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Progetto : LIFE11 ENV/IT/109 «SOREME» « Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions » Start: 01/01/2013 End: 31/12/2014 19/06/2014 18 month progress meeting Tartu - Estonia EPENZ premises. Progetto : LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME» « Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions ».
Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/109 «SOREME»«Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» Start: 01/01/2013 End: 31/12/2014 19/06/2014 18 monthprogress meeting Tartu - Estonia EPENZ premises
Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME»«Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» AGENDA TECHNICAL & PROGRESS MEETING 14:00 [EPENZ] Welcome and opening of the meeting 14:05 [All] Actions carried out by each partner (please prepare a ppt presentation and include SOREME logo and LIFE logo in each slide) and scheduled activities from January 2014 until the end of May 2014 15:00 [EPENZ] SOREME sorbent use at industrial level: visit of EPENZ premises and plant used in SOREME project 15:45 [All] Open discussion on actions carried out 16:00 [All] Coffee break
Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME»«Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions» AGENDA TECHNICAL & PROGRESS MEETING 16:15 [All] SOREME Technical future issues: [ICCOMCNR] Technical activities scheduled in the next six months of the project [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project. 17:00 [ICCOMCNR] Management and dissemination issues 17:45 [All] General questions 18:00 End of progress meeting
Progetto: LIFE11 ENV/IT/ 109 «SOREME»«Low cost sorbent for reducing mercury emissions»
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months ACTION B.4 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level ACTION B.5 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level (start) ACTION C.2 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at semi-industrial level ACTION C.3 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level ACTION C.4 feedback on SOREME mercury sorbent use
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months Presentationsof: ICCOMCNR ENEA CONER EPENZ
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months [All] Open discussion on actions carried out
Dissemination activities ACTION D.1: Project web site ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases ACTION D.5: Networking ACTION D.6: SOREME characterisation and application manual ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion
Dissemination activities ACTION D.1: Project web site ECOFATTING website in English, Italian and Estonian: www.pi.iccom.cnr.it/soreme Each partner has prepared the link between the SOREME website to the beneficiary website
Dissemination activities ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases A description of the SOREME project was reported in the section “NEWS” of the ENEA web site (http://www.enea.it/it/enea_informa/news/progetto-soreme-sorbenti-innovativi-per-ridurre-le-emissioni-di-mercurio-nei-processi-industriali). The same news was reported in the ENEA newsletter distributed among the ENEA personnel on 29 July 2013. ICCOMCNR has produced 1 article in a general newspaper Gagarin-Orbite Culturali (bi-monthly magazine) March-April 2014 (on-line version: www.gagarin-magazine.it/2014/04/green/la-sgommata-ecologica/) Corriere di Romagna (italiannewspaper) 23/3/2014 Paper will be published in the official proceedings of Montecatini fair by Trans Tech Publications
Dissemination activities ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases 4 indirect articles related to the participation of SOREME to the CNR event (in local and web newspaper) 1 TV interview during the LIFE CNR event in CNR premises on 25 March 2014 1 CONER article in DimensioneIndustria Journal
Dissemination activities ACTION D.5: Networking Cluster with DEPOTEC, RESAFE, ECOFATTING,OXATAN, SHOELAW, PODEBA, SOREME, BioNaD, CLEANSED, After-Cu, MICROTAN, C02SHOE, SHOEBAT and BIOREM (LIFE 09-10-11-12 projects) SOREME specific presentation at the CNR LIFE event at Pisa on 25th March 2014 Networking contacts at the CNR LIFE event at Pisa on 25th March 2014 Networking with 7PQ project TYGRE (FP7-ENV-2008-1, project n°226549) in which ENEA is involved.
Dissemination activities ACTION D.6: SOREME characterisation and application manual ICCOMCNR started to define the manual structure and each project responsible for producing each section of the manual
Dissemination activities ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation Logo definition and design 2 roll-ups in English 2,000 brochures in Italian and 2,000 brochures in English 2 posters 1 tissue poster SOREME power point presentation in English and Italian SOREME gadgets: 100 t-shirts 200 pens 4000 adhesives 200 bookbinders 1000 bookmarks
Dissemination activities ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events SOREME project have been introduced and discussed during 2 different general assemblies of CONER. Each event involved 18 staff people from 9 different regional provinces plus 8-to-10 enterprises. Workshops with CONER Associations and companies interested in testing the SOREME sorbent. From January to September, the following workshops have been held: UnindustriaForlì Cesena (5-6 April 2013) UnindustriaForlì Cesena (11 April and 22 May 2013) Unindustria Piacenza (23 April 2013) Unindustria Rimini (8 May 2013) SOREME power point presentations at the LIFE CNR event in CNR premises on 25 March 2014
Dissemination activities ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events presentationof the SOREME project in the frame ofcourseco-fundedbyItalianMinistryofForeignAffairsentitled “Governance and developmentof the SMEs in Libya” and aimedto the formationofLibyanofficials (Faenza 2/12/2014) University of Siena event about life, Siena 29 May 2014 Event in Parma 26-30 May 2014 Event in Lucca, 23-26 June 2014 Event in Rimini Event in Ravenna 2 Events in Modena 16 meetingswithcompanies 2 eventswith Unione Parmense Industriali
Dissemination activities ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events XXXVIII Colloquium SpectroscopicumInternationale in Tromsø, Norway, June 16 – 20, 2013 XXIV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica 15- 19 Settembre 2013 a Sestri Levante (GE) ECOMONDO fair in November 5-8, 2013 at Rimini ECOCITY fair in November 21-24, 2013 at Pisa Fair and exposition “Affidabilità e Tecnologie” held in Torino 16-17/4/2014 (http://www.affidabilita.eu/aet2014/Default.aspx) R2B: 8° International Industrial Research Exhibition, held in Bologna, Italy, on 5-6 June 2013. Innovat&Match 2014, held in Bologna, Italy, on 4-5 June 2013.
Dissemination activities ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events Green week in Brussels 2-5 June 2014 congress ECERS 2013 held at Limoges on 23-28 June 2013. ECOMONDO fair in November 5-8, 2013 at Rimini presentation of the SOREME project in the frame of course co-funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Governance and development of the SMEs in Libya” and aimed to the formation of Libyan officials (Faenza 2/12/2014) Partecipation to CIMTEC 2014-13th International Ceramic Congress (Montecatini Terme, 8-13 June 2014
Dissemination activities ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion CONER selected an external company expert in video which already made video shots in some beneficiaries and specific project sites. ICCOMCNR has to define and produce the video text
Management activities ACTION E.1: Project management ACTION E.2: Monitoring ICCOMCNR has continuous contact with all project beneficiaries for monitoring project activities ICCOMCNR prepares and sends a monthly summary (each 28th) of the project activities carried out to monitoring team ICCOMCNR needs to receive from each beneficiaries technical inputs before each 28th ICCOMCNR received from each beneficiary the name of the project committe responsible and the cost management
SOREME Technical future issues ACTION B.5 Demonstration of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level ACTION C.3 Environmental monitoring of the innovative mercury sorbent at industrial level ACTION C.4 Feedback on SOREME mercury sorbent use ACTION C.5 Demonstration of environmental-technical-socio-economic viability
SOREME Technical future issues [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project
SOREME Dissemination future issues for the next six months ACTION D.1: Project web site: update ACTION D.3: Layman’ report ACTION D.4: Articles and press releases: new articles (now 11 articles and 1 TV interview; expected 15 pubblications) ACTION D.5: Networking: OK OK (now 15 projects; expected 10 projects) ACTION D.6: SOREME sorbent characterisation and application manual: start
SOREME Dissemination future issues for the next six months ACTION D.7: Diffusion material preparation: OK OK (now 2 roll-ups, 2 posters, 4,000 brochures, 5.500 items as project gadget; expected 6 Posters, 4.000 leaflets/brochures) ACTION D.8: Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events: OK OK (now 18 events; expected 10 events) ACTION D.9: International fairs and other events: OK OK (now 12 fairs; expected 4 fairs) ACTION D.10: Digital supports for international diffusion: OK (expected project video) ACTION D.11: Afer-Life Communication Plan
ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES Progress Report Deliverables Partner cost analysis Final Report Next project meeting
Progress Report ICCOM CNR is sending the SOREME Progress Report (to EC and Monitor) with the deadline of 30/06/2014. The Progress Report is made up of: Technical Report with update of technical and dissemination activities Action by Action Annex of Dissemination activities Eventual more detailed Technical Report as Annexes The following Deliverables: Preparation of dissemination material: Action D.7 Report on the semi-industrial level demonstration: Actions B.4 Report on the semi-industrial level monitoring: Actions C.2
NEXT DELIVERABLES Report on the industrial level demonstration: Actions B.5 Report on the industrial level monitoring: Actions C.3 Report on SOREME use feedbacks: Action C.4 Report of project technical-economic viability: Action C.5 Layman report: Action D.3 Audit report: E.1 Report on the networking results: Action D.5
Final Report ICCOMCNR willberesponsibleof the production of the Final report whichwillbemade up by: Progress report with the summary of technical, administrative and dissemination project issues Dissemination Annex Deliverables Output indicators Financial forms with all the originals signatures from each partner Audit document (ENEA) The EC ok of the Final report will produce the project final payment from the EC
Final Report Documents needed from each partner ICCOMCNR will check all the partner financial documents for final original versions with signatures from each partner ICCOMCNR willberesponsiblefor the production ofanauditdocumentsignedbyanexternalauthorised auditor (alreadyselected) whichwillcertifyall the project financial data. The selected auditor willcheckall the partner financial data and willbe free torequesttoeach partner more detaileddocuments.
Project meetings 1st Kick off meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in January 2013 2nd Coordination meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in June 2013 3rd Coordination meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy in January 2014 4th Coordination meeting in EPENZ in Estonia in June 2014 Next Project meeting 5th Coordination and Final meeting in ENEA/CONER in Italy in December 2014