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What does he look like?

What does he look like?. heavy (肥胖的). thin (瘦的). What does he/she look like?. medium height. height. He is tall. He is short. She is medium height . ( 中等高度). What does she look like?. build. She is fat / heavy. She is medium build. (中等体形). She is thin.

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What does he look like?

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  1. What does he look like?

  2. heavy(肥胖的) thin(瘦的)

  3. What does he/she look like? medium height height Heistall. Heisshort. Sheismedium height. (中等高度)

  4. What does she look like? build She is fat / heavy. She is medium build.(中等体形) She is thin.

  5. What does she look like? hair She has curly hair. Shehas straight hair.

  6. short hair curly hair(卷发) long hair straight hair(直发)

  7. What does he/she look like? hair Hedoesn’t have hair. / He has no hair. She has longhair. He has shorthair.

  8. What does he/she look like? He has short hair. She haslong hair.

  9. What does she look like? She has curly hair. She has straight hair.

  10. What does he look like? He is tall. He is of medium height. He is short.

  11. What does he look like? He is heavy. He is thin.

  12. What does he look like? He is of medium build.

  13. What does he/she look like? has short hair. has long hair. has straight hair. has curly hair. He/She is short. is of medium height. is. tall. is heavy. isof medium build. is thin.

  14. f tall curly hair a a d h e b g e

  15. Can you remember them ? medium build medium height short fat tall thin straight hair long hair curly hair short hair

  16. What does he look like? Hehas… short whitehair George Bush

  17. What does he look like? He has… long,straighthair. George Bush

  18. xiao xin's family what do they look like? Make short conversations with your partner :

  19. Task:Pairwork Take out your pen ,describe one of your friends in your class.Let your partner find her or him out. My friend is…..She has….

  20. 2a Listen and circle “is” or “has”. 1.is / has tall 6.is / has long hair 2.is / hasheavy7.is / hasshort 3.is / hascurly hair8.is / hasof medium build 4.is / hasof medium height 9.is / hasshort hair 5.is / hasthin

  21. What do you look like? have short hair. havelong hair. have straight hair. have curly hair. I amshort. amof medium height. am tall. amheavy. amof medium build. am thin.

  22. Is is has Tall heavy curly hair Medium height thin long hair Short Medium bulid short hair

  23. Describe Lily’s new friend. What does she look like? long hair big eyes short red dress white shoes

  24. A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five? B: What does she look like? A: She has ____ ____ and ___ ____. B: Is she tall? long hair eyes big

  25. 返回8 A: No, she’s _____ B: I think I know her. She always wears a red _____ and _____ shoes. A: Yes, that’s her.Her name is Nancy. short dress white

  26. Complete the sentences with “is” or “has”. • She ______ (is/has) of medium height. • He ________ (is /has) really tall. • And he _________ (is/has) curly hair. • 3. My mother ______ (is/has) two big eyes and long straight hair. • She ______ (is/has) of medium build, not too fat or too thin. is is has has is

  27. Self check: Fill in the blanks ike 1. Lucy looks l___ her sister Lily. 2. My dog’s h___ is white and long. 3. Her friend is of medium b____. a medium build 表示“中等体格”, 4. My sister is of medium h_____. a medium height 表示“中等高度”, 5. Li Wen has short c____ hair. air uild eight urly

  28. Summary: Useful expressions 1、What do you look like? I’m short. I’m thin. 2、Whatdoeshe look like? He is tall and he is of medium build. 3、What doesshe look like? Shehas short curly blonde hair and she is of medium height

  29. Exercise 1.我夯基 ,我达标(英汉直通车) 1.有点儿瘦    6.留胡须 2.体格适中   7.停止谈话 3.中等个     8.看起来像 4.棕色的短卷发  9.戴眼镜 5.有点儿文静  10.一个流行歌手

  30. does look like medium has of height black hair stops talking talking to glasses wears What do look like doesn’t look • 2.我综合,我发展 • 你的姐姐长什样? • What_____ your sister_____ _____? • 2. 我爸爸是中等个,黑头发。 • My father is and. • . • 3 .他喜欢与人交谈,从不停止谈话 。 • He likes people.He never _____ . • 4. He always ______ (wear ) ( glass ). • 5. I’m tall and heavy.(画线提问) • _____ _____ you_____ ______? • 6. Jim looks like his brother.(变否定句) • Jim like his brother. 你真棒!

  31. Section A 3a Words and expressions: captain 队长team 球队 popular流行的joke 笑话 brown 棕色的person 人 a bit 一点儿blonde 金发的 a little bit 有一点儿 never 从不, 永不, 未曾 good-looking 好看的, 漂亮的

  32. 1. a little bit = kind of一点儿, 稍微 e.g. She is a little bit shy. There’s a little bit of soda. 2. tell (sb.) jokes (给某人)讲笑话 e.g. He often tells us jokes. 3. make a joke with sb. 和某人开玩笑 e.g. Don’t make a joke with him.

  33. 4. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来做某事 e.g. We stop talking when class begins. We stopped to have a rest after a long walk. 5. popular 受欢迎的, 得人心的 pop = popular通俗的, 大众化的 e.g. The nurse is very popular. pop music, pop songs

  34. 3a Read the descriptions below of the four classmates and match them with the pictures.

  35. 2 1 • Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. He’s tall and he is of medium build. He has short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular. 2. Mary is thin and she is of medium height. She is short curly blonde hair. She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet.

  36. 4 3 2 1 3. Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. She’s short and a little bit heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking. 4. Mike is a good student. He’s very tall. He has curly brown hair and is of medium build. He likes reading and playing chess.

  37. 根据3a部分的内容,选出正确的答 案。 1. Wang Lin and Mike are (on the basketball team / medium build). 2. (Xu Qian/ Mary) is a little bit quiet. 3. Xu Qian has (beautiful long black hair/ short curly blonde hair). 4. Mike is (tall and likes reading/ short and likes playing chess). 5. (Wang Lin/ Mary) is very popular.

  38. Homework Describe one of your classmates . Write on your exercise book.

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