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This module covers link state routing and OSPF protocol. Learn about distance vector vs. link state routing, OSPF operation principles, OSPF features, and OSPF packet format.
Dynamic Routing Protocols IIOSPF Relates to Lab 4. This module covers link state routing and the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol.
Distance Vector vs. Link State Routing • With distance vector routing, each node has information only about the next hop: • Node A: to reach F go to B • Node B: to reach F go to D • Node D: to reach F go to E • Node E: go directly to F • Distance vector routing makespoor routing decisions if directions are not completelycorrect (e.g., because a node is down). • If parts of the directions incorrect, the routing may be incorrect until the routing algorithms has re-converged. A B C F D E
A A A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C F F F F F F D D D D D D E E E E E E Distance Vector vs. Link State Routing • In link state routing, each node has a complete map of the topology • If a node fails, each node can calculate the new route • Difficulty:All nodes need to have a consistent view of the network A B C F D E
Link State Routing: Properties • Each node requires complete topology information • Link state information must be flooded to all nodes • Guaranteed to converge
Link State Routing: Basic princples 1. Each router establishes a relationship (“adjacency”) with its neighbors 2.Each router generates link state advertisements(LSAs) which are distributed to all routers LSA = (link id, state of the link, cost, neighbors of the link) 3. Each router maintains a database of all received LSAs (topological database or link state database), which describes the network as a graph with weighted edges 4. Each router uses its link state database to run a shortest path algorithm (Dijikstra’s algorithm) to produce the shortest path to each network
Operation of a Link State Routing protocol IP Routing Table Link StateDatabase Dijkstra’s Algorithm ReceivedLSAs LSAs are flooded to other interfaces
Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm for a Graph Input:Graph(N,E) with N the set of nodes and E the set of edges dvwlink cost (dvw = infinity if (v,w) E, dvv = 0) s source node. Output: Dncost of the least-cost path from node s to node n M = {s}; for each n M Dn = dsn; while (M all nodes) do Find w M for which Dw = min{Dj ; j M}; Add w to M; for each n M Dn = minw [ Dn, Dw + dwn ]; Update route; enddo
OSPF • OSPF = Open Shortest Path First • The OSPF routing protocol is the most important link state routing protocol on the Internet • The complexity of OSPF is significant • History: • 1989: RFC 1131 OSPF Version 1 • 1991: RFC 1247 OSPF Version 2 • 1994: RFC 1583 OSPF Version 2 (revised) • 1997: RFC 2178 OSPF Version 2 (revised) • 1998: RFC 2328 OSPF Version 2 (current version)
Features of OSPF • Provides authentication of routing messages • Enables load balancing by allowing traffic to be split evenly across routes with equal cost • Type-of-Service routing allows to setup different routes dependent on the TOS field • Supports subnetting • Supports multicasting • Allows hierarchical routing
4 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 • Link costs are called Metric • Metric is in the range [0 , 216] • Metric can be asymmetric Example Network Router IDs are selected independent of interface addresses
4 3 2 Link State Advertisement (LSA) • The LSA of router is as follows: • Link State ID: Router ID • Advertising Router: Router ID • Number of links:3= 2 links plus router itself • Description of Link 1:Link ID =, Metric = 4 • Description of Link 2:Link ID =, Metric = 3 • Description of Link 3:Link ID =, Metric = 0 Each router sends its LSA to all routers in the network(using a method called reliable flooding)
Network and Link State Database Each router has a database which contains the LSAs from all other routers
Link State Database • The collection of all LSAs is called the link-state database • Each router has an identical link-state database • Useful for debugging: Each router has a complete description of the network • If neighboring routers discover each other for the first time, they will exchange their link-state databases • The link-state databases are synchronized using reliable flooding
OSPF Packet Format OSPF packets are not carried as UDP payload! OSPF has its own IP protocol number: 89 TTL: set to 1 (in most cases) Destination IP: neighbor’s IP address or (ALLSPFRouters) or (AllDRouters)
OSPF Packet Format 2: current version is OSPF V2 ID of the Area from which the packet originated Message types: 1: Hello (tests reachability) 2: Database description 3: Link Status request 4: Link state update 5: Link state acknowledgement 0: no authentication 1: Cleartext password 2: MD5 checksum (added to end packet) Standard IP checksum taken over entire packet Authentication passwd = 1: 64 cleartext password Authentication passwd = 2: 0x0000 (16 bits) KeyID (8 bits) Length of MD5 checksum (8 bits) Nondecreasing sequence number (32 bits) Prevents replay attacks
OSPF LSA Format LSA Header Link 1 Link 2
Discovery of Neighbors • Routers multicasts OSPFHello packets on all OSPF-enabled interfaces. • If two routers share a link, they can become neighbors, and establish an adjacency • After becoming a neighbor, routers exchange their link state databases Scenario:Router restarts
Discovery of adjacency Neighbor discovery and database synchronization Scenario:Router restarts After neighbors are discovered the nodes exchange their databases Sends database description. (description only contains LSA headers) Sends empty database description Database description of Acknowledges receipt of description
Regular LSA exchanges explicitly requests each LSA from sends requested LSAs has more recent value for and sends it to higher sequence number)
ACK ACK ACK Updatedatabase Updatedatabase ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK LSA ACK LSA LSA LSA LSA LSA LSA ACK LSA ACK LSA LSA Updatedatabase Updatedatabase Routing Data Distribution • LSA-Updates are distributed to all other routers via Reliable Flooding • Example: Flooding of LSA from Updatedatabase
Dissemination of LSA-Update • A router sends and refloods LSA-Updates, whenever the topology or link cost changes. (If a received LSA does not contain new information, the router will not flood the packet) • Exception: Infrequently (every 30 minutes), a router will flood LSAs even if there are not new changes. • Acknowledgements of LSA-updates: • explicit ACK, or • implicit via reception of an LSA-Update • Question: If a new node comes up, it could build the database from regular LSA-Updates (rather than exchange of database description). What role do the database description packets play?
Dynamic Routing Protocols IIIMore OSPF Relates to Lab 4. This module covers additional details on the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol.
Functional Requirements of OSPF • Fast convergence and low consumption of network resources • A descriptive routing metric • Configurable • Value ranges between 1 and 65,535 • No restriction on network diameters (RIP has a limit of 15) • Equal-cost multipath • A way to do load balancing
Functional Requirements of OSPF • Routing Hierarchy • Support large routing domains • Separate internal and external routes • Support of flexible subnetting schemes • Route to arbitrary [address,mask] combinations using variable length subnet masks (VLSMs) • Security • Type of Service Routing
OSPF Basics(The Essence) • Distributed, replicated database model • Describes complete routing topology • Link State Advertisements (LSAs, sometimes called Link State Announcements) • Carry local piece of routing topology • Distribution of LSAs using reliable flooding • Link state database • Identical for all the routers
OSPF Packet Format OSPF packets are not carried as UDP payload! OSPF has its own IP protocol number: 89 TTL: set to 1 (in most cases) Destination IP: neighbor’s IP address or (ALLSPFRouters) or (AllDRouters)
OSPF Packet Format 2: current version is OSPF V2 ID of the Area from which the packet originated Message types: 1: Hello (tests reachability) 2: Database description 3: Link Status request 4: Link state update 5: Link state acknowledgement 0: no authentication 1: Cleartext password 2: MD5 checksum (added to end packet) Standard IP checksum taken over entire packet Authentication passwd = 1: 64 cleartext password Authentication passwd = 2: 0x0000 (16 bits) KeyID (8 bits) Length of MD5 checksum (8 bits) Nondecreasing sequence number (32 bits) Prevents replay attacks
OSPF LSA Format LSA Header Link 1 Link 2
LSAs (1) • Identifying LSAs • LS type field • Link State ID field • Mostly carries addressing information • E.g. IP address of externally reachable network • Advertising Router field • Originating router’s OSPF router ID
LSAs (2) • Identifying LSA instances • Needed to update self-originated LSAs • LS Sequence Number field • 32 bit values • Monotonically increasing until some max value • 600 years to roll over! • LSA checksum and LS Age guard against potential problems
LSAs (3) • Verifying LSA contents • LS Checksum field • Computed by the originating router and left unchanged thereafter • LS age field not included in checksum • Removing LSAs from databases • LS Age field • Ranges from 0 to 30 min. • Max Age LSAs used to delete outdated LSAs
LSAs (4) • Other LSA Header fields • Options field • Sometimes used to give special treatment during flooding or routing calculations • Length field • Includes LSA header and contents • Ranges from 20-65535 bytes
Link State Database • Collection of all OSPF LSAs • Databases exchanged between neighbors • Synchronization thru reliable flooding • Gives the complete routing topology • Each OSPF router has identical link-state database
Reliable Flooding • Robustness • Updates flooded over all the links , so failure of any link does not affect database synchronization • LSAs refreshed every 30 minutes • LSA checksum field detects corruption • Flooding loops avoided by LS Age field • MinLSInterval limits rate of LSA origination • Receivers can refuse to accept LSA updates if they received an update less than a second ago
Routing Calculations • Link costs configurable by administrator • Smaller values for more preferred links • Must make sense to add link costs • Different costs for each link direction possible • Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm • Incrementally calculates tree of shortest paths • Each link in the network examined once • Computes multiple shortest paths (equal-cost multipath)
IP Multicast to Send/Receive Changes • Multi-Access networks • All routers must accept packets sent to the AllSPFRouters ( address • All Designated Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR) must accept packets sent to the AllDRouters ( address • Hello packets are sent to the AllSPFRouters address (Unicast for point-to-point and virtual links)
Hierarchical Routing • Technique used to build large networks • Minimizes consumption of network resources: • Router memory • Router computing resources • Link bandwidth • Flat Routing: linear increase in routing table size • Hierarchical Routing: size increases logarithmically
An Example of Hierarchical Routing (1) 10.0.3 10.3.2 10.3.1 10.1.3 10.2.3 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.2.2 10.2.1
An Example of Hierarchical Routing (2) • Consider a router in 10.1.1 • Assume 16 entries in each of the first level partitions • With flat routing, 9*16 = 144 entries/router • With 3 level hierarchy, the router has 16 entries within + entries for,, and for a total of 20 entries. • Significant reduction in routing table size • But might lead to suboptimal routing
OSPF Areas • Two-level hierarchical routing scheme through the use of areas • Areas identified by 32-bit id • Each area has its own link state database which is a collection of network-LSAs and router-LSAs • Area’s topology hidden from all other areas • Interconnection of areas through area border routers (ABRs) • ABR leaks IP addressing information to other areas through summary LSAs
OSPF Areas • Reduction in link state databases of an area • Reduction in amount of flooding traffic needed for synchronization • Reduction in the cost of the shortest path calculations • Increased robustness
Area Organization • All the areas are connected to area also called the Backbone Area • Need not have a direct physical connection though • Virtual links provide logical link to backbone • Summary LSAs tunneled across non backbone areas • Exchange of routing information between areas using Distance Vector Protocol • Absence of redundant paths between areas • Not subject to convergence problems
Area 0 Backbone Area Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 1 OSPF Areas • Group of nodes/networks • Per area topology DB • Invisible outside the area • Reduces routing traffic • Backbone Area is contiguous • All others areas must connect to the backbone • Virtual Links
IR Area 3 Area 2 ABR/BR Area 0 ASBR To another AS Router Classification • Internal Router (IR) • Area Border Router (ABR) • Backbone Router (BR) • Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR) IR/BR Area 1
OSPF Route Types Intra-Area Route • All routes within an area Inter-Area Route • Routes announced from area to another by an ABR External Route • Routes imported into OSPF from another protocol or Static routes Area 0 Area 2 Area 3 ABR ASBR To Another AS
Inter-Area Route Summarization • Prefix or all subnets • Prefix or all networks R2 Backbone Area 0 FDDI Dual Ring Network 1 Next Hop R1 With Summarization R1 (ABR) Area 1 Network 1.A 1.B 1.C Next Hop R1 R1 R1 Without Summarization 1.A 1.B 1.C
External Routes • Redistributed into OSPF • Flooded without changes throughout the AS • OSPF supports two type of external metrics • Type 1 • Type 2 (Default) RIP IGRP EIGRP BGP etc. OSPF Redistribute
Topology/Links-State DB • A router has a separate DB for each area it belongs to • All routers within an area have an identical DB • SPF calculation is done separately for each area • LSA flooding is limited to the particular area
Protocol Functionality • Bringing up adjacencies • LSA Types • Area Classification
The Hello Protocol • Responsible to establish and maintain neighbor relationships • Elects designated router in multi-access networks Hello FDDI Dual Ring Hello Hello