTF3. • It leads the activities on CLIC beam physics studies, parameters and design. • It contributes to the ILC activities in the framework of the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC). • It participates to CERN studies on future accelerators and facilities (including FCC, LHeC, LAGUNA…). • It provides support to plasma acceleration studies at CERN and elsewhere (including EU activities and AWAKE). • It is involved in beam physics and design studies of lepton accelerators (e.g., X-FELs) in coordination with collaborating institutes. • It contributes to other ABP group activities, including LHC and HL-LHC. • It participates to European-funded networks and studies, contributes to develop and maintain software tools for beam physics, accelerator design and operation and provides expertise for educational and outreach activities and advisory bodies for accelerators in other institutions.
CTF3 highlights Unloaded Loaded • Two-Beam Module, installed and commissioned as planned. • Beam Loading experiment, first structure test results. • Drive Beam feed-forward, initial feed-forward tests.
CTF3: other activities & a look into the future • Most CLIC diagnostics tests planned using the CALIFES beam were successfully carried out, some still ongoing (main and drive beam BPMs, Electro-Optical bunch length monitor, OTR interference studies, CLIC wake-field monitors…) • CTF3 will stop operation at end of 2016. Proposed to CERN management to keep CALIFES (with some slight modifications) operational for diag & X-band tests, X-FEL studies, impedance measurements, irradiation…
Beam Based alignment & other beam studies for CLIC • Tests on dispersion and wake-field free steering continued, in FACET, FERMI@Trieste and ATF2, with very good results. • A measure of transverse long-range wake-fields in a CLIC accelerating structure was also performed at FACET. • The experiment showed unprecedented precision and accuracy, verifying that the strict CLIC requirements are met and validating the design procedure based on the use of modern simulation codes.
CLIC Rebaseling The CLIC parameters optimization for cost and power (re-baselining) reached a milestone in 2014, with the choice of the energy and luminosity targets for the initial stage, and the definition of the upgrade path strategy towards the final 3 TeVc.m. energy. Optimum parameters for beam and structure have been identified as well. • First stage: Ecms=380Gev, L=1.5x1034cm-2s-1, L0.01/L>0.6 • Luminosity based on physics and machine studies in 2014 • Second stage: Ecms=O(1.5TeV) • Final stage: Ecms=3TeV,L0.01=2x1034cm-2s-1, L0.01/L>0.3
Other CLIC highlights • ATF2: vibration studies, ultra-low beta, support of operation, new hardware… • DR studies: experimental program at CESRTA on instrumentation (halo monitoring), e-cloud, measurements for ion effects, kicker studies in ALBA, scwiggler prototype, longitudinally variable bends…
X-band XFEL design • A consortium was formed to bid for an EU co-financed design study (XbFEL). In spite of the good marks, the proposal was not granted funding; however the collaborating institutes agreed to proceed according to plans using internal funding. • Dedicated studies on potential for X-band technology use in medical and industrial applications, jointly with key industrial partners, also intensified. International collaboration to develop a common design of an XFEL based on X-band technology
FCC • Contributions to all FCC aspects (hh, ee, he) • Leading role on design and beam physics, • Strong international collaboration • Technical progress in several areas: • Overall design choices • Lattice, arcs and IR, for both hh and ee • Aperture, beam screen for hh • Injector for hh option
Other contributions • LHC and injectors operation: Optics correction, SPS supervision… • Hi-Lumi: Alternative schemes, beam-beam and luminosity model… • Simulation codes for beam physics, accelerator design and operation • MAD-X support, new MAD-X, upgrade of PLACET… • Teaching: CAS, JUAS, Linear Collider School…