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Gary Carlin, CFN 603 Session 1: Thursday, October 25, 2012 Wings High School 8:30-10:30 am

Science Literacy Strategies to Support the Instructional Pathways of the CCLS Units and Performance Tasks. Gary Carlin, CFN 603 Session 1: Thursday, October 25, 2012 Wings High School 8:30-10:30 am. Session One Agenda. Designing Coherent Instruction ( 1e )

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Gary Carlin, CFN 603 Session 1: Thursday, October 25, 2012 Wings High School 8:30-10:30 am

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  1. Science Literacy Strategies to Support the Instructional Pathways of the CCLS Units and Performance Tasks Gary Carlin, CFN 603 Session 1: Thursday, October 25, 2012 Wings High School 8:30-10:30 am

  2. Session One Agenda • Designing Coherent Instruction (1e) • Rigor: Depths of Knowledge (DoK) • Structured Lesson Plan • Literacy Best Practices/Strategies for Science Instruction

  3. Wings HS Share • Valencia Wilson • Experimental Design • Strategies for Regents Extended Responses • VWilson9@schools.nyc.gov

  4. Activity 1: Your Thoughts? • What is a “Structured Lesson Plan?:

  5. Charlotte Danielson’sFramework for Teaching CIE - NYC DOE Priority Competencies

  6. 1e: Highly EffectiveDesigning Coherent Instruction • “Plans represent the coordination of in-depth content knowledge, understanding of different students’ needs and available resources (including technology), resulting in a series of learning activities designed to engage students in high-level cognitive activity. These are differentiated, as appropriate, for individual learners. Instructional groups are varied as appropriate, with some opportunity for student choice. The lesson’s or unit’s structure is clear and allows for different pathways according to diverse student needs.”

  7. The Elements of Competency 1e

  8. Evidence of Coherent Instruction“Getting Ready” • “Instructional MAPS” that indicate relationships to prior learning • *****Structured Lesson Plan***** • Lessons that support instructional outcomes and reflect important concepts

  9. Activity 2 • Expand a Demonstration to a Cooperative Learning Activity for Students

  10. Simple Biology Demo: Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis is easily demonstrated in the classroom using the freshwater aquatic plants Elodea or Anacharis, which can usually be purchased inexpensively from an aquarium shop. • Set up several pairs of test tubes, so that each small group of students has two test tubes to work with. Have them fill each test tube half full of phenol red solution. Phenol red is a pH indicator that turns red when its pH is 7 or more (the alkaline range) and changes to a pale yellow when its pH is less than 7 (the acid range). • Have two students in each group use straws to blow air into their two test tubes until the phenol red turns yellow. They are adding carbon dioxide to the solution, which makes it more acidic. • Next, add a sprig of Elodea or Anacharis to one of each pair of test tubes, leaving the other test tube with phenol red solution alone. Place the test tubes under lights (a desk lamp will do) for 15 to 20 minutes. The Elodea rapidly begins to photosynthesize, using up the carbon dioxide in the water. There should be a color change in the phenol red solution (it turns red again) after the plant has used up enough carbon dioxide to raise the pH. Another indication that photosynthesis is occurring can be seen by the tiny bubbles of oxygen that form in the test tubes containing the aquatic plant sprigs.

  11. Simple ES Demo: Cloud in a Bottle • This activity will help students study meteorology. Using basic materials, students will make an actual cloud. You will need a wide-mouth pickle jar (32 to 40 ounces), a heavy-duty clear plastic bag, a match, 20 milliliters of water and rubber bands or masking tape. • Place the water into the jar. Light the match; place it in the jar. Quickly put the plastic bag over the mouth of the jar, tightly securing it with a rubber band or masking tape around the top of the jar. Push the bag into the jar as fast as possible, and then pull it out. Watch the cloud form. • Explain how humidity, temperature and air pressure interact, resulting in clouds. The water created the humidity and the smoke created the nuclei on which the water vapor could condense. When the bag was pushed into the jar, the pressure and temperature inside the jar increased. When the bag was pulled out the pressure and temperature decreased, resulting in the water vapor condensing and forming a cloud.

  12. Simple Chemistry Demo: Soap Bubbles • Set the large container on a table away from drafts and where you can easily look through its sides. Place the glass dish inside on the bottom of the large transparent container. Put 125 milliliters (½ cup) of baking soda in the glass dish. Pour 250 milliliters (1 cup) of vinegar into the dish with the baking soda. The mixture of soda and vinegar will immediately start to fizz as they react and form carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide is more dense than air and so it will be held in the large container as long as it is not disturbed by drafts of air over the container. Because carbon dioxide is colorless, you cannot see it inside the container. • After the fizzing in the dish has subsided (about a minute), gently blow several soap bubbles over the opening of the large container, so that they settle into the container. When a soap bubble settles into the container it will not sink to the bottom, as it would in air. Instead, it will float on the surface of the invisible carbon dioxide in the container • If your soap bubbles remained floating on the carbon dioxide for more than a minute, you may have noticed that the bubbles were slowly becoming larger. You also may have noticed that the bubbles slowly sank into the container. Both the growth and the sinking of the bubbles is a result of the same process. When you blew the bubble, it was filled with air. When it settled into the container of carbon dioxide, the bubble was surrounded by this gas. The bubble grows because carbon dioxide moves into the bubble (through the soap film) faster than air moves out of the bubble. Carbon dioxide can move through the soap film more quickly than air, because it is more soluble in water than is air. (Water is the major component of the bubble-soap solution.) As the amount of carbon dioxide in the bubble increases, the bubble becomes heavier and sinks lower into the carbon dioxide in which it is floating.

  13. Evidence of Coherent Instruction“During the Lesson” • Activities that represent high-level thinking • Opportunities for student choice • The use of varied resources • Thoughtfully planned learning groups

  14. Structured Lesson Plan??? • Traditional Lesson Plan Components + • Process Skills (Basic/Integrated)? • Student Activity(s) – DoK Level? • Explanatory and Open-Ended Questions? • Differentiation: UDL, Choice, Resources? • Multiple Resources (Core, Resource, Advanced) • Informational Text – Lexile Level? • Each Activity: Identified Grouping (reason)? • Technology Integration?

  15. Lehman HS Share“How to Turnkey 1e” • Pamela Meyers, Lead Science Teacher • Instructional Coherence (1e) PowerPoint Presentation to the Lehman Faculty • Pmeyers@schols.nyc.gov • Curriculum Map Sample: • http://groups.google.com/group/cfn603science/topics

  16. Theme • Lens – One Word • “Filing System” • Provides Intra- and Inter-Unit Connections ----------------------------------------------- • LE: EVOLUTION Physics: MOTION • ES: CYCLES(ING) Chem: Conservation

  17. Observations

  18. Pictures Tell Stories 1. Always Start with Observations (see) 2. Explain the “Action” 3. Make a Connection 4. Ask a Question

  19. 1-Picture Story: Fluorescent Light Hg UV Absorptive Coating UV Radiation Noble Gas e- Red Y2O3 Green CeMgAl9O19 Blue BaMgAl10O17 White Light

  20. O-A-C-Q

  21. Pre-Write: Object/Process • Chemical Weathering (Process) • Autotrophs (Object)

  22. Follow & Describe Complex Directions/Procedures/Events

  23. Opportunities to make Conjectures • Research has shown that plants might chemically change their environment. The roots of certain plants release many chemicals. Some chemicals made by plants can kill nearby plants or discourage herbivores from eating them. Other plant chemicals kill plant pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. • Predict what would happen to the size of the population of these plants if other plants in the area began releasing similar chemicals. Support your answer. [1] • Predict what would happen to the herbivore population if many plants in the area made protective chemicals. Support your answer. [1] • Predictone way the carnivores in the area could be affected by the production of protective chemicals by plants. Support your answer. [1]

  24. Write to Purpose & Audience • Writers adapt their prose to a given purpose and audience. • “You are the owner of a chemical company. Many people in your local community garden have been complaining that rabbits are getting into the garden and eating the flowering plants and vegetables they have planted. Your company is developing a new chemical product called Bunny Hop-Away that repels rabbits. This product would be sprayed on the plants to prevent the rabbits from eating them. Certain concerns need to be considered before you make the product available for [public] use by members of your local community garden.” • Explain why the environmental concerns for the product being sold and used by the [public] neighbors in your community garden are not valid concerns.

  25. Use Primary Reading Sources • “The geology of this island is in many respects interesting. In several places I noticed volcanic bombs, that is, masses of lava which have been shot through the air whilst fluid, and have consequently assumed a spherical or pear-shape. Not only their external form, but, in several cases, their internal structure shows in a very curious manner that they have revolved in their aerial course. The internal structure of one of these bombs, when broken, is represented very accurately in the woodcut. The central part is coarsely cellular, the cells decreasing in size towards the exterior; where there is a shell-like case about the third of an inch in thickness, of compact stone, which again is overlaid by the outside crust of finely cellular lava. I think there can be little doubt, first that the external crust cooled rapidly in the state in which we now see it; secondly, that the still fluid lava within, was packed by the centrifugal force, generated by the revolving of the bomb, against the external cooled crust, and so produced the solid shell of stone; and lastly, that the centrifugal force, by relieving the pressure in the more central parts of the bomb, allowed the heated vapours to expand their cells, thus forming the coarse cellular mass of the centre. • A hill, formed of the older series of volcanic rocks, and which has been incorrectly considered as the crater of a volcano, is remarkable from its broad, slightly hollowed, and circular summit having been filled up with many successive layers of ashes and fine scoriae. These saucer-shaped layers crop out on the margin, forming perfect rings of many different colours, giving to the summit a most fantastic appearance; one of these rings is white and broad, and resembles a course round which horses have been exercised; hence the hill has been called the Devil's Riding School. I brought away specimens of one of the tufaceous layers of a pinkish colour and it is a most extraordinary fact, that Professor Ehrenberg [5] finds it almost wholly composed of matter which has been organized: he detects in it some siliceous-shielded fresh-water infusoria, and no less than twenty-five different kinds of the siliceous tissue of plants, chiefly of grasses. From the absence of all carbonaceous matter, Professor Ehrenberg believes that these organic bodies have passed through the volcanic fire, and have been erupted in the state in which we now see them. The appearance of the layers induced me to believe that they had been deposited under water, though from the extreme dryness of the climate I was forced to imagine, that torrents of rain had probably fallen during some great eruption, and that thus a temporary lake had been formed into which the ashes fell. But it may now be suspected that the lake was not a temporary one. Anyhow, we may feel sure, that at some former epoch the climate and productions of Ascension were very different from what they now are. Where on the face of the earth can we find a spot, on which close investigation will not discover signs of that endless cycle of change, to which this earth has been, is, and will be subjected? “ Charles Darwin The Voyage of the Beagle Chapter 21 - Mauritius to England

  26. Open-Ended Writing: Explain How and Why • Explain why the densities of these terrestrial planets are greater than the densities of the Jovian planets. [1] • Explain how the weather conditions shown on the station models suggest that Utica had the greatest chance of precipitation. [1] • Explain why carbon-14 can not be used to find the geologic age of these index fossils. [1] • Explain why Halley’s Comet is considered to be part of our solar system. [1]

  27. Conduct An Experiment

  28. Tell Me About the …

  29. Change & Explain

  30. Example of Summaries • Verbal Recap/“Condenses and Connects” • “Process a Visual” to “Put it All Together” • *Filling in a Graphic Organizer/Template • *Writing of an Explanation/Description/Connection/Summary • Demonstration/Explanation of a final “Summary Problem(s)” • *Creation of a “process steps chart”, “problem check steps” or a “skill evaluation rubric”, etc. for future class use

  31. LE/ES MCQ Stem Processing Marks

  32. Writing Laboratory Reports

  33. Session Two Site • Aspirations Diploma Plus High School • 1495 HERKIMER STREET • Brooklyn, NY 11233 • 718-498-5257 • Directions: https://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=1495+HERKIMER+STREET,Brooklyn,NY,11233&dirflg=d

  34. Homework!!! • 1. Bring 5 samples of Student Work from a Literacy Strategy you used for the first time. • 2. A Reflection of the activity the writing sample came from • 3. Email gcarlin@schools.nyc.gov a literacy strategy you would like to share.

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