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If you've been diagnosed with silicosis, lung cancer or any respiratory illness after exposure to silica, contact the Mississippi Silica Injury Lawyer at Porter & Malouf P.A.<br>
What We'llDiscuss TOPICOUTLINE Who WeAre? WHAT ISSILICOSIS Overview ofSilicosis Lawsuit OurResults Meet OurTeam ReachUs P O R TER MALOUF, P . A.
Before webegin WHO WEARE? TheMississippipersonalinjuryattorneyandteamthatwillwin yourcase The 14th Winningest Law Firm of 2002, Porter Malouf, P.A. has the knowledge, experience, and resources to help your family pursuethefullestrecoveryforyourinjuryduetosomeoneelse’s negligence or a defective product. Our law firm has earned this designationbyrecoveringhundredsofmillionsofdollarsforour clients. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
WHAT ISSILICOSIS & IT'STYPES Silicosis is a lung disease caused by overexposure to dust containingcrystallinesilica.Belowarethethreetypesofsilicosis. Each variation of the occupational disease has different symptoms andoutcomes. 1.AcceleratedSilicosis:Thisversionofsilicosiscanoccurafter five to ten years of high exposure to silica dust. This form of silicosis causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs, as well as inflammation,whichcompromisesthelungs’abilitytooxygenate the blood. Symptoms include weakness, weight loss, and shortness ofbreath. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
ChronicSilicosis:Thismostprevalentversionofsilicosisdevelopsafter15-20yearsoflowormedium levels of exposure to silica dust. Symptoms will not always be apparent, so workers exposed to silica at theselevelsshouldreceiveachestX-raytoassessanylungdamage.Asthisversionofsilicosisadvances, symptoms include shortness of breath during exertion and clinical signs of poor oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange. In advanced stages, symptoms include respiratory failure, acute shortness of breath, fatigue, and chestpain. AcuteSilicosis:Althoughexposuretosilicawiththistypeofsilicosiscanberelativelybrief,thevolume ofsilicaparticlestowhichtheindividualisexposedisextremelyhigh.Theconditionwilloccurfromafew monthsuptotwoyearsafterexposure.Symptomsincludeweightloss,extremedisablingshortnessof breath,weakness,andoftendeath. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
SILICOSIS LAWSUIT OVERVIEW Workersinavastarrayofindustriesandworkplaceenvironments havesufferedexposuretosilicadust.Workersinmanyindustries have inhaled toxic levels of crystalline silica dust, a compound of quartz, granite, sand, soil, amongst other minerals. Inhalation of crystalline silica can cause fibrotic nodules and scarring to developonthelungtissue.Thisfibroticconditionisreferredtoas silicosis,aprogressivelungdiseasewithoutacure.Ifthenodules become too large, they can interfere with breathing and may become fatal. Individuals with silicosis face a high risk of developing active tuberculosis. The Occupational Health and SafetyAdministration (OSHA)referstosilicosisasa“progressive, disabling, and often fatal lung disease.” Further, silicosis may cause other serious medical conditions such as chronic bronchitis,kidneyfailure,andlungcancer. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
OURRESULTS Million 457$ PorterMalouf,P.A.hasrecoveredover $457 million in settlements and judgments among just our five largest recoveries. Because we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients’, insurance companies know that ourattorneysaretriallawyerswhodonot hesitate to take on the most complex casesandproceedtotrial.
We'd love toMeet You! HOW TO REACHUS PHONE 1-866-957-1173 EMAIL info@portermalouf.com OFFICE 825Ridgewood Road Ridgeland, MS39157