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说明. 少儿 A 组选手年龄: 7--9 岁 题库分为 复选题库 (30 句 ) 和 晋级题库 (50 句 ) 选手将随机抽到题库中的不同题目,在规定时间内诵读正确 的 句子 数量 、选手的语音语调等将作为评审的重要指标。 考察能力:英语自然拼读能力 参考用书 《 外研社丽声拼读故事会 》 《 快乐拼读速速成 》 注:详细规则可参见 《 活动流程及说明 》. 复 选 题 库. Mum Bug has a red bag. I am top cat. Tim dug up a bus. Bob has a cup.
说明 • 少儿A组选手年龄:7--9岁 • 题库分为复选题库(30句)和晋级题库(50句) • 选手将随机抽到题库中的不同题目,在规定时间内诵读正确的句子数量、选手的语音语调等将作为评审的重要指标。 • 考察能力:英语自然拼读能力 • 参考用书《外研社丽声拼读故事会》 《快乐拼读速速成》 注:详细规则可参见《活动流程及说明》
复 选 题 库 Mum Bug has a red bag. I am top cat. Tim dug up a bus. Bob has a cup.
Bob is a bug. Bob Bug has a hug. Tom got a pot. Tom got a mop.
Zak ran in the fog. Zak had a bad cut. I am hot. Bob is sick.
Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. I will come back in six days. Dad Bug was in bed. Dad is a fusspot.
Jim has a dog. The zog has lots of eggs! Can I have a zog? This fish is too hot!
Fill up this cup! This shop is shut! Can I have that pen? This is Mrs Ship's shop.
This is Tim's rabbit. Bill has got my hat. Miss Hill gets on the bus. Dad is a singer.
Don't mix jam with soap and coal. He didn't like to ride and he didn't like to fight.
晋 级题 库 He sings all day long. Mum tells Dad off. I'm fed up with that song. They got in the lift.
Let's unpack the shopping. Gran has a black cat. But Spot the cat is glad. The frog jumps on the clock.
Fill up this cup! This shop is shut! Can I have that pen? This is Mrs Ship's shop.
We like to swing. I have big, thick legs. That will get rid of the smell. Ron Rabbit is collecting things.
Bob is a bug. Bob Bug has a hug. Tom got a pot. Tom got a mop.
This is Tim's rabbit. Bill has got my hat. Miss Hill gets on the bus. Dad is a singer.
Jim has a dog. The zog has lots of eggs! Can I have a zog? This fish is too hot!
It's a submarine! Spike is five. Spike says he has nine bikes. Spike says he can fly.
Mum Bug has a red bag. I am top cat. Tim dug up a bus. Bob has a cup.
I'm going home to clean my teeth. Do you want some tea and a sweet? But there was not a leaf to be seen. Don't throw stones.
Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck. I will come back in six days. Dad Bug was in bed. Dad is a fusspot.
Zak ran in the fog. Zak had a bad cut. I am hot. Bob is sick.
Don't mix jam with soap and coal. He didn't like to ride and he didn't like to fight.