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Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020, WP 2016 & 2017. Dr. Michael Ryan Head of EU Affairs Science Foundation Ireland. National Delegate & NCP for European Research Infrastructures National Delegate to ESFRI. Horizon 2020– Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020).
Research Infrastructuresin Horizon 2020, WP 2016 & 2017 Dr. Michael Ryan Head of EU Affairs Science Foundation Ireland National Delegate & NCP for European Research Infrastructures National Delegate to ESFRI
Horizon 2020– Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) Excellent science • European Research Council • Future and Emerging Technologies • Marie Curie actions • European Research Infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) – 2.488 B€ Societal challenges Industrial leadership • Health, demographic change, wellbeing • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine -maritime research, bio-economy • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Smart, green, integrated transport • Climate action, resource efficiency, raw materials • Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies • Secure societies • Spreading excellence & widening Participation • Science with and For Society • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing, biotechnology) • Access to risk finance • Innovation in SMEs
Principal aims 1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and beyond • Developingnew world-class RIs • Integratingandopening national and regional RIs ofEuropean interest • Development, deployment and operation of ICT basede-Infrastructures 2. Fostering the innovationpotential of RIs and their human resources 3. Reinforcing European RI policyandinternational cooperation
Research Infrastructures – Calls 2016/17 • 5 Calls - 15 topics in total • Work programme • 70-page document • 2016 and 2017 only. (2 year blocks after that) • This webinar provides a brief overview (with some extra supplementary info) • Developing Long-term Sustainability of New Pan-European RI • Integrating and Opening RI of European Interest • e-Infrastructures • Fostering the Innovation Potential of RI • Support to Policy and International cooperation
Call 1 - Developing new world-class research infrastructures “INFRADEV” To facilitate and support: Implementation; Long-term sustainability; Efficient operation of research infrastructures 4 Calls • INFRADEV-01-2017(RIA) - Design Studies • Support the conceptual and technical design of new research infrastructures with clear European dimension • Support major upgrades of existing infrastructures also possible • BUDGET: €20M DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 • INFRADEV-02-2016(CSA) - Preparatory Phase of ESFRI projects • Support to bring projects identified on the ESFRI roadmap to a sufficiently legal, financial and/or technical level required to implement the project • BUDGET: €40M DEADLINE: 22 June 2016 • INFRADEV-03-2016-2017 (CSA) – Individual Support to ESFRI and Other World-class Research Infrastructures • Target long-term sustainability of new RIs, ESFRI and other world-class RIs in Europe • Special attention given to the interaction with industry and SMEs • BUDGET: €30M (+ €40M) DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • INFRADEV-4-2016 (RIA)- European Open Science Cloud for Research • Support for the launch of a pilot action in availability of scientific data and data-analysis via cloud infrastructure • Proposals should address federation, networking, co-ordination of existing research infrastructures • BUDGET: €10 DEADLINE: 22 June 2016 - For details on each: see pages 6 to 13 of the work programme
Design studies (InfraDev-01) – Specific features Call 1 - Developing new world-class research infrastructures “INFRADEV” Technical, legal and financial feasibility of new or upgraded facilities, leading to a conceptual or technical design report Scientific and technical work • drafting of concepts, architecture and engineering plans for the construction • taking into account resource efficiency and environmental impacts during creation of prototypes • implementation plans to ensure uptake of new facility by science community at a high efficiency Conceptual work • integration of the new RI into the European RI landscape • identification of the best possible site(s) • design of a workable legal (e.g. an ERIC) and governance structure • planning of research services to be provided at international level • estimation of budget for construction and operation
EU Open Science Cloud for Research (InfraDev-04) – Specific features Call 1 - Developing new world-class research infrastructures “INFRADEV” • Pilot action to demonstrate how availability of data & services for EU researchers can be ensured through a cloud infrastructure • Aim is to: • help deal with the significant data being generated by WCRI/ESFRIs • address the federation, networking, and coordination of existing RIs • Build on existing RIs & design a governance framework with appropriate stakeholders to ensure sustainability • Attention to be paid to storage, access, and reuse needs for data accruing from H2020 projects • Establish links with initiatives (national and EU) and with projects selected under EINFRA-12-2017 • Likelihood – 1 proposal
Call 2 - Integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest “INFRAIA” An integrating activity to bring together several RIs to support: network activities + transnational and virtual access activities + joint research activities. 2 Calls • INFRAIA-01-2016/2017 (RIA) - Integrating Activities for Advance Communities – Targeted, Themed Call • To support effective and convenient access to research infrastructures/facilities. • To bring together/open up key national and regional research infrastructuresto all European researchers, from both academia and industry, ensuring their optimal use and joint development. • BUDGET: €88M (+€72M) DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • INFRAIA-0202017 (RIA)– Integrating Activities for Starting Communities • To support the trans-national and virtual access provided to European researchers • To improve infrastructure services; support co-operation between RI and the scientific community, industries and stakeholders • BUDGET: €40M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 (First stage) • Note: Advanced Communities = whose RIs currently show an advanced degree of coordination/networking (in particular awarded via a previous Framework programme) • Starting Communities = whose RIs currently show a limited degree of coordination/networking - For details on each: see pages 14 to 28 of the work programme
Call 2 - Integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest “INFRAIA” Areas addressed for both calls – see work programme for specifics - Biological & Medical Sciences Energy Environmental and Earth Sciences Mathematics & ICT Material Sciences and Analytical facilities Physical Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities Advanced Community – SFI Research Infrastructures Call, late 2015 - For details on each: see pages 14 to 28 of the work programme
Some notes on Starting Communities… Call 1 - Developing new world-class research infrastructures “INFRADEV” • Need for a data management plan: integrating activities (IAs) should also organise the efficient curation, preservation and provision of access to the data collected/produced under the project • Opting out of the pilot on open research data is optional but note that it will likely be mandatory in future FPs (FP9) • IAs should contribute to fostering the potential for innovation (including social innovation) of research infrastructures by reinforcing the partnership with industry • IAs are expected to take into account relevant ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures to exploit synergies • 2-stage Call • Awards will be up to €5M per successful proposal • With both Adv & Str communities Ireland has a number of examples. So contact me if you want to discuss specifics or get advice regarding either.
Call 3 – e-Infrastructures “EINFRA” Integrating e-infrastructure resources and services across networking, computing, data, software, user interfaces. • E-infrastructure calls will support EU policies on • Open research data; data & computing intensive science; research & education networking; HPC; and big data innovation. It will be implemented through: • Service orientation – all projects will contribute to a high quality catalogue of services • Maximising impact – proposal to define KPIs against operational, technical & socio-economic impact • Co-design – consortia are balanced/complementary set of partners • Open research data – data producers and users will be able to benefit from access and depositing of data to make data discoverable, accessible, intelligible and useable • H2020 as a catalyst for job growth – e-infra call will promote, where feasible, the combined/cumulative use of other funding sources as a means to support growth (ref. “digital game changer” on European high performance data networks)
Call 3 – e-Infrastructures “EINFRA” The Call is structured along 2 themes. Theme 1 – integration and consolidation of e-infra platforms supporting EU policies and research & education communities, and covers: • Coordination of regional, national, and European operations and funding • Synergies between operational e-infrastructures • Continuous upgrades of infrastructure without service disruption Main focus of support is on servicing activities & networking activities Theme 2 – prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for research and education communities, industry and citizens. 2 types of activities: • Platform-driven e-infrastructure innovation (technology push, driven by the supply-side) • User-driven e-infrastructure innovation (user pull, driven by the demand-side) Main focus of support is on servicing activities, networking activities & joint research activities
Call 3 – e-Infrastructures “EINFRA” Integrating e-infrastructure resources and services across networking, computing, data, software, user interfaces. Theme 1 calls • EINFRA-11-2016 (RIA)– Support to the Next Implementation Phase of Pan-European High Performance Computing Infrastructure and Services (PRACE) • To provide specialised computing services to promote research excellence and innovation • To advance national HPC capabilities • To ensure openness to ‘new user’ communities and promote industrial take-up of HPC services • To work in synergy with the European Technology Platform (ETP) for HPC (ETP4HPC) BUDGET: €15M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 EINFRA-12-2017 (RIA) – Data and Distributed Computing e-Infrastructures for Open Science Covers two closely related topics within e-Infrastructures:
Secure and agile data and distributed computing e-infrastructures. • Aim is to enable the integration of a secure, permanent, on-demand service-driven, privacy-compliant and sustainable e-infrastructure incorporating distributed databases, computing resources and software. • Proposals need • to address privacy, cybersecurity, and information assurance supporting data protection public, private or industrial entities • to adopt standards-based common interfaces, open source components and processing of underlying data • to support the preservation and curation of data and associated software BUDGET: €10-15M/proposal (1-2 proposals) DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 • Access and preservation platforms for scientific information. • Aim is to support reliable and permanent open access to digital scientific records from existing “initiatives” across Europe. • Proposals need • to deploy and maintain service driven knowledge e-infrastructure • to support global interoperability of open access data e-infrastructures • to promote a limited set of bibliometric and webometric data that reflect open access policies BUDGET: €8-10M/proposal (1-2 proposals) DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 - For details on each: see pages 29 to 45 of the work programme
Call 3 – e-Infrastructures “EINFRA” Integrating e-infrastructure resources and services across networking, computing, data, software, user interfaces. Theme 2 calls EINFRA-21-2017 is in two parts To support public procurement of innovative HPC systems To support RIA for e-infrastructure prototypes • 1.EINFRA-21-2017 (PPI) - Platform-driven e-Infrastructure Innovation • To procure innovative HPC solutions and support EU deployment of world-class HPC infrastructure capability • With the aim of reinforcing EU access to EU leading-edge supercomputing Tier-0 infrastructures and services i.e. associated with PRACE • BUDGET: €26M DEADLINE: 20 September 2016 - For details on each: see pages 29 to 45 of the work programme
2. EINFRA-21-2017 - Research and Innovation Actions for e-Infrastructures Prototypes • Covers 2 areas (proposals to address one): • “Universal discoverability of data objects and provenance” • Prototyping an e-infrastructure service, based on standards and best-practices, for the uptake of a Digital Identifier e-infrastructure for digital objects (articles, datasets, collections, software, nomenclature, etc.). • Linked with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) • BUDGET: €4-5M, one proposal DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 • 2) “Computing e-infrastructure with extreme large datasets” • Develop service prototypes to cope with very large data resources. It should include the basis software layers supporting applications such as modelling, simulation, pattern recognition, visualisation, etc. • Prototypes to follow an open source approach • BUDGET: €2.2-3M, 4-5 proposals DEADLINE: 29 March 2017
EINFRA-22-2016 – User-driven e-Infrastructure Innovation • To support user-driven design and prototyping of innovative e-infrastructure services and applications. • Proposals to address one of the following areas: • 1) to support, through open e-infrastructure resources, specific requirements of European initiatives addressing societal challenges (e.g. on environment and marine sustainability, agriculture and biodiversity, health and human brain etc.). • BUDGET: €2-3M/proposal DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 2) to stimulate the innovation potential of innovative actors, SMEs in particular, either as suppliers of technologies and services for e-infrastructures or as users of e-infrastructures to improve their own product and service offering • Successful applicants will launch “mini-calls” to provide support to SMEs (for ca. €60,000) • BUDGET: €5-6M. One proposal DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 3) To development a pan-European identity federation of services for researchers, educators and students, in compliance with existing identity inter-federation efforts (including Eduroam and Edugain) • BUDGET: €2.5-3M. One proposal DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 4) Reuse and improve (performance, quality, reputation, etc) the open access repository and publishing platform infrastructure for prototyping new infrastructure services in support of open science (e.g. new forms of publishing, machine-assisted knowledge extraction services from heterogeneous data resources and strengthening of machine readability and other discovery services) • BUDGET: €1-2M/proposal DEADLINE: 30 March 2016
Call 3 – e-Infrastructures “EINFRA” • e-Infrastructures – points to remember • Proposals should be structured around Networking Activities, Service Activities and Joint Research Activities • The Software to be developed needs to be open source • A Data Management Plan to be developed enabling data preservation, on-line discoverability, authorisation and re-use of data • Clear Metrics (KPIs) to be proposed and used • Open Access to Publications resulting from the project (where appropriate) • Usefulness of services to the end user community and financial sustainability to be ensured
Call 4 – Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures. “INFRAINNOV” To develop the innovation potential of research infrastructures. To better exploit component instruments, services and knowledge for the implementation and upgrade of research infrastructures 2 Calls • INFRAINNOV-01-2017 (RIA) – Fostering Co-innovation for Future Detection and Imaging Technologies • A pilot initiative: to address the development of future detection and imaging technologies, which have applications in the fields of medicine, manufacturing industry, aerospace, ICT, engineering, environmental sciences • To be a driver enabling the transfer of fundamental research towards industrial application BUDGET: €20M/proposal . One proposal. DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 • INFRAINNOV- 02-2016(CSA)– Support to Technological Infrastructures • T-infrastructures provide RIs with advanced key technologies and integration services. • Proposals need: • to define key techniques and trends which are crucial for the development of RIs, in close partnership with industrial partners • to identify domains of societal applications and potential markets beyond RIs • to facilitate the creation of both large and viable markets • to support the integration of RIs into local, regional and global innovation systems BUDGET: €10M (€2M/proposal) DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 - For details on each: see pages 46 to 51 of the work programme
Call 5 - Support to policy and International Co-operation. “INFRASUPP” To develop the human resources of RIs especially in areas that suffer from shortages in supply or where new skills and professions are required. 3 Calls INFRASUPP-1-2016 (CSA) – Policy and International Co-operation Measures for Research Infrastructures. 4 separate topics: Support development of RI research policy that facilitates Roadmap drafting and evaluation procedures Develop the role of the Union in international organisations and multilateral fora Aid bilateral co-operation on RIs with Africa Support training needs of the Synchrotron light for Experimental Science and Applications (SESAME) facility located in Jordan BUDGET: €2M/topic DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 INFRASUPP-02-2017 (CSA) – Policy and International Co-operation Measures for Research Infrastructures Support co-operation between the EU and international strategic partners. 3 separate topics: Develop a model describing the socio-economic leverage of RIs in terms of impact of the financial investment for the different types of Infrastructures Support the cooperation between the EU and international strategic partners for the development of global RIs or an enhancement of the current interaction among RIs in the global arena Aid the Research Data Alliance (RDA) through supporting development of global interoperable research data infrastructures BUDGET: €1.5M/topics 1 & 2; €3.5M/topic 3 DEADLINE: 29 March 2017 - For details on each: see pages 52 to 61 of the work programme
Call 5 - Support to policy and International Co-operation. “INFRASUPP” • INFRASUPP-03-2016 (RIA) – Support to Policies and International Co-operation Infrastructures • 1) To define and test high-speed networking e-infrastructure architecture for the forthcoming SKA RI • BUDGET: €3M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 2) International Co-operation on e-Infrastructure Supporting Major Societal Challenges • Co-operation with third countries on interoperability of e-infrastructures for networking, computing and data in order to support joint-efforts on one or more major societal challenges (e.g.: health, agriculture, education/skills, etc.) • BUDGET: €1M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 3) Policy Support to e-Infrastructure Programme • Support of the e-IRG secretariat • BUDGET: €1M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 4) Support to dissemination for the e-infrastructure programme • BUDGET: €1.5M DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 • 5) Support to small-size foresight roadmaps for the e-infrastructure programme • to define long-term requirements, community-building and identification of potential collaboration from stakeholders across different geographic areas and scientific domains. • BUDGET: €400.000 DEADLINE: 30 March 2016 - For details on each: see pages 52 to 61 of the work programme
Thank you for your Attention! The work programme, which details all of the Calls including the expected impact from funded projects, can be found here: http://www.sfi.ie/international/research-infrastructures.html Horizon 2020 EU Research Infrastructures www.sfi.ie Contact Details Michael Ryan National Delegate & NCP Research Infrastructures Head of EU Affairs SFI eu-infrastructures@sfi.ie