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Time to follow the tips stated in the slides and informing your children about COVID-19 will become easier.<br>
Portfield Farm Eco Nursery & Forest School Tips To Talk With Your Children About COVID-19 P r e s e n t e db y www.portfieldfarm.com Woolborough Lane, Redhill, RH1 5QR 07427 633238
Parents all over the world are having a tough time deciding how to let their children know about COVID-19 and the challenges the global pandemic has bought. Explaining things the wrong way can make them more casual or afraid. If your child has recently enrolled in a preschool in Reigate, few tips you can follow have been stated in the slides that follow www.portfieldfarm.com 07427 633238 mandy@portfieldfarm.net
MAKE THEM FEEL SAFE Twoenemieseveryoneisfightingduringthe globalpandemic arethevirus andtheanxiety associatedwithit. Sincechildrenaremoresusceptibletoanxiety, it isyourresponsibilitytostaycalmandmakethem feelsafe. www.portfieldfarm.com 07427 633238 mandy@portfieldfarm.net
SHARE SOME FACTS Ifyourchildhasstartedattendingschoolwhile maintainingsocialdistancing, asktheteachertoshare somefactswiththemaboutthediseases. Whetheryourchildisstudyinginthenurseryor secondarysection, itismandatoryforthemtogettheir factsclearifyouwantthemtoleadthediscussion. www.portfieldfarm.com 07427 633238 mandy@portfieldfarm.net
Avoid sharing excess information about the virus or the dangers associated with it as it can create more anxiety in their mind. www.portfieldfarm.com 07427 633238 mandy@portfieldfarm.net
Time to follow the tips stated in the previous slides and informing your children about COVID-19 will become easier. www.portfieldfarm.com 07427 633238 mandy@portfieldfarm.net
Portfield Farm Eco Nursery & Forest School www.portfieldfarm.com mandy@portfieldfarm.net WoolboroughLane,Redhill,RH15QR 07427633238