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Integrating Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor From Leaf to Canopy Scales

Integrating Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor From Leaf to Canopy Scales. Dennis Baldocchi Ecosystem Science Division/ESPM UC Berkeley. Outline. Overview Leaf-Canopy Scaling and Integration Concepts Show Tests of Such Models over Multiple Time Scales

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Integrating Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor From Leaf to Canopy Scales

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  1. Integrating Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor From Leaf to Canopy Scales Dennis Baldocchi Ecosystem Science Division/ESPM UC Berkeley

  2. Outline • Overview Leaf-Canopy Scaling and Integration Concepts • Show Tests of Such Models over Multiple Time Scales • Use the CANVEG Model to Ask Ecophysiological and Micrometeorological Questions Relating to Trace Gas Fluxes

  3. Classes of Model Complexity • The breadth and linkage of functional components that describe the biophysics of trace gas exchange. • How driving variables are defined and used as inputs to non-linear model algorithms. • The geometric abstraction of the canopy.

  4. System Complexity: Interconnection of Key Ecosystem Processes ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology

  5. Processes and Linkages:Roles of Time and Space Scales

  6. 3-d Representation of Canopy Qi Chen and D. Baldocchi ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology

  7. Geometrical Abstraction of the Canopy • One-Dimensional • Big-Leaf • Dual Source, Sun-Shade • 2-Layer • Vegetation and soil • Multi-Layered • Two-Dimensional • Dual source • sunlit and shaded • Vegetated vs Bare Soil • Three-Dimensional • Individual Plants and Trees After Hanson et al Ecol Appl 2004 ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology

  8. Big-Leaf Model

  9. 2-Layer/Dual Source Models

  10. Dual Source Model:Discrete Form Whole Canopy

  11. Role of Proper Model Abstraction ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology

  12. Sunlit Leaf Area and Sun Angle

  13. Multi-Layer Models

  14. CANOAK Schematic

  15. Basics of Ecosystem Models ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology

  16. Quantifying Sources and Sinks • Biology: a(z), Ci, rs • Physics: rb, C(z)

  17. Weight Source/Sink by Fraction of Sunlit and Shaded Leaves and Their Environment

  18. Random Spatial Distribution: Poisson Prob Distr. Prob of Beam Penetration Prob of Sunlit Leaf

  19. Sources of Spatial Heterogeneity • Vertical Variations in: • Leaf area index • Leaf inclination angles • Leaf Clumping • Leaf N + photosynthetic capacity • Stomatal conductance • Light, Temperature, Wind, Humidity, CO2

  20. Vertical Profiles in Leaf Area

  21. Vertical Variation in Sunlight

  22. Carboxylation Velocity Profiles

  23. Profiles of Ci/Ca

  24. Turbulence Closure Schemes • Lagrangian • Eulerian • Zero Order, c(z)=constant • First Order, F=K dc/dz • Second Order and ++ (dc/dt, dw’c’/dt)

  25. Higher Order Closure Equations and Unknowns ESPM 228 Adv Topics Micromet & Biomet

  26. Lagrangian Near- and Far-Field Theory ESPM 228 Adv Topics Micromet & Biomet

  27. Dispersion Matrix ESPM 228 AdvTopics Micromet & Biomet

  28. Turbulent Mixing

  29. Vertical Gradients in CO2

  30. Vertical Gradients in q and T

  31. 13C Profiles


  33. Examples: Non-Linear Biophysical Processes Photosynthesis Transpiration Respiration Leaf Temperature

  34. Why Non-linearity is Important?

  35. Leaf Energy Balance • R: is shortwave solar energy, W m-2 • L: is Longwave, terrestrial energy, W m-2 • lE: Latent Heat Flux Density, W m-2 • H: Sensible Heat Flux Density, W m-2 ESPM 129 Biometeorology

  36. Leaf Energy Balance, Wet, Transpiring Leaf Net Radiation is balanced by the sum of Sensible and Latent Heat exchange ESPM 129 Biometeorology

  37. Derivation 1: Leaf Energy Balance 2: Resistance Equations for H and lE 3: Linearize T4 and es(T) ESPM 129 Biometeorology

  38. Linearize with 1st order Taylor’s Expansion Series ESPM 129 Biometeorology

  39. Linearize the Saturation Vapor Pressure function ESPM 129 Biometeorology

  40. Wc, the rate of carboxylation when ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) is saturated • Wj, the carboxylation rate when RuBP regeneration is limited by electron transport. • Wp carboxylation rate with triose phosphate utilization ESPM 228, Advanced Topics in Micromet and Biomet

  41. If Wc is minimal, then: If Wj is minimal, then If Wp is minimal, then ESPM 228, Advanced Topics in Micromet and Biomet

  42. Analytical Equation for Leaf Photosynthesis Baldocchi 1994 Tree Physiology ESPM 228, Advanced Topics in Micromet and Biomet

  43. Seasonality in Vcmax Wilson et al. 2001 Tree Physiol ESPM 228, Advanced Topics in Micromet and Biomet

  44. Results andDiscussion

  45. Model Test: Hourly to Annual Time Scale

  46. Model Test: Hourly Data

  47. Time Scales of Interannual Variability

  48. Spectra of Photosynthesis and Respiration

  49. Model Test: Daily Integration

  50. Interannual Variability

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