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The 5G, AI, VR And Robotics Dominated GITEX 2018 But Credible Use Cases From Operators Were Lacking

It is the principal technology event in the Gulf region for telecoms operators and technology vendors to share their visions for the future. Revenue from 5G-enabled digitalisation in the Gulf region could exceed USD56 billion by 2030. At this event, several operators announced partnerships and gave demonstrations of 5G, AI, VR and robotics.<br>https://www.aarkstore.com/technology/984307/5g-ai-vr-and-robotics-dominated-gitex-2018-but-credible-use-cases-from-operators-were-lacking

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The 5G, AI, VR And Robotics Dominated GITEX 2018 But Credible Use Cases From Operators Were Lacking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 01: The5G,AI,VRAnd RoboticsDominated GITEX2018But CredibleUseCases FromOperatorsWere Lacking TechnologyMarketReports

  2. 02: SUMMARY GITEXevent,heldinDubaiinOctober2018.It istheprincipaltechnologyeventintheGulf regionfortelecomsoperatorsandtechnology vendorstosharetheirvisionsforthefuture. Thiscommentprovidesasummaryofthemain highlightsfromthisyear&apos;sevent.

  3. 03: "Revenuefrom5G-enabled digitalisationintheGulf regioncouldexceedUSD56 billionby2030."

  4. 04: Atthisevent,severaloperatorsannounced partnershipsandgavedemonstrationsof 5G,AI,VRandrobotics.However,these operatorsstillappeartobe,atleastfrom whatwasshownatGITEXthisyear, unclearonhowtomaterialisetheirvisions andtakefulladvantageofthe opportunitiesenabledbynew technologies.Thiscommentprovidesa summaryofthemainhighlightsfromthis yearsevent.

  5. AboutAarkstore Aarkstoreformsglobalmarketresearchreportsfromvariousindustryverticalsserving businessesworldwide.Asmarketresearchreportresellers,wepartnerwithalready establishedpublishersforsyndicateddataandcustomizedreports.Consequently, marketresearchdatabyusisup-to-dateandreliableforIndustryanalysisandfuture marketforecasts. Obtainourmarketresearchreportsandgaininformationaboutcustomerpreferences, marketrequirements,keydrivers,andchallenges.Thiswillhelptomakeabusiness alignwithstrategies.Thecomprehensiveoverviewofthemarketprovidedwillallow youtomakesatisfactorydecisions,gaininganupperhandinthecompetitivelandscape.

  6. The Impact of 5G and Next-Generation Networks on Mobile Opex Spending RelatedReports The Operator spending on monetisation platforms declined by 3% in 2017, but 5G will drive demand

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