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WHO indicates that Roundup toxicity can cause cancer. Our Lawyers would love to help Anyone got affected by it to file a roundup lawsuit against Monsanto in Mississippi <br>
WhatWe'll Discuss TOPICOUTLINE WhoWeAre? Overview ofROUNDUPTOXICITY Round Up ToxicityLawsuit OurResults Meet OurTeam ReachUs P O R TER MALOUF, P . A.
Before webegin WHO WEARE? TheMississippipersonalinjuryattorneyandteamthatwillwin yourcase The 14th Winningest Law Firm of 2002, Porter Malouf, P.A. has the knowledge, experience, and resources to help your family pursuethefullestrecoveryforyourinjuryduetosomeoneelse’s negligence or a defective product. Our law firm has earned this designationbyrecoveringhundredsofmillionsofdollarsforour clients. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
What is RoundUp Toxicity OVERVIEW Roundup is a weed killer created by Monsanto for both agricultural and residential use. The World Health Organization has designated exposure to this herbicide as a probable cause of cancer. Landscapers, gardeners, and agricultural workers are at risk of experiencing Roundup toxicity, and subsequently at risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other forms of cancer. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
ROUNDUP TOXICITY LAWSUIT Recent studies by the the World Health Organization indicate thatRounduptoxicitycancausecancerandotherhealthissues. Monsanto,themanufacturerofRoundup,hasdeniedclaimsthat theirproductisunsafe. In March of 2015 the World Health Organization came to the conclusion that Roundus is likely “carcinogenic to humans” and hasbeenforseveraldecades.Nowthathealtheffectshavecome to light, those exposed to Roundup and their families are joining forcesandfilinglawsuitsagainstMonsanto. P O R TER & MALOUF, P . A.
OURRESULTS Million 457$ PorterMalouf,P.A.hasrecoveredover $457 million in settlements and judgments among just our five largest recoveries. Because we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients’, insurance companies know that ourattorneysaretriallawyerswhodonot hesitate to take on the most complex casesandproceedtotrial.
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