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Learn to request, write, and enhance reference letters for success. Discover tips for effective content, structure, and etiquette in reference letters. Maximize recommendations by showcasing accomplishments and skills. Elevate your potential with compelling references.
What you will learn • Requesting a reference letter • Agreeing to write a reference letter • How to write a reference letter • What components go into a reference letter
An effective reference letter could mean the difference between a candidate's acceptance or rejection. You may be a person requesting a reference letter, or you may be a person writing a reference letter.
Requesting a Reference Letter/Letter of Reference • Ask for a reference letter from people who know you and your capabilities, such as former employers, teachers, coaches, community or corporate leaders, influential friends who have known you a long time, etc. Relatives are not a good choice. Three letters are usually enough.
Be sure to give the people you ask enough time to write the reference letter--a week to 10 days should be sufficient.
Tell the people who agree to write letters for you about your goals and what they could write that would help you to achieve those goals. Don't be shy. A reference letter is a sales letter that is intended to sell you. Now is the time to point out your accomplishments!
Once you receive your reference letters, send the writers thank-you notes. You should also let each writer know about your subsequent success and how much their letters helped you to attain your goal.
Agreeing to Write a Reference Letter/Letter of Reference • Are you the right person to write a reference letter? If you are asked to write a letter of reference, you may need to discuss this subject with the requester. Can you honestly write positive things about the person who has requested the letter?
If not, you should bow out gracefully at the beginning. On the other hand, if you feel you qualify, brainstorm with the requester so you can write what he or she wishes to be said, and be sensitive to his/her deadlines
Have the person give you a list of accomplishments, organizations that he/she belongs to, or any other relevant information. It might surprise you to see how much that person has done outside of your personal contact with them.
This can also help you get a more accurate picture of the individual. Having the person give you a copy of his/her resume is an easy way to have this information at hand. Keep in mind, however, that you can only vouch for what you know from your own personal experience with the individual.
How to write a Reference Letter • Here are some easy guidelines (in no specific order): • Explain how you know the applicant and how long you have known him/her. • In what respect is this person exceptional to others you have known with a similar background? List the applicant's exceptional qualities and skills, especially those that are related to the applicant's field of interest or job search. Give specific examples to back up what you have written.
Refer to the requester's competency in a specific field and/or prior experience, organizational and communication skills, academic or other achievements, interaction with others, sound judgment, reliability, analytical ability, etc. • Omit weaknesses. If you can't write a positive letter of reference, you should diplomatically decline when you are first approached.
State your own qualifications. Why should the reader be impressed with your reference letter? • Emphasize key points that you want the reader to take note of on the resume or application. Be sure to elaborate meaningfully; don't simply restate what he/she has already written.
Unless it is absolutely relevant, do not refer (either in a direct or implied reference) to the applicant's race, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender, or marital status. • Don't be too brief, but be succinct and make every word count. Generally speaking, a letter of reference for employment should be one page; a letter of reference for school admission should be one to two pages.
List your own contact information if you are willing to receive follow-up correspondence or answer questions. • Make the ending strong without overdoing it. Undo praise can be viewed as biased or insincere. • Proofread! The letter of reference represents both you and the applicant.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind: • Appearance. Type your reference letter. Your reference letter casts a reflection on both you and the candidate. Appearance may even determine if it will be read or not. Print the letter on good quality ink-jet paper.
Specifics. Concentrate on several different aspects of the person. Be specific when you refer to his/her skills, attitude, personal attributes, contributions, performance, growth, etc. during the time period you have known the candidate.
Word usage. • Be careful with "power words"! Some words that seem harmless in every day conversation can carry both positive and negative connotations when written and presented to a prospective employer. Here are a few positive adjectives:
honest, articulate, effective, sophisticated, intelligent, observant, significant, expressive, creative, efficient, cooperative, imaginative, dependable, reliable, mature, and innovative.
Avoid adjectives and adverbs that carry a mediocre connotation such as: • nice, good, fair, fairly, adequate, reasonable, decent, and satisfactory
Positive Attributes. • ability to communicate • intelligence • self-confidence • willingness to accept responsibility • initiative • leadership • energy level
ability to communicate • intelligence • self-confidence • willingness to accept responsibility • initiative • leadership • energy level
goal achievement • competitiveness • appropriate vocational skills • direction
Intangible qualities. • empathy • native intelligence • a divergent, abstract thinking style • a high level of commitment • the ability to be a "self-starter"
a high energy level • the recognition that excellence is a journey, not a destination • the potential ability to lead
What does a reference letter offer. • verifies experience • confirms competence • builds credibility • bolsters confidence
Letters from Employers contain the Following: • Previous positions held in the company • Summary of job responsibilities • Strengths, skills, and talents • Initiative, dedication, integrity, reliability, etc. • Ability to work with a team • Ability to work independently
Academic Letters • Admission to any institute of higher learning usually requires one or more letters of recommendation. Graduate programs often require the submission of two or more letters and frequently follow specifically outlined procedures for their creation and submission. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully.
Academic letters of recommendation may contain evidence or confirmation of the following: • Academic performance • Honors and awards • Initiative, dedication, integrity, reliability, etc. • Willingness to follow school policy • Ability to work with others • Ability to work independently
Writing Your Own Letter of Recommendation • Do not be surprised if a person you are asking for a recommendation asks you to write a first draft of the letter that he or she will then modify and sign
Do not be shy • List your strengths, talents, and abilities. These may include • diligence, punctuality, leadership, reliability, enthusiasm, creativity, independence, teamwork, organization, etc.
Highlight your strengths and accomplishments without bragging. • Choose several of your qualities and strengths that match the current situation; do not list everything you have ever done. • Use a professional vocabulary and style; write as if you were the employer providing the letter.
Writing a Letter of Recommendation for Someone Else • Be honest about your feelings, intentions, and concerns. This will save time and embarrassment for both parties if you feel that you cannot provide a good recommendation. • If you are not sure what to write, ask the requester to provide a draft letter for you to review, edit, finalize, and sign. • Find out when the requestor needs the letter and be sensitive to deadlines.
Introduction • Introduce yourself as the recommender. State your professional position, how you know the applicant, the length of your relationship, and any other pertinent information to build your credibility as a knowledgeable contributor. • Provide an overview of your general impressions of the applicant.
Body • Cover one exceptional quality of the applicant in each paragraph • Use specific examples to show how you observed each quality • Address qualities in order of importance • Keep the body of the letter to two or three paragraphs
Conclusion • Confirm that the applicant would be a desirable employee, adding any other comments you feel appropriate. • Encourage the reader to contact you for additional information or with any questions. • Don't forget to personally sign the letter.
Know your strengths at least 5 • diligence, punctuality, leadership, reliability, enthusiasm, creativity, independence, teamwork, organization