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<br>Pass4Tesuac00 uc81cuacf5ud558ub294 uc81cud488uc744 uc0acuc6a9ud568uc73cub85c uc5ecub7ecubd84uc740 ITuc5c5uacc4ud558uc774ud074ub798uc2a4uc640 uba40uc9c0 uc54auc558uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4. Pass4Tes uac00 uc81cuacf5ud558ub294 uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8ub364ud504ub294 uc5ecub7ecubd84uc744CIPSuc778uc99dL4M5uc2dcud5d8uc744 uc548uc804ud558uac8c ud1b5uacfcub294 ubb3cub860 uad00uc5f0uc804uc5c5uc9c0uc2dduc7a5uc545uc5d0ub3c4 ub9ceuc740 ub3c4uc6c0uc774 ub418uba70 ub610ud55c uc6b0ub9acub294 uc77cub144ubb34ub8cc uc5c5ub383uc11cube44uc2a4ub97c uc81cuacf5ud569ub2c8ub2e4.<br>CIPS L4M5 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uc870ub2ec, uacf5uae09ub9dd uad00ub9ac, uc601uc5c5, ub9c8ucf00ud305 ubc0f ud611uc0c1 uae30uc220uc774 ud544uc694ud55c ub2e4ub978 uc0c1uc5c5uc801 uc5edud560uc5d0 ucc38uc5ecud55c uac1cuc778ub4e4uc5d0uac8c uc801ud569ud569ub2c8ub2e4. uc774 uc2dcud5d8uc740 ud2b9ud788 ud611uc0c1 uae30uc220uc744 ud5a5uc0c1uc2dcud0a4uace0 uc0c1uc5c5uc801 ud611uc0c1uc5d0uc11c uc131uacf5uc801uc778 uacb0uacfcub97c uc774ub8e8ub294 ub2a5ub825uc744 ud5a5uc0c1uc2dcud0a4ub824ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4uc5d0uac8c uc720uc775ud569ub2c8ub2e4. CIPS L4M5 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uac1cuc778ub4e4uc774 ud611uc0c1 ud504ub85cuc138uc2a4uc5d0 ub300ud55c ucca0uc800ud55c uc774ud574ub825uc744 uac1cubc1cud558ub3c4ub85d uc124uacc4ub418uc5c8uc73cuba70, ub2e4uc591ud55c uc0c1uc5c5uc801 ud658uacbduc5d0uc11c ud6a8uacfcuc801uc73cub85c ud611uc0c1ud558uae30 uc704ud574 ud544uc694ud55c ub3c4uad6cuc640 uae30uc220uc744 uc81cuacf5ud569ub2c8ub2e4. uc804ubc18uc801uc73cub85c, CIPS L4M5 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uc870ub2ec, uacf5uae09ub9dd uad00ub9ac, uc601uc5c5 ub610ub294 ub9c8ucf00ud305 ubd84uc57cuc5d0uc11c uacbdub825uc744 ubc1cuc804uc2dcud0a4uace0uc790ud558ub294 ubaa8ub4e0 uc0acub78cub4e4uc5d0uac8c ud544uc218uc801uc778 uc790uaca9uc99duc785ub2c8ub2e4.<br>CIPS L4M5 (Commercial Negotiation) uc2dcud5d8uc740 CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply)uc5d0uc11c uc81cuacf5ud558ub294 uc138uacc4uc801uc73cub85c uc778uc815ubc1bub294 uc790uaca9uc99duc785ub2c8ub2e4. uc774 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uc870ub2ec ubc0f uacf5uae09ub9dd uc804ubb38uac00ub4e4uc774 uc0c1uc5c5uc801 ud611uc0c1uc758 uae30uc220uc5d0 ub300ud55c uc9c0uc2dduacfc uae30uc220uc744 uc2dcud5d8ud558ub294 uac83uc744 ubaa9uc801uc73cub85c ud569ub2c8ub2e4. uc774 uc2dcud5d8uc740 ud6c4ubcf4uc790ub4e4uc774 uacf5uae09 uc5c5uccb4 ubc0f uae30ud0c0 uc774ud574uad00uacc4uc790ub4e4uacfc ud6a8uacfcuc801uc73cub85c ud611uc0c1ud558uc5ec uc720ub9acud55c uacb0uacfcub97c uc774ub04cuc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud574 ud544uc694ud55c uae30uc220uacfc uc9c0uc2dduc744 uc81cuacf5ud558ub294 uac83uc5d0 uc911uc810uc744 ub461ub2c8ub2e4.<br>&gt;&gt; L4M5ucd5cuc2e0 uc2dcud5d8 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc &lt;&lt;<br>L4M5uc778uc99dub364ud504uacf5ubd80, L4M5ub364ud504ubb38uc81cuc9d1<br>ITDumpsKRub294 ub9ceuc740 ITuc778uc0acub4e4uc774CIPSuc778uc99duc2dcud5d8uc5d0 ucc38uac00ud558uace0 uc644ubcbdud55cL4M5uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8uc790ub8ccub85c uc751uc2dcud558uc5ec uc548uc804ud558uac8cCIPS L4M5uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8uc790uaca9uc99d ucde8ub4ddud558uac8c ud558ub294 uc0acuc774ud2b8uc785ub2c8ub2e4. Pass4Tesuc758 uc790ub8ccub4e4uc740 ubaa8ub450 uc6b0ub9acuc758 uc804ubb38uac00ub4e4uc774 uc5f0uad6cuc640 ub178ub825 ud558uc5d0 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4uc9c4 uac83uc774uba70.uadf8ub4e4uc740 uc790uae30ub9ccuc758 uc9c0uc2dduacfc uba87 ub144uac04uc758 uc5f0uad6c uacbdud5d8uc73cub85c ud37cud399ud2b8ud558uac8c ub9ccub4e4uc5c8uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.uc6b0ub9ac ub364ud504ub4e4uc740 ud488uc9c8uc740 ubcf4uc7a5ud558uba70 uac31uc2e0 ub610ud55c uc544uc8fc ube60ub985ub2c8ub2e4.uc6b0ub9acuc758 ub364ud504ub294 ubaa8ub450 uc2e4uc81cuc2dcud5d8uacfc uc720uc0acud558uac70ub098 ud639uc740 uac19uc740 ubb38uc81cub4e4uc784uc744 uc57duc18dud569ub2c8ub2e4.ITDumpsKRub294 100% ud55cubc88uc5d0 uaf2d uace0ub09cuc758ub3c4uc778CIPSuc778uc99dL4M5uc2dcud5d8uc744 ud328uc2a4ud558uc5ec uc5ecub7ecubd84uc758 uc0acuc5c5uc5d0 ub9ceuc740 ub3c4uc6c0uc744 ub4dcub9acuaca0uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.<br>CIPS L4M5 uc0c1uc5c5 ud611uc0c1 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uc870ub2ec ubc0f uacf5uae09ub9dd uad00ub9ac ubd84uc57cuc758 uacbdub825uc744 ubc1cuc804uc2dcud0a4ub824ub294 uc804ubb38uac00ub97c uc704ud574 uc124uacc4ub418uc5c8uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4. uc774 uc2dcud5d8uc740 uc0c1uc5c5 ud611uc0c1, uacc4uc57d uad00ub9ac ubc0f uc758uc0ac uc18cud1b5uc758 uac1cub150uc5d0 ub300ud55c ud3ecuad04uc801 uc778 uc9c0uc2dd ud3c9uac00ub85c, uc870ub2ec uc804ubb38uac00ub294 uc131uacf5uc801uc73cub85c ud611uc0c1ud558ub294 ub370 uc0acuc6a9ud560 uc218uc788ub294 ub2e4uc591ud55c uc804ub7b5uc744 uc644uc804ud788 uc774ud574ud560 uc218uc788uac8c ud574uc90dub2c8ub2e4. ub2e4uc591ud55c uc870ub2ec ubc0f uacf5uae09ub9dd uad00ub9ac ubd84uc57cuc5d0uc11c uc131uacf5ud55c uc8fcuc694 uc804ubb38uac00ub4e4uc740 ubcf5uc7a1ud55c uc870ub2ec ud611uc0c1uc744 ud574uacb0ud558uae30uc704ud55c uc2e4uc6a9uc801uc774uace0 ud6a8uacfcuc801uc778 uc804ub7b5uc744 uc81cuacf5ud558uae30 uc704ud574 L4M5 uc2dcud5d8uc758 uac1cubc1cuc5d0 uae30uc5ecud588uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.<br>ucd5cuc2e0 CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply L4M5 ubb34ub8ccuc0d8ud50cubb38uc81c (Q76-Q81):<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 76 Information generated through Purchase Price Cost Analysis can be useful to the purchaser, by helping to identify which of the following costs relating to the supplier? Select the THREE that apply.<br>A. Budgeted costs<br>B. Depreciation on equipment<br>C. External costs<br>D. Profit<br>E. Market costs<br>F. Material costs<br>uc815ub2f5uff1aB,F<br>uc124uba85uff1aExplanationBelow aresome examples of cost input that can be analysed in PPCA process:- Material costs- Process and labour costs- Employment costs- Overhead costs- Distribution costs- Depreciation on equipment- ProfitIf you want to learn more on PPCA, you can studyfrom OGC document here:https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20100609100650/www.ogc.gov.uk/documents/Cost_Price_analysis(1 LO 2, AC 2.1<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 77 Under EU public procurement directives, which of the following are procedures in which there is no commercial negotiation allowed?<br>A. Open Procedure<br>B. Innovation Partnerships<br>C. Competitive Procedure with Negotiation<br>D. Competitive Dialogue<br>E. Restricted Procedure<br>uc815ub2f5uff1aA,E<br>uc124uba85uff1aExplanationUnder the European Union public procurement directives, all public sector bodies must abide by certain rules when they procure goods and services over a threshold value. Theserules are codified under 5 procurement procedures:1. Open Procedure2. Restricted Procedure3. Competitive Dialogue4. Competitive Procedure with Negotiation5. Innovation Partnerships.Under normal circumstances, there is no commercialnegotiation allowed under the two most commonly used procedure, Open and Restricted. Under these procedures, the prices and terms and conditions of contract should be decided via reference only to the tenderers' responses to the buyer's requests for tenders, and not through 'post-tender negotiation'. Under the other procedure, negotiation within the rules is permitted.Interested learners can read more about these procedures here.LO 1, AC 1.1<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 78 Which of thefollowing are signs indicating that TOP is using coercive power in commercial negotiation?Select TWO that apply.<br>A. Use of guilt<br>B. Technical expertise<br>C. Demonstrating fairness and respect<br>D. Withdrawal of benefits<br>E. Positive references<br>uc815ub2f5uff1aA,D<br>uc124uba85uff1aCoercive power comes from the belief that a person can punish other for non-compliance, and can be considered as the flip side of reward power. Coercive power rests in the individual's ability to change other people's behaviour through threat,intimidation, use of guilt, ability to embarrass or shame, or withdrawal of benefits,...<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 79 Which of the following are most likely to be fixed costs of an airline? Select TWO that apply.<br>A. Flightcrew training<br>B. Catering services<br>C. Fuel<br>D. Advertising and promotion<br>E. Purchase of aircraft<br>uc815ub2f5uff1aA,E<br>uc124uba85uff1aExplanationFixed costs (FC) are costs that do not vary with volume. To an airline once aircraft are purchased, flight crews trained and departures scheduled, costs are disproportionately fixed.Variable costs (VC) arethose which vary with the amount produced. Fuel, catering services and marketing are examples of variable.LO 2, AC 2.1<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 80 Which of the following are most likely to be the potential cultural differences that can make transactions with an international supplier more problematic that with local suppliers? Select TWO that apply.<br>A. Currency exchange fluctuation<br>B. The use and interpretation of body language<br>C. Incoterms and logistics difficulties<br>D. Payment mechanism<br>E. The importance of timescales<br>uc815ub2f5uff1aB,E<br>uc124uba85uff1aExplanationThe question requires student to detect factors of cultural differences. Problems may occur on the international scene with such things as the importance of extending courtesy between cultures, the importance of timescales, the use of negotiating ploys, the sense of 'fair play', the use and interpretation of body language, the role of women in negotiations (or indeed, in business in general), the importance of status, the role of conflict, standards of dress and deportment and the readiness to ignore or uphold contract terms and conditions.LO 3, AC 3.3<br>uc9c8ubb38 # 81......<br>L4M5uc778uc99dub364ud504uacf5ubd80: https://www.itdumpskr.com/L4M5-exam.html<br>L4M5ud37cud399ud2b8 ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83dudc14 L4M5ud37cud399ud2b8 ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83eudd4a L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uacf5ubd80uc790ub8cc ud83dudea2 u3010 www.itdumpskr.com u3011uc5d0uc11c[ L4M5 ]ub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uace0 ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dc ubc1buae30L4M5ud569uaca9ubcf4uc7a5 uac00ub2a5 uc2dcud5d8ub364ud504<br>L4M5uc2dcud5d8uc900ube44 ud83dudc5c L4M5uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83cudfb8 L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 uc778uc99dub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83dudcad uc2dcud5d8 uc790ub8ccub97c ubb34ub8ccub85c ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcud558ub824uba74u23e9 www.itdumpskr.com u23eauc744 ud1b5ud574u25b7 L4M5 u25c1ub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uc2educ2dcuc624L4M5uc720ud6a8ud55c ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804 ub364ud504<br>L4M5ucd5cuc2e0 uc2dcud5d8 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc 100uff05uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4 uc778uc99dub364ud504 ud83dudebe ubb34ub8ccub85c ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcud558ub824uba74u25b7 www.itdumpskr.com u25c1ub85c uc774ub3d9ud558uc5ecu23e9 L4M5 u23eaub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uc2educ2dcuc624L4M5uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 uc778uc99dub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83dudee9 L4M5ub364ud504uc0d8ud50cubb38uc81c ud83dudef3 L4M5uc720ud6a8ud55c ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804 ub364ud504 ud83dudc91 u27a4 www.itdumpskr.com u2b98uc5d0uc11cu27a4 L4M5 u2b98ub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uace0 ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dc ubc1buae30L4M5uc2dcud5d8uc900ube44<br>L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uacf5ubd80uc790ub8cc ud83cudf7f L4M5ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44uc790ub8cc u23f2 L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uacf5ubd80uc790ub8cc ud83dudc16 u25b6 www.itdumpskr.com u25c0uc758 ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcu259b L4M5 u259fud398uc774uc9c0uac00 uc9c0uae08 uc5f4ub9bdub2c8ub2e4L4M5uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5ucd5cuace0ud328uc2a4uc790ub8cc ud83dudd1d L4M5uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504 ud83dudd03 L4M5uc720ud6a8ud55c ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804 ub364ud504 ud83dudd8b uc9c0uae08u300c www.itdumpskr.com u300duc744(ub97c) uc5f4uace0 ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcub97c uc704ud574u21db L4M5 u21daub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uc2educ2dcuc624L4M5ub192uc740 ud1b5uacfcuc728 uc2dcud5d8ub300ube44uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804uc790ub8cc ud83cudf47 L4M5ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804uc790ub8cc ud83dudcda L4M5ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804ub364ud504 ud83eudd6d u27a5 www.itdumpskr.com ud83eudc44uc744(ub97c) uc5f4uace0u2600 L4M5 ufe0fu2600ufe0fub97c uac80uc0c9ud558uc5ec uc2dcud5d8 uc790ub8ccub97c ubb34ub8ccub85c ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcud558uc2educ2dcuc624L4M5ucd5cuace0ud328uc2a4uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5ud37cud399ud2b8 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc ud83cudf34 L4M5ud37cud399ud2b8 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc u2195 L4M5ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804ub364ud504 ud83euddba u300a www.itdumpskr.com u300buc6f9uc0acuc774ud2b8uc5d0uc11cu25b6 L4M5 u25c0ub97c uc5f4uace0 uac80uc0c9ud558uc5ec ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcL4M5ucd5cuc2e0ubc84uc804uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5ud569uaca9ubcf4uc7a5 uac00ub2a5 uc2dcud5d8ub364ud504 ud83euddea L4M5uc2dcud5d8uc900ube44 ud83cudfb6 L4M5uc790uaca9uc99duacf5ubd80uc790ub8cc ud83cudfbb uff08 www.itdumpskr.com uff09uc744 ud1b5ud574 uc27duac8cu300c L4M5 u300dubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dc ubc1buae30L4M5uc644ubcbdud55c uc2dcud5d8ub364ud504uacf5ubd80<br>ucd5cuc2e0 L4M5ucd5cuc2e0 uc2dcud5d8 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc ub364ud504uc790ub8ccub85c uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4uac00ub2a5 ud83eudd4d ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcub97c uc704ud574 uc9c0uae08u21db www.itdumpskr.com u21dauc5d0uc11cu27a0 L4M5 ud83eudc30uac80uc0c9L4M5uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4uc790ub8cc<br>L4M5ucd5cuc2e0 uc2dcud5d8 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc 100uff05uc2dcud5d8ud328uc2a4 uc778uc99dub364ud504 ud83dude04 ubb34ub8cc ub2e4uc6b4ub85cub4dcub97c uc704ud574u23e9 L4M5 u23eaub97c uac80uc0c9ud558ub824uba74u259b www.itdumpskr.com u259fuc744(ub97c) uc785ub825ud558uc2educ2dcuc624L4M5ud569uaca9ubcf4uc7a5 uac00ub2a5 uc2dcud5d8ub364ud504<br>Tags: L4M5ucd5cuc2e0 uc2dcud5d8 ucd5cuc2e0 ub364ud504uc790ub8cc,L4M5uc778uc99dub364ud504uacf5ubd80,L4M5ub364ud504ubb38uc81cuc9d1,L4M5uc720ud6a8ud55c uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8ub364ud504,L4M5uc778uc99duc2dcud5d8ub364ud504<br>

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  1. CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation 1 itdumpskr.com Pass4Tes가 제공하는 제품을 사용함으로 여러분은 IT업계하이클래스와 멀지 않았습니다. Pass4Tes 가 제 공하는 인증시험덤프는 여러분을CIPS인증L4M5시험을 안전하게 통과는 물론 관연전업지식장악에도 많 은 도움이 되며 또한 우리는 일년무료 업뎃서비스를 제공합니다. CIPS L4M5 시험은 조달, 공급망 관리, 영업, 마케팅 및 협상 기술이 필요한 다른 상업적 역할에 참여한 개 인들에게 적합합니다. 이 시험은 특히 협상 기술을 향상시키고 상업적 협상에서 성공적인 결과를 이루는 능 력을 향상시키려는 사람들에게 유익합니다. CIPS L4M5 시험은 개인들이 협상 프로세스에 대한 철저한 이 해력을 개발하도록 설계되었으며, 다양한 상업적 환경에서 효과적으로 협상하기 위해 필요한 도구와 기술 을 제공합니다. 전반적으로, CIPS L4M5 시험은 조달, 공급망 관리, 영업 또는 마케팅 분야에서 경력을 발전 시키고자하는 모든 사람들에게 필수적인 자격증입니다. CIPS L4M5 (Commercial Negotiation) 시험은 CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply) 에서 제공하는 세계적으로 인정받는 자격증입니다. 이 시험은 조달 및 공급망 전문가들이 상업적 협상의 기 술에 대한 지식과 기술을 시험하는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 이 시험은 후보자들이 공급 업체 및 기타 이해관 계자들과 효과적으로 협상하여 유리한 결과를 이끌어 내기 위해 필요한 기술과 지식을 제공하는 것에 중점 을 둡니다. >> L4M5최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 << 최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 << 시험준비에가장좋은 시험준비에가장좋은L4M5최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플 최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플

  2. CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation 2 L4M5인증덤프공부 인증덤프공부, L4M5덤프문제집 덤프문제집 ITDumpsKR는 많은 IT인사들이CIPS인증시험에 참가하고 완벽한L4M5인증시험자료로 응시하여 안전하 게CIPS L4M5인증시험자격증 취득하게 하는 사이트입니다. Pass4Tes의 자료들은 모두 우리의 전문가들 이 연구와 노력 하에 만들어진 것이며.그들은 자기만의 지식과 몇 년간의 연구 경험으로 퍼펙트하게 만들었 습니다.우리 덤프들은 품질은 보장하며 갱신 또한 아주 빠릅니다.우리의 덤프는 모두 실제시험과 유사하거 나 혹은 같은 문제들임을 약속합니다.ITDumpsKR는 100% 한번에 꼭 고난의도인CIPS인증L4M5시험을 패 스하여 여러분의 사업에 많은 도움을 드리겠습니다. itdumpskr.com CIPS L4M5 상업 협상 시험은 조달 및 공급망 관리 분야의 경력을 발전시키려는 전문가를 위해 설계되었습 니다. 이 시험은 상업 협상, 계약 관리 및 의사 소통의 개념에 대한 포괄적 인 지식 평가로, 조달 전문가는 성 공적으로 협상하는 데 사용할 수있는 다양한 전략을 완전히 이해할 수있게 해줍니다. 다양한 조달 및 공급 망 관리 분야에서 성공한 주요 전문가들은 복잡한 조달 협상을 해결하기위한 실용적이고 효과적인 전략을 제공하기 위해 L4M5 시험의 개발에 기여했습니다. 최신 최신 CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply L4M5 무료샘플문제 무료샘플문제 (Q76-Q81): 질문 # 76 질문 # 76 Information generated through Purchase Price Cost Analysis can be useful to the purchaser, by helping to identify which of the following costs relating to the supplier? Select the THREE that apply. A. Budgeted costs B. Depreciation on equipment C. External costs D. Profit E. Market costs F. Material costs 정답 정답:B,F 설명: Explanation Below aresome examples of cost input that can be analysed in PPCA process: - Material costs - Process and labour costs - Employment costs - Overhead costs - Distribution costs - Depreciation on equipment - Profit If you want to learn more on PPCA, you can studyfrom OGC document here: https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20100609100650/www.ogc.gov.uk/documents/Cost_Price _analysis(1 LO 2, AC 2.1 질문 # 77 질문 # 77 Under EU public procurement directives, which of the following are procedures in which there is no 시험준비에가장좋은 시험준비에가장좋은L4M5최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플 최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플

  3. CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation 3 commercial negotiation allowed? A. Open Procedure B. Innovation Partnerships C. Competitive Procedure with Negotiation D. Competitive Dialogue E. Restricted Procedure 정답 정답:A,E itdumpskr.com 설명: Explanation Under the European Union public procurement directives, all public sector bodies must abide by certain rules when they procure goods and services over a threshold value. Theserules are codified under 5 procurement procedures: 1. Open Procedure 2. Restricted Procedure 3. Competitive Dialogue 4. Competitive Procedure with Negotiation 5. Innovation Partnerships. Under normal circumstances, there is no commercialnegotiation allowed under the two most commonly used procedure, Open and Restricted. Under these procedures, the prices and terms and conditions of contract should be decided via reference only to the tenderers' responses to the buyer's requests for tenders, and not through 'post-tender negotiation'. Under the other procedure, negotiation within the rules is permitted. Interested learners can read more about these procedures here. LO 1, AC 1.1 질문 # 78 질문 # 78 Which of thefollowing are signs indicating that TOP is using coercive power in commercial negotiation? Select TWO that apply. A. Use of guilt B. Technical expertise C. Demonstrating fairness and respect D. Withdrawal of benefits E. Positive references 정답 정답:A,D 설명: Coercive power comes from the belief that a person can punish other for non-compliance, and can be considered as the flip side of reward power. Coercive power rests in the individual's ability to change other people's behaviour through threat,intimidation, use of guilt, ability to embarrass or shame, or withdrawal of benefits,... 질문 # 79 질문 # 79 시험준비에가장좋은 시험준비에가장좋은L4M5최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플 최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플

  4. CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation 4 Which of the following are most likely to be fixed costs of an airline? Select TWO that apply. A. Flightcrew training B. Catering services C. Fuel D. Advertising and promotion E. Purchase of aircraft 정답 정답:A,E 설명: Explanation Fixed costs (FC) are costs that do not vary with volume. To an airline once aircraft are purchased, flight crews trained and departures scheduled, costs are disproportionately fixed. Variable costs (VC) arethose which vary with the amount produced. Fuel, catering services and marketing are examples of variable. LO 2, AC 2.1 itdumpskr.com 질문 # 80 질문 # 80 Which of the following are most likely to be the potential cultural differences that can make transactions with an international supplier more problematic that with local suppliers? Select TWO that apply. A. Currency exchange fluctuation B. The use and interpretation of body language C. Incoterms and logistics difficulties D. Payment mechanism E. The importance of timescales 정답 정답:B,E 설명: Explanation The question requires student to detect factors of cultural differences. Problems may occur on the international scene with such things as the importance of extending courtesy between cultures, the importance of timescales, the use of negotiating ploys, the sense of 'fair play', the use and interpretation of body language, the role of women in negotiations (or indeed, in business in general), the importance of status, the role of conflict, standards of dress and deportment and the readiness to ignore or uphold contract terms and conditions. LO 3, AC 3.3 질문 # 81 질문 # 81 ...... L4M5인증덤프공부 인증덤프공부: https://www.itdumpskr.com/L4M5-exam.html L4M5퍼펙트 최신버전 덤프자료 ? L4M5퍼펙트 최신버전 덤프자료 ? L4M5시험대비 최신 덤프공 부자료 ? 【 www.itdumpskr.com 】에서[ L4M5 ]를 검색하고 무료 다운로드 받기L4M5합격보장 가 시험준비에가장좋은 시험준비에가장좋은L4M5최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플 최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플

  5. CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation 5 능 시험덤프 L4M5시험준비 ? L4M5인증시험 덤프자료 ? L4M5시험대비 인증덤프자료 ? 시험 자료를 무료로 다운로드하려면⏩ www.itdumpskr.com ⏪을 통해▷ L4M5 ◁를 검색하십시오L4M5유효한 최신버전 덤프 L4M5최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 100%시험패스 인증덤프 ? 무료로 다운로드하려면▷ www.itdumpskr.com ◁로 이동하여⏩ L4M5 ⏪를 검색하십시오L4M5시험패스자료 L4M5시험대비 인증덤프자료 ? L4M5덤프샘플문제 ? L4M5유효한 최신버전 덤프 ? ➤ www.itdumpskr.com ⮘에서➤ L4M5 ⮘를 검색하고 무료 다운로드 받기L4M5시험준비 L4M5시험대비 최신 덤프공부자료 ? L4M5높은 통과율 시험대비자료 ⏲ L4M5시험대비 최신 덤프 공부자료 ? ▶ www.itdumpskr.com ◀의 무료 다운로드▛ L4M5 ▟페이지가 지금 열립니다L4M5시 험패스자료 L4M5최고패스자료 ? L4M5시험대비 최신 덤프 ? L4M5유효한 최신버전 덤프 ? 지금「 www.itdumpskr.com 」을(를) 열고 무료 다운로드를 위해⇛ L4M5 ⇚를 검색하십시오L4M5높은 통 과율 시험대비자료 L4M5최신버전자료 ? L4M5최신버전자료 ? L4M5최신버전덤프 ? ➥ www.itdumpskr.com ?을(를) 열고☀ L4M5 ️☀️를 검색하여 시험 자료를 무료로 다운로드하십시오L4M5최고패스자료 L4M5퍼펙트 덤프자료 ? L4M5퍼펙트 덤프자료 ↕ L4M5최신버전덤프 ? 《 www.itdumpskr.com 》 웹사이트에서▶ L4M5 ◀를 열고 검색하여 무료 다운로드L4M5최신버전자료 L4M5합격보장 가능 시험덤프 ? L4M5시험준비 ? L4M5자격증공부자료 ? ( www.itdumpskr.com ) 을 통해 쉽게「 L4M5 」무료 다운로드 받기L4M5완벽한 시험덤프공부 최신 L4M5최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 덤프자료로 시험패스가능 ? 무료 다운로드를 위해 지금⇛ www.itdumpskr.com ⇚에서➠ L4M5 ?검색L4M5시험패스자료 L4M5최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 100%시험패스 인증덤프 ? 무료 다운로드를 위해⏩ L4M5 ⏪를 검색 하려면▛ www.itdumpskr.com ▟을(를) 입력하십시오L4M5합격보장 가능 시험덤프 itdumpskr.com Tags: L4M5최신 시험 최신 덤프자료 최신 시험 최신 덤프자료,L4M5인증덤프공부 프 프,L4M5인증시험덤프 인증시험덤프 인증덤프공부,L4M5덤프문제집 덤프문제집,L4M5유효한 인증시험덤 유효한 인증시험덤 시험준비에가장좋은 시험준비에가장좋은L4M5최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플 최신시험최신덤프자료덤프최신샘플

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