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When it comes to toilet training a boy, there are many ways to make the transition much easier on the both of you. Visit: http://www.pottytrainingsolution.net
Potty Training For BoysTen Effective Methods Brought to you by: http://wwww.pottytrainingsolution.net
Boys tend to take longer than girls. They might be ready anywhere from 18 months to 4 years old.
1. To begin with, buy a potty chair. A child size potty is less intimidating than a full sized one.
2. Let your son follow their Dad, an uncle, or a male role model into the bathroom. Boys learn by imitating them
3. Have a potty shopping day. Let him choose his own potty chair.
4. Be consistent. If your child spends time with a babysitter, daycare or relatives, you will need to make sure everyone is on the same page.
5. Don’t push your child too early. "Accidents" will happen.
6. A child often poos and pees at the same time. Start by letting your son sit on the potty until he recognizes that both belong in the toilet.
7. Watch for signs that indicate his need to go, like wriggling, clutching himself, hopping up and down.
8. Do not make a big deal out of every trip to the bathroom. This often makes a child feel self conscious when they do have an accident.
9. When an accident happens, and it will, remain calm. Nothing makes a child feel worse than being punished for wetting his pants.
10. Boys are often later than girls in remaining dry at night and can still be in diapers or pull ups at 4 years. Don’t despair or try to pressure them. A power struggle will just make the whole process more difficult for you both.
Visit http://www.pottytrainingsolution.net For more tips