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Modeling at H-GAC. Socioeconomic ModelingForecasting GroupUrbanSimTransportation ModelingTDM GroupEMME/2 ? Cube Voyager (summer 2006)UrbanSim2000-2003 Richard DeBose1st Forecast adopted May 20032nd Forecast : 11/12 2005. Principal Features of UrbanSim. AllocationCounty-level control totals (target levels)Spatial DisaggregationUser-defined regular gridAgent-basedHouseholdsWorkers (employers)Real estate developers.
1. UrbanSim at Houston-Galveston Area Council
2. Modeling at H-GAC Socioeconomic Modeling
Forecasting Group
Transportation Modeling
TDM Group
EMME/2 ? Cube Voyager (summer 2006)
2000-2003 Richard DeBose
1st Forecast adopted May 2003
2nd Forecast : 11/12 2005
3. Principal Features of UrbanSim Allocation
County-level control totals (target levels)
Spatial Disaggregation
User-defined regular grid
Workers (employers)
Real estate developers
4. Base Year Spatial System (Regular Grid)
H-GAC: 1,000x1,000 ft; 250,000 grid cells
Grid Attributes
Housing units
Value of residential improvements
Com-ind-gov sq. footage
Value of com-ind-gov improvement
Proximity (highways, arterials)
Physical features (% water, % open space, etc.)
Other (GRID_ID, land use (development) type)
Cost of Travel data
Inter-TAZ logsums
5. Base Year (cont.) Households
Table with individual households (household_id)
Attributes: GRID_ID, size (# of people), race, age (of hsh head), income, # of cars, # of workers
Table with individual jobs (job_id)
Attributes: GRID_ID, user-defined sectors
H-GAC: Durables, Non-Durables, Mining, CTPU, FIRE-Services, Retail-Wholesale, Gov-Med-Ed
6. Data Sources County Appraisal (housing units, non-residential sq footage, value of improvements)
Info-USA (company-level data on location, sector, # of employees)
Census (household attributes)
Household synthesis: use marginal probabilities from PUMS to disaggregate SF-3 data
Transportation (logsums, networks)
Other (Landsat imagery, aerial photo, proprietary real estate databases)
7. Control Totals UrbanSim only allocates future growth
Regional (all grid cells combined) levels are determined exogenously
Annual control totals for
Households (optional segmentation)
Jobs (optionally,by sector)
A task in itself
Buy or develop your own
H-GAC: REMI in 2003, in-house model in 2005
8. UrbanSim Sub-Models (Modules) Accessibility
Household transition
Employment transition
Household location choice
Employment location choice
Land price
9. Annual Sequence of Events Accessibilities are announced (computed)
Households are created/removed
Jobs are created/removed
New households select from the stock of available housing units
New jobs select from the stock of available job spaces (1 job space = X sq ft)
Market announces new land values (computed)
Developers build new housing units and non-residential sq. footage
10. Accessibility Module Uses logsums to compute accessibility to housing, employment, different land uses, recent developments
Conveys information about the
Spatial distribution of housing and jobs
Disutility (cost) of travel
Transportation network
Is computed for every grid cell, for every activity
Exponential distance (cost) decay function
11. Household Transition Module Simulates aggregate results of family dynamics
People are born, marry, divorce, die
No aging!
Updates (removes/creates) current households to match the Target (Control Total)
Creates vacant units (when a household is removed)
Puts unplaced (newly created) households (GRID_ID=0) in a buffer
12. Employment Transition Module Simulates aggregate results of employment dynamics
New jobs created, old jobs terminated
Updates (removes/creates) current jobs to matches the Target (Control Total)
Creates vacant slots (when a job is removed)
Puts unplaced (newly created) jobs (GRID_ID=0) in a buffer
13. Relocation Modules Household Relocation Module
Employment Relocation Module
User-specified % of households, jobs wishing to change location
Puts households, jobs in a buffer and releases houses units, job slots
H-GAC: not used
14. Household Location Choice Module Simulates household decisions on where to reside
Applies to unplaced households
Selection from a stock of available housing
Group unplaced households by attributes
Sample available locations
Assign probabilities (from multinomial logit model)
Cost/income ratio, access to employment, housing within walking distance
Use Monte Carlo sampling to pick location and assign GRID_ID
15. Employment Location Choice Module
16. Land Price Module Simulates the determination of land values by the market
Parameters from Hedonic regression
Site and location attributes
17. Developer Module Simulates actions of the real estate developers
Creates new residential units and non-residential sq. footage
Most important module
Households/employment locate only in available housing/space.
Development Types (for grid cells)
min, max (units, sq footage)
8 residential, 8 mixed, 3 commercial, 3 industrial, 1 gov, 1 vacant, 1 undevelopable
19. Developer Module (cont.) Transitions define Real Estate Development
Within the same dev type
From one type to another
Only certain transitions are allowed (user-defined)
20. Developer Module (cont.) Transition Probability Estimation
Multinomial logit
Choice set includes no-build alternatives
P is a function of grid cells and local attributes
Recent transitions, land value, % open space
Sampling setup
Artificial observation with 5 alternatives (1 transition)
Different grid cells
Calibration (frequency of transitions)
21. Developer Module (cont.) Simulation
Apply Constrains (exclude certain grid cells)
Determine Build or NO build
If Build, then determine quantities
Distribution for new construction (min, max, mean, std)
Vacancy Adjustment
Speed up development if vacancy is low, slow down if vacancy is high
22. Events Deterministic component
Under construction or planned (known or likely to occur)
Development Events
Employment Events
Land use Events
23. Running UrbanSim UrbanSim Scenario (instructions) file
Specify the forecast horizon
Specify years to output
Reports future grid cell conditions
Aggregate from grid cells to TAZ
Households (by attributes)
Jobs (by sector)
Give results to transportation modeling group
24. Running UrbanSim (cont.) Base year - 2005
Run 2005-2007 simulation
Save 2007 conditions (grid cells, jobs, households)
Make 2007 a base year
Logsums, Proximities, Travel time
Base year - 2007
Run 2007-2010 simulation
25. Running UrbanSim (cont.) Future travel networks and accessibilities
Phase 1: 2005-2007 (2005 travel data)
Phase 2: 2007-2010 (2007 travel data)
Phase 3: 2010-2013 (2010 travel data)
Phase 4: 2013-2015 (2013 travel data)
Phase 5: 2015-2025 (2015 travel data)
Phase 6: 2025-2050 (2025 travel data)
8 separate models (each county)
26. UrbanSim Work Flow Process Define basic framework (grid, development types) and assemble data (base year and control totals)
Run the consistency checker utility
Run the estimation data writer utility
Prepares data for statistical modeling
Develop specification and estimate parameters (SAS)
Art/science, no general solution
Validate parameters
Recreate past conditions (e.g., 1990), simulate development, compare with actual (e.g., 2000)
Populate the UrbanSim tables (model specification and coefficients)
Run the simulation
Tabulate and map results
27. Technical Details Constantly evolving software
Stable and nightly releases
Open source
Written in Java, will be re-written in Python
Out next year (?): OPUS
MySQL server, MySQL table format
About 60 tables (some are optional) per region worth 500 MB (can be smaller)
Batch files (calls to DOS, MySQL, UrbanSim)
28. H-GAC Plans for 2005-07 Parcel-level regional database
Fill the gaps for exempt parcels
Merge 8 counties into a single model
Revise development types
Address sq ft per job and sector-sq ft type problems
Include home-based employment
Automate grid cells table creation
Data? Code? UrbanSim
Re-do statistical modeling
Thorough validation
29. Wish List Link Jobs and Households
create WORKERS table with job_id and household_id
Differentiation between renting and owning
Differentiation between single- and multi-family housing units
Separate Redevelopment Module
Detailed non-residential space categorization (office building, large retail, school, etc)
Group quarters
31. Lessons Learned Incredible Fun
If you like GIS + stats + DBMS + complex systems
Major commitment
Invest in a parcel-level database
Dont make it grid-centric
Design the information system and data collection procedures with updates in mind
Front-end QA/QC
Recurring tasks