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SoftBank Affiliate Data Conversions

Learn about data conversion and migration processes, including terminology, types of conversions, and considerations for extraction and file upload methods.

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SoftBank Affiliate Data Conversions

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  1. SoftBank Affiliate Data Conversions Cindy Bland Sharon Smith

  2. What is a Data Conversion? • Data Conversion or Data Migration is the process of translating data from one format to another for the purpose of using the data in another application or system.

  3. Data Conversion Terminology • Extraction – Files that are generated from the old system • BSA – Blood Services Archive module • Import – File that was uploaded into a system • BSA “Specs” – Detailed specifications of data import format • HBB – Historical Blood Bank site that contains imported data from BSA and SoftBank data • Error logs – Files that contain data that is not in the proper format

  4. Types of Affiliate Data Conversions • Affiliate: Existing client that has completed data conversion implements a new site that requires data conversion • Extraction files and data need to be mapped to existing SoftBank codes (further discussion to follow) • Affiliate – Soft-to-Soft: Existing client that has completed data conversion merges with another client that has completed data conversion

  5. Affiliate Data Conversion • Data conversion has been completed for existing SoftBank sites • Data currently exists in LIVE SoftBSA • New affiliate data conversion process (load, error logs, HBB, etc.) performed in a separate environment

  6. Soft-to-Soft Data Conversion • Programming provides direction on approach • Custom utility required to extract LIVE data from client “A” environment for import into TEST BSA of client “B” environment • Several merging steps by programming • For each validation step, both clients participate

  7. Preliminary Discussion with Client • Meeting with client and vendor to explain high-level Data Conversion process • Initial review of BSA specifications • Client decision about what file will be extracted • Only Patient and Unit data, or more files • Examples: Tests, Rx Products, etc. • Determine what environment will be used for affiliate conversion – TEST, UPG, etc. • Discuss how and where client will upload the extracted files for Soft programmer • Set up email string with all partiesfor communication • SCC • Client • Vendor

  8. SoftBSA • Soft Blood Services Archive (SoftBSA) is a siteless standalone module that is installed on the SCC server. • SoftBSA is a static database where the comprehensive Data Conversion files are stored. • This database contains information from the extracted files, such as Patient, Unit and Testing data. However, unit and testing information is not included in the data conversion in SoftBank.

  9. Bridge to SoftBSA hos_Caution_BSABridge “Y” BB v 25.5.3 BSA v 3.0.2

  10. Data Conversion High Level - BSA

  11. Extraction Considerations • Medical Record Numbers – Enterprise recommended; MRN merges of extracted patient records may be required by the client and needs to be completed by vendor BEFORE client submits files • If Multiple MRNs are necessary and submitted in the files for the same patient, then be aware that merges will have to be done in SoftBank, after the LIVE conversion. • Data Mapping: ABO, Rh, Antibodies, Antigens, Special Messages • ABO – must be O, A, B, AB • RH must be POS or NEG (not + or -) • Special Messages have to match SoftBank setup (IRR, CMV) • Generic Message code of other comments/free text (COMM, NOTE) • SoftBank Build: codes must match in order to display correctly in Patient Caution Window

  12. Data Mapping

  13. File Upload Methods • Option 1 (Best Practice): Client/vendor gets access to their AIX server (our SE creates file exchange directory on their AIX server), uploads the files. • Option 2: Client/vendor loads the files to their own SFTP server and gives SCC FTP permission/access (Permanent permission should be given by the client/vendor – login and password) • Other scenarios won’t work (i.e., via email, PC drive)

  14. BSA Specifications (“Specs”) • The standard db_Vista tool dbimp is used to import data into the SoftBSA database. • This utility requires that data of each record type is stored in a separate ASCII file names after the record. • Each file is the standard UNIX ASCII file. • Each record is stored in a separate line. • Each record field is separated by the comma. • The string values are enclosed in quotes.

  15. File Names • Must match the Naming convention provided in the BSA specs • For example: • bsapat.txt • The following pages contain descriptions of all the SoftBSA import files. For each file, the line format, example and the detailed description is provided. • In the description section, the following data types are used: • DATE • Date is represented in the YYYYMMDD format as the single numeric value. If empty or unknown, the -1 value should be used. • TIME • Time is represented in the HHMM 24 hour format (military time) as the single numeric value. If empty or unknown, the -1 value should be used. • CHAR • Char is represented as the integer value of the ASCII code (e.g., 65 for the letter A). If empty or unknown, the 0 value should be used. • STRING • String is represented as the alphanumeric value enclosed in quotes. The maximum length of the string is defined. • INTEGER • Integer is represented as the single numeric value. If empty or unknown, the 0 value should be used. • Required fields are indicated by the letter R in the column R.

  16. Files for Import For Bank only conversions, all Donor files can be ignored.

  17. Files for Import (continued) • Historical ABO-Rh can only be used by SoftBank only when historical ABO/Rh tested date/time is provided (fields PATBLOODDT and PATBLOODTM). • Format: • SPABID, SPABDES • Example: “a-E”, “Anti-E (big E)” • 1 file submitted with multiple lines, 1 line per antibody code

  18. File Example • Single line • Commas • Quotation marks

  19. File Example (continued) • In BSA, all records from bsapx.txt file will display in patient window. Each message from this file will have a code in PXCODE field so client may code them as they wish. • When these records are imported into SoftBank – all codes from PXCODE field will display as messages.Free text from all records will be combined into one message with code COMM, and this message will display as a message with comment (The comment will be combined free text from all bsapx.txt records for this patient.). • Common code can be anything, such as “COMM”, “NOTE”. • One code for all comments will work, if it is provided in correct format. If there are 2 or more lines of the same comment for one patient – the sequential number should be used.

  20. File Example (continued) "1009016","COMM",0,"SEVERE RXNS FOR SEVERAL MONTHS","",19980121,1332 "1009016","COMM",1,"TO PRE-L.R. RBCS","",19980121,1332 "1009016","COMM",2,"POSSIBLE HEMOLYTIC TX RXN","",19981231,1330 "1009016","COMM",3,"LAST VIST. SEE DR E.","",19981231,1330 "1009016","COMM",4,"CAN RECEIVE PRE-LR PRODUCTS","",19990210,1111 "1009016","COMM",5,"PER DR. A","",19990210,1111 "1009016","COMM",6,"PLEASE INDICATE THE WEIGHT OF","",20061229,1314 "1009016","COMM",7," ALL UNITS ISSUED.","",20061229,1314 "1009016","COMM",8,"PER DR. M, PT DOES NOT NEED TO RECEIVE SIMILAR PHENOTY PE RBCs DESPIT","MMW",20091218,1351 "1009016","COMM",9,"E HAVING THAL MAJOR","MMW",20091218,1351 Then you will see one special message with code COMM and comment: SEVERE RXNS FOR SEVERAL MONTHS TO PRE-L.R. RBCS POSSIBLE HEMOLYTIC TX RXN LAST VIST. SEE DR E. CAN RECEIVE PRE-LR PRODUCTS PER DR. A PLEASE INDICATE THE WEIGHT OF ALL UNITS ISSUED. PER DR. M, PT DOES NOT NEED TO RECEIVE SIMILAR PHENOTY PE RBCs DESPIT E HAVING THAL MAJOR

  21. Error Logs and Bad Files • Files are with data conversion files on the server • Softprint files can be created for easy viewing • In softprint directory, search using *log and *bad • Review *log files first, before reviewing corresponding *bad file

  22. Error Logs and Bad Files (continued)

  23. “Clean” Log File

  24. Validation • No regulatory requirement for number or percentage of records • Records should be representative of all file types to be converted • “Problem” patients often used for validation

  25. HBB or XBB • Template task sent to SE to create login site • Login site can be any letter not used by client; suggest XBB so that site is at the end of the list • Programmer copies LIVE Bank setup files and LIVE Patient data to HBB/XBB; Patient data is copied from SoftBSA into HBB/XBB • Allows client to review historical data as it will eventually display in production SoftBank (i.e., mock data conversion) • Gives programmer an estimate of time for data conversion

  26. Data Conversion High Level – HBB

  27. Data Conversion “Go Live” Sample Plan

  28. LIVE BB Data Conversion Activities on Downtime: • SCC Implementer Calls _BB main contact number: at the client site for go or no go, based on SoftBank Workload (Critical Patients), 10-15 minutes advance notice. If Go: ALL SoftBank users off the system for SoftBank at pre-determined time. SoftBank in Downtime – we as that you allow approx 4 hours for the Downtime (conversion plus validation of data). • SCC BB Programmer stop/start GUI servers. He changes parameter bbank_installed from “Y” to “N” before restarting. • SoftLab will NOT be on downtime. All BB orders will stay in the queue until bbank_install parameter is changed back to “Y”. • SCC DBA team creates a backup for BB Oracle database, prior to data conversion. • Client – Do NOT Collect/Receive any Blood Bank Orders in SoftLab during downtime. If you use SoftID, BB specimens are collected but wait to receive in SoftLab, when downtime is ended to force orders to SoftBank. • Client – Do not run a billing report from SoftLab during downtime. • SCC BB Programmer will load data from BSA into SoftBank Live. This conversion will take 1-2 hours, depending on the amount of patient records converted. Client will be notified when the conversion is completed. • Client revalidates patient information in SoftBank Live ON DOWNTIME. Even though we allow up to 4 hrs down time, you should have the validation person(s) available to start validation as soon as the files are loaded. • Client informs SCC when validation in SoftBank Live is complete, passed and ready to come off down time. • SCC BB Programmer reconnects SoftBank (sets parameter bbank_installedto “Y”) • SCC BB Programmer restarts GUI interfaces/BB interfaces • SCC will notify the client all users can access SoftBank LIVE • SoftBank Recovery Activities • Blood Bank orders in SoftLab during downtime will be collected and/or received. This forces orders to the SoftBank Module. • Transfusion Services staff enters results for all downtime work in SoftBank Module • SCC Backout Plan • If validation in SoftBank LIVE fails – SCC DBA team will restore SoftBank database from backup created before the conversion

  29. Data Conversion Downtime • SoftLab is NOT on downtime during the conversion. • Bank orders should not be collected/received in SoftLab during downtime • SoftID BB specimens can be collected by not received in SoftLab • Bank orders from HIS remain in queue until SoftBank is reconnected to SoftLab • SoftLab billing report should not be run during downtime • Allow approximately 4 hours for SoftBank downtime

  30. Downtime Recovery Activities • Client Receives all Specimens/Orders in queue. • If Specimens had been received during downtime, client modifies the receive time in LabOE by a minute and saves. • Implementer and client monitor SoftBank to make sure all Orders cross into Bank. • Users manually enter all results, etc. as needed.

  31. Failed Validation – “Backout Plan” • In the rare case that the data conversion was unsuccessful, DBA can restore SoftBank database from copy made before data conversion • Not recommended for cases where issues were discovered days or weeks after the data conversion (i.e., data since the data conversion would not be included in the backup copy)

  32. Please remember to take a few moments to fill out the session survey. You can find the QR code in your Conference Brochure as well as hyperlinks to the survey online at www.snuginconline.org with the SNUG 2019 handouts.

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