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My Favorite Algorithms for Large-Scale Data Mining. Shingling Minhashing Locality-Sensitive Hashing. Similarity Search. A universal set of “objects.” A collection of sets of objects. Find the pairs of sets that are “similar.”
My Favorite Algorithms for Large-Scale Data Mining Shingling Minhashing Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Similarity Search • A universal set of “objects.” • A collection of sets of objects. • Find the pairs of sets that are “similar.” • Jaccard similarity of sets = size of intersection divided by size of union.
Example: Jaccard Similarity 3 in intersection. 8 in union. Jaccard similarity = 3/8
Applications • Collaborative Filtering : Amazon customers as the set of products they buy. • Recommend what similar customers bought. • Similar Documents : A document as its set of k-shingles = strings of k consecutive characters. • Examples: news articles from same source, plagiarism.
Applications – (2) • Fingerprint Checking : Represent a fingerprint by the set of positions of minutiae. • Requires discretization. • Entity Resolution : Represent records describing individuals by sets of attribute/value pairs.
Key Ideas • Shingling : (Andrei Broder) Convert documents into sets. • Minhashing : (Edith Cohen, Broder) Construct small signatures for sets so Jaccard similarity of sets can be determined from the signatures. • Locality-Sensitive Hashing : (Rajeev Motwani, Piotr Indyk) Focus on (likely) similar pairs without looking at all pairs.
Candidate pairs : those pairs of signatures that we need to test for similarity. Locality- sensitive Hashing Minhash- ing The set of strings of length k that appear in the doc- ument Signatures : short integer vectors that represent the sets and reflect their similarity The Big Picture – Documents Shingling Docu- ment
Candidate pairs : those pairs of fingerprints that we need to test for similarity. Locality- sensitive Hashing Optional minhashing here The Big Picture – Fingerprints Extract minutiae and discret- ize Finger- print
When Is Similarity Interesting? • When the sets are so large or so many that they cannot fit in main memory. • When there are so many sets that comparing all pairs of sets takes too much time.
Shingling k -Shingles Documents as Sets
Shingles • A k-shingle (or k-gram) for a document is a sequence of k characters that appears in the document. • Example: k=2; doc = abcab. Set of 2-shingles = {ab, bc, ca}. • Option: regard shingles as a bag, and count ab twice. • Represent a doc by its set of k -shingles.
Working Assumption • Documents that have lots of shingles in common have similar text, even if the text appears in different order. • Careful: you must pick k large enough, or most documents will have most shingles. • k = 5 is OK for short documents; k = 10 is better for long documents.
Shingles: Compression Option • To compress long shingles, we can hash them to (say) 4 bytes. • Represent a doc by the set of hash values of its k-shingles. • Two documents could (rarely) appear to have shingles in common, when in fact only the hash-values were shared.
Minhashing Matrix Formulation Signatures Similarity of Signatures
Similarity as a Matrix Problem • Think of sets represented by a matrix of 0’s and 1’s. • Row = object. • Column = set. • 1 means that object is in that set.
* * * * * * * Example: Similarity of Columns C1 C2 u 0 1 v 1 0 w 1 1 Sim (C1, C2) = x 0 0 2/5 = 0.4 y 1 1 z 0 1 C1 = {v,w,y} C2 = {u,w,y,z}
Four Types of Rows • Given columns C1 and C2, rows may be classified as: C1 C2 a 1 1 b 1 0 c 0 1 d 0 0 • Also, a = # rows of type a , etc. • Note Sim (C1, C2) = a /(a +b +c ).
Minhashing • Imagine the rows permuted randomly. • Define “hash” function h (C ) = the number of the first (in the permuted order) row in which column C has 1. • Use several (100?) independent hash functions to create a signature with that number of integer hash-values.
Input matrix Signature matrix M 1 4 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 3 2 2 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 7 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 1 6 3 0 1 0 1 2 6 5 7 1 0 1 0 4 5 1 0 1 0 Minhashing Example
Surprising Property • The probability (over all permutations of the rows) that h (C1) = h (C2) is the same as Sim (C1, C2). • Both are a /(a +b +c )! Why? • Look down columns C1 and C2 (in permuted order) until we see a 1. • If it’s a type-a row, then h (C1) = h (C2). If a type-b or type-c row, then not.
Similarity for Signatures • The similarity of signatures is the fraction of the rows in which they agree. • Remember, each row corresponds to a permutation or “hash function.”
Implementation – (1) • You can’t really permute rows physically. • Good approximation to permuting rows: pick 100 (?) hash functions. • For each column c and each hash function hi , keep a “slot” M (i, c ) for that minhash value.
Implementation – (2) for each row r for each column c if c has 1 in row r for each hash function hido ifhi (r ) is a smaller value than M (i, c ) then M (i, c ) := hi (r );
Example Sig1 Sig2 h(1) = 1 1 - g(1) = 3 3 - Row C1 C2 1 1 0 2 0 1 3 1 1 4 1 0 5 0 1 h(2) = 2 1 2 g(2) = 0 3 0 h(3) = 3 1 2 g(3) = 2 2 0 h(4) = 4 1 2 g(4) = 4 2 0 h(x) = x mod 5 g(x) = 2x +1 mod 5 h(5) = 0 1 0 g(5) = 1 2 0
Implementation – (3) • Often, data is given by column, not row. • E.g., columns = documents, rows = shingles. • If so, sort matrix once so it is by row. • And always compute hi (r ) only once for each row.
Locality-Sensitive Hashing The All-Pairs Problem Banding of Signature Matrices Other LSH Techniques
Finding Similar Sets • We can use minhashing to replace sets (columns of the matrix) by short lists of integers. • But we still need to compare each pair of signatures. • Example: 20 million Amazon customers; 2*1014 pairs of customers to evaluate.
Locality-Sensitive Hashing • What we want seems impossible. Map signatures to buckets so that: • Two similar signatures have a very good chance of appearing in the same bucket. • If two signatures are not very similar, they probably don’t appear in one bucket. • Then, we only have to compare bucket-mates (candidate pairs ).
LSH for Signatures • Think of the signature for each column (set) as a column of the signature matrix S. • Divide the rows of S into bbands of r rows each.
Partition Into Bands – (1) r rows per band b bands One signature Matrix S
Partition into Bands – (2) • For each band, hash its portion of each column to a hash table with many buckets. • Candidatecolumn pairs are those that hash to the same bucket for ≥ 1 band. • Tune b and r to catch most similar pairs, but few nonsimilar pairs.
Buckets Matrix S b bands r rows
Probability = 1 if s > t No chance if s < t Analysis of LSH – What We Want Probability of sharing a bucket t Similarity s of two sets
What One Band of One Row Gives You Remember: probability of equal hash-values = similarity Probability of sharing a bucket t Similarity s of two sets
No bands identical At least one band identical 1 - ( 1 - sr )b t ~ (1/b)1/r Some row of a band unequal All rows of a band are equal What b Bands of r Rows Gives You Probability of sharing a bucket t Similarity s of two sets
Summary of Minhash/LSH • Represent the objects you are comparing by sets (e.g., shingling). • Represent the sets by signatures (minhashing). • Use LSH to create buckets; candidate pairs are those in the same bucket. • Evaluate only the candidate pairs.
Application: LSH for Fingerprints • Place a grid on a fingerprint. • Normalize so identical prints will overlap. • Set of grid points where minutiae are located represents the fingerprint. • Possibly, treat minutiae near a grid boundary as if also present in adjacent grid points.
Minutia located here Maybe pretend it is here also Discretizing Minutiae
Applying LSH to Fingerprints • We could minhash the bit-vectors to obtain signatures. • But since there probably aren’t too many grid points, we can work from the bit-vectors directly.
LSH/Fingerprints – (2) • Pick 100 (?) sets of 3 (?) grid points, randomly. • For each set of three grid points, those prints that have 1 for all three points are placed in a bucket. • All pairs in this bucket are candidates.
Application: Matching Customer Records • I once took a consulting job solving the following problem: • Company A agreed to solicit customers for Company B, for a fee. • They then argued over how many customers. • Neither recorded exactly which customers were involved.
Customer Records – (2) • Company B had about 1 million records of all its customers. • Company A had about 1 million records describing customers, some of which it had signed up for B. • Records had name, address, and phone, but for various reasons, they could be different for the same person.
Customer Records – (3) • Step 1: Design a measure (“score ”) of how similar records are: • E.g., deduct points for small misspellings (“Jeffrey” vs. “Geoffery”) or same phone with different area code. • Step 2: Score all pairs of records; report high scores as matches.
Customer Records – (4) • Problem: (1 million)2 is too many pairs of records to score. • Solution: A simple LSH. • Three hash functions: exact values of name, address, phone. • Compare iff records are identical in at least one. • Misses similar records with a small difference in all three fields.
Aside: Validation of Results • We were able to tell what values of the scoring function were reliable in an interesting way. • Identical records had a creation date difference of 10 days. • We only looked for records created within 90 days, so bogus matches had a 45-day average.
Validation – (2) • By looking at the pool of matches with a fixed score, we could compute the average time-difference, say x, and deduce that fraction (45-x )/35 of them were valid matches. • Alas, the lawyers didn’t think the jury would understand.
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